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UPDATE 12/21/13, 11:42 HOURS

I am revealing who I am today i.e. posting my name, I am Keith Oeffinger, I was born in San Antonio Texas in 1963. See today's post 12/21/13 .

Update, 01/11/14 12:30 hours;

I would like to say, with only one reply, like three years ago, this blog seems too much like a mirror site to me. And it appears very few patriots are looking back at past posts.

The new “Fragmented Fighting Facts” series of posts that dedicates one post to each Basic rule has now been completed. This series starts with the post tilted “Post # 1, Planning, Preface” that posted on 05/12/13. This series is under the label “Tri-F in progress”. Posts well be updated as I edit or discover additional knowledge thus the series is the most current version of my "Fragmented Fighting Facts" manual. For an old but complete version i.e. all in one post copy. Patriots are welcomed to try viewing one of the “pages” listed in the “special word section” on the starboard side of the blog. I say try due to the fact I’m not sure if they are published i.e. viewable to the general public due to all the issues or HACKING with my blog. There is also a complete copy posted, that is titled, “Tri-F in progress” too, it was posted 11/13/10.

And feel free to fire away with a reply, (sarcasm on).


The most important lesson that everyone should have taken away from the Boston Marathon bombings was that those young men proved that no al-queda members are in the u.s. Otherwise they too would just go get some presure cookers and had to a parade.

“I AM NOT A TERRORIST” this nation’s worst enemy is FEAR. This fear is being promoted mostly by the back woods, right wing, Christians of this nation. We need to separate church and state, period. And that is of course for the States sake.

I would like patriots to understand that I use the terms "official revealed fact" to mean what everyone is being told by officials, media etc. I use the term "kings truth" to mean what I know or believe to actually be the actual facts. I DO NOT MEAN IT IN A RELIGIOUS WAY. I.E. the term Kings is plural as in those running the show.

Preface for the Fragmented Fighting Facts

Note pink highlighted material is that, that IMO is questionable factually, it maybe an “official revealed fact” that I am questioning. The material may need to be defined i.e. explained more or it could be a personal note. Yellow is location undecided or unedited material i.e. unread that I have not decided on what to keep or not. Green means a change has been made i.e. an update. By noting the green updated highlights a Patriot well not have to read the Fragmented Fighting Facts in its entirety to stay current. Red is important, perhaps the "kings truth".

Newjarheaddean; this is my collection of combat notes. One might call it my anthology of combat tactics, techniques, methods and skills. The note taking began about fourty years ago (I was around 13 years old) with the observation of 10 rules listed with in a book covering the French and Indian i.e. Native American, wars, entitled “Roger’s Rangers”. That’s right the rules that started all this are “Army Ranger” rules, this book was located in the “Westfall” library in San Antonio Texas off of Vance Jackson. I get a kick out of the libraries name due to the general agreement that modern or state vs state warfare started with the singing of the peace treaties at Westphalia. I could not read at the time; however I knew that a list in a book on war would be important. I copied those rules down like a scribe might have written hieroglyphs and had my dad read them to me. . This discovery preceded numerous sources including approximately one hundred books and about a dozen field manuals, of which a few were of WWII era. These were found at libraries, half price bookstores and garage sales. Since going on line in 2007, I have found material on web sites such as “Defense and National Interest” (DNI), “Global security”, “Strategy page” , “Wikipedia” and “Bayonet strength” and “Efour4ever” in the combat lessons learned section. These last two sites cover WWII.

Previously referred to as K.O.O.L.N. (acronym definition, top secret), FLASH REPORTS; I NOW AM TELLING EVERYONE IT STANDS FOR KEITH OEFFINGER'S ORGANIZATION OF LEARNED KNOWLEDGE the joke on me here was I believed Knowledge was spelled with an (N). I was a special education student and did not learn to read until my last year of high school. I have now titled my work “Fragmented Fighting Facts” or “Tri-F”; the name derives from the computer grammar function always alerting me to the fragmented nature of my sentences. This is due to the “just the facts, ma’am” manor the material is written i.e. there has been little if any effort to write in whole sentences or provide context. This is not to say there is no order with Tri-F, in fact there is a theme. I have laid out the information as one might expect a commander or members of a unit to recall it thus utilizing it to conduct a mission.

We start with “Planning”, followed by the section on “Defense”, then there’s “Preparations and conduct of patrols” or “PCP”, and we end with “Conduct of Engagements” or “COE”, i.e. engagements being the term used here for shootouts. Each section of Tri-F consists of numbered “Basic rules”, each basic rule followed by detailed notes that either relate to, explain, or give examples pertaining to the basic rules. As with the general format of Tri-F, each section’s basic rules are laid out as one might need to recall them. This is most obvious in the last section COE starting with basic rule number one, “Flash report”, i.e. actions to take upon contact with the enemy. This sections last basic rule deals with handling POWs.

Keep in mind this is a work in progress; I’m constantly discovering new information to add which in turn still at times requires rearranging things. At the same time, interestingly enough to me, I have not needed to rearrange my original order of the basic rules for quite some time. There are however, two instances where the detailed information fallowing a pair of basic rules became so similar I decided to combine the pair into one basic rule. These two occurrences are noted in footnotes.

Now heed this, out of all the information contained within this work, only an estimated 1% was taught to me while I was serving in the U.S.M.C. Moreover, to put a fine point on it, it’s worth noting I served in Charlie Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, i.e. an Infantry unit. Before my discharge (after only a two year cruse), I attended Jungle Warfare School in the northern training area of Okinawa (for two weeks), Mountain Warfare School in Korea (for one week) and Combat Town Camp Pendleton for MOUT training (for one day). I did not take part in any amphibious training nor did I ever go to Twenty Nine Palms for Desert Warfare training. We did ride around in AAVs once at Camp Pendleton. All in all I would say the only things I missed out on were a beach landing (at Coronado I believe) and a little sun burn, due to the fact that those twenty nine palms, I was told in the early eighties were all located at the front gate of that base. Needless to say, the training did not impress me, and I now know it was not going to get any better as some suggested to me at the time, and still others later claimed that I should have just stayed in longer.

With my position on the lack of training, I do wish to make it perfectly clear that I do support the service women and men in the U.S. armed forces. I also believe them to be as brave as any people on earth, (with the exception of the (Y) generation). My concern is in the way the Infantry especially is being mislead and used. I want people to understand my experience and IMO a lot of evidence suggests Uncle Sam intends to use his infantry in ways that does not include training any generation in the art of “traditional Guerilla combat tactics” i.e. as a “Traditional Commando” would be. I am not talking about “SWAT” team “Close quarter” tactics, like the “Stick dynamic entry”. That tactic should be called the “cluster f**k”. Just call that sort of tactic what it is NYPD (Cops T.V. show bad-boys, bad-boys) in Afghanistan.

The problem is that that tactic was developed by police departments to deal with an objective occupied by drugged up party animals, i.e. untrained civilians. The police never use it in a spur of the minute situation. They use it when the house/objective has been under constant surveillance for mouths in some cases and the police know all manner of information about everyone in the house and the structure and neighborhood in general. The cops choose a time when everyone is pasted out from partying the night before and have long lost any weapons (between the cushions or under the bed) they might have had on them as show pieces during the party. The primary reason for the large numbers of police in close proximity is to make sure the gang does not think the raid is a rival gang “brake in” and thus resist in any way. There is lots of yelling too, thus reinforcing the message that no one is trying to be covert, like one would be to get away with a crime.

This brings up an intriguing observation of mine; that being that by the book an assault should be made from the top down, yet the troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere use the Stick dynamic entry and usually enter from the front door, like a SWAT team. However resent high profile raids show the SWAT teams attacking from the top down. Examples you may recall are the raids on the Shinning path group in Peru in 2000 and the Mumbai raid by Indian forces on the Jewish center in 2008. IMO this proves the existence of what I’ll refer to as a “need to know” training policy, being followed by various governments, the purpose being to limit the number of true Commandos that could become tomorrow’s rebels, apposing corrupt governments. One last thing about the Stick, IMO every single time the regular forces unit conducting one of these foolish Stick dynamic entries comes under fire i.e. runs into resistance, the Stick brakes i.e. the whole unit evacuates and awaits some kind of support form tanks, guns, tubes or air. Bottom line IMO the Stick is used as a probing tactic and is meant to be a moral boosting show peace tactic to make the unit feel as if it has taken a hill, which was nothing more than another empty building, that IMO Intel suggested, was the case before the entry was ordered. Recalling the police policy of long periods of surveillance prior to raids.

It also seems to me that in light of the old saying “you can fight a war with bombs and blockades but only boots on the ground can win it” ( IMO, Uncle Sam has now revised that saying, as fallows) “you can win a war with bombs and blockades, but only the infantry can end the war”, farther more IMO Uncle Sam has gone one more step and decided to use private security companies and local i.e. indigenous people for the infantry role. All this fear of true commandos is all very similar to the “Mujahideen” not being allowed by various governments, to return to their homelands i.e. native nations, after fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

And as for the U.S. and other Western nations, training foreigners to fight a counter insurgency goes. IMO this training includes nothing more than police procedures i.e. conducting investigations, forensics, searching individuals and buildings to collect evidence and yes serving warrants, if necessary, with those all mighty “stick” tactics. And of course, lots of “new innovative techniques and tactics” involving CAS and IMO (Old) so called high tech equipment the U.S. Military Industrial Congressional Complex wants to clear out of the warehouses.

All in all IMO Uncle Sam has chosen to put just about all his eggs in one advanced technology system, think Star Wars Storm Troopers or Matrix i.e. the Operator or Morpheus trying to guide Neo and others to safety. IMO it looks something like this; (x) unit go to (x) address, kick in front door, use stairs to your right, go south down hallway to (x) door, it is unlocked, interning room go to (x) window looking out window to the north you will see your target running east though the neighbors garden. All this information and the “live” feeds of target and area of operations would be provided by a fleet of satellites as well as Near space assets that are never mentioned by the media as current military assets and of course there’s the robots, UAVs and a flood of other covertly deployed sensors as well as covert eves dropping of any civilian electronic devices in the Area of operations.

Thus in light of these and similar so called “new innovative, techniques and tactics” (notice the media and governments choice of words “techniques and tactics” as if we’re talking Commando training i.e. why not use some modern high tech terms the system is so eager to introduce us all to normally as a matter of routine), IMO Uncle Sam has placed the traditional Guerrilla combat tactics, on the back burner and is hoping they all go the way of other black arts.

This is not just true of the infantry; let us take a peek at aerial combat. Does anyone out there actually think today’s U.S. pilots are turning and burning, pulling high (G) maneuvers trying to hit the entry windows and get inside the bandits turn. Think any pilot has conducted a yo-yo or split S maneuver lately or made the choice between a single or two-circle fight. Now days its all about stealth, ECM and Smart even autonomous weapons, missiles especially BVR tech. IMO this explains why the U.S. Navy is not concerned with not having a front line fighter equal to the USAF F-22 Raptor. An article I recently read on “Strategy page” mentioned a lot of talk about a Navy F/A-18E at an air show, displaying a little F-22 silhouette decal i.e. a simulated Kill credit symbol/icon. IMO the F/A- 18E did not gun down that kill.

And then everyone knows that just about all now and IMO soon all weapons systems including the bayonet well have a chip in it.

So if the electronics ever fail (maybe due to a shift in the axis of earths electromagnetic field, passed a certain point or perhaps a record size solar flare) IMO it well be the masters of the age-old Guerrilla combat tactics i.e. The Fragmented Fighting Facts Basic Rules that survive, keeping in mind “no one wins”.

I also wish, that those who join the various services where told all this up front i.e. “we do not intend to train you as a traditional Commando”.

Another thing I would like everyone to consider is that; what makes a Marine special is not the training she or he receives, no it’s the steel the youth demonstrates when they choose to join the Marines. Even when compared to the Special Forces, who IMO are only specialists in their particular field, once again mostly high tech specialties and whose ranks are filled with older personnel that have already been serving and have graduated from a boot camp i.e. are aware of the hoop and hype hurry up and wait tactics. And who are then usually chosen i.e. coached into changing their MOS. I am aware of the change in recruitment policy after 2001 allowing for direct entry into the S.F. community. IMO a rarity and IMO it is still not the same as just choosing to go to a Marine Corps Recruit Depot from the start.

Furthermore, to those who just well not accept the truth about the lack of training along the lines of traditional Guerrilla combat tactics. I can now say that I have exchanged comments with a number of Iraqi and Afghanistan combat vets. These comments can be found on the internet if you Google up my call sign, Newjarheaddean also spelled with one (D). IMO it is obvious that the tactics I speak of are news to the vets, some have made commits that proves in combat they were just winging it. And no, I don’t believe that all the vets are observing some kind of code of silence on these tactics including the vets who are against the wars. Unless everyone wants to say that YouTube and other internet companies are conspiring to edit all combat footage that shows these tactics being used and that, the vets are staging other videos that show them (albeit with great bravery) as armatures without a clue and winging it. If anyone ever sees video, showing the tactics listed in Tri-F being used, be sure and provide a link with your comment. I once saw a flash of film on CNN showing combat in Lebanon during the 1980s that showed some of these tactics being used by a Guerrilla fighter. I well also say I do believe that UAV footage is edited by the Pentagon to keep the public from seeing the few but well trained Taliban and other Guerrilla fighters that are using these tactics. Alternatively, maybe people think our professional highly trained well-equipped military is unable to defeat 10 – 20 thousand religious extremist amateur thugs in almost a decade of fighting. All the while killing at least by some estimates 100 a mouth including dozens of top commanders.

Let me also say, on the numbers of U.S. PTSD casualties, i.e. IMO, WIA, (And IMO deserving of a Purple Heart). The Government portrays these cases as a result of fighting a war that is “unlike any other war we have fought before” (LOL). Facing an enemy that is fighting in some mysterious and or cowardly manor that simply cannot be countered by military means. I believe the high numbers are a result of US forces fighting in a manner that is suicidal i.e. pointless and counterproductive to the real world situation. Example; you have a young brave American ready to fight for the nation, while on one of these IMO “Russian roulette parades” someone shoots at the unit from some building, everyone scrambles for cover, as some spray and pray, then after determining the location using SWATS (Soldier Worn Acoustic Targeting Systems) sniper detectors, or one of the many similar vehicle mounted systems the commander calls in some sort of CAS, if someone’s brains have been blow out especially if it was an officer or the location is vague, a real “crowd pleaser” maybe used i.e. 2000 pounder.

IMO this is how 90% of engagements (fought by regular infantry units) are resolved. Special Forces are now and in the feature more and more regular infantry well be using the Matrix. And to those that think this is the exception I say show me the number of WIA or KIA (On either side) by small arms fire i.e. during traditional firefights. Even if one includes sniper fire those figures are really low. So IMO after witnessing all the carnage and innocent civilian life being lost and receiving all those looks from the witnesses, it is the American that realizes it is his unit that is not fighting right.

This is reinforced and really sinks in back in the states when the vet is asked to tell the Commando stories that never occurred and thus the vet must tell the truth i.e. give up the Commando reputation, keep it all inside or start lying. If the first option is chosen that unveiling reality is demoralizing and makes it all not worth it. If either one of the other chooses are made IMO the vet becomes the ticking bomb. And I can tell you all that many times, I have recalled being told once that “when you go home keep your mouth shut about the things we did. If you don’t you well be thought of as a liar or crazy and either which way your life well be over”. That First Sergeant was right, but like my daddy use to say, “He’s right but he does not know why he’s right” i.e. IMO the First Sgt. thought of what we did in terms of remarkable heroic feats. However, IMO certainly since the beginning of the Vietnam era, it is the lack of training i.e. the manner in which our service women and men are fighting that keeps this tragedy going.

I would also suggest the vets of today are just like I was 25 or so years ago in the sense that they know there training is lacking, however, they just cannot explain what’s missing. However unlike me they refuse to accept that old fashion “black arts” are the answer i.e. should be the basis of basic training. And I now know the “Black art” tactics they and I should have been trained in and I can now say, “The PFC that told the Corp it was out of step, now has provided the proof”. What surprises me is that most vets it seems don’t care at all about the tactics I speak of and seem to view me as an unpatriotic “party pooper”, when I’m just a U.S. Marine trying to improve the Corps and save lives. Bottom line IMO the infantry needs to consist of unmarried i.e. undistracted, NO CHILDREN, dedicated true professionals, trained in the tactics listed in Tri-F and many more I am sure exist.

And to those that say “chivalry is for the museums” I say “first we must have peace on earth”.

One Newjarheaddean

“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”

" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"

" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"

" I well bet my lucky start"



Update; 12/19/14 09/53 hours

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Friday, October 12, 2012

"Armagadon according to Newjarheaddean" part four


11/20/15 14:38 hours, I have decided to continue this series, thus I have placed a copy of the four current post in a draft so I can refresh my mind and get back into the war gaming mode. And this way I well not have to alter the current post as I did with the first part the other day. This may take a while so bear with me my Patriots and thanks for viewing.

I do realize visuals i.e. graphics or images would help. I’ll see about including some of these with part five.  

On the “meek” ;
This does include the poor masses in the u.s. And imo we all as a world population, well realize at various points in time that we need to protect and conserve what we have and then well come the point at which everyone realizes they can take what they need. The last point is the realization that you can to, take what you want. This “want” point maybe 3 months after the day it all would have started (this for all of the general public) we would enter the gypsy trade and barder underground i.e. “the bigger the gun the bigger the ranch” point.

The wealth of the planet battle field;
So who among us is wealthy? Imo basically everyone got caught with what they had i.e. in their control at the time of the starting of “armagadon”. So imo paper money is a collectable lol. A lot of the so called wealthy people well be worthless i.e. have nothing of value. However these individuals may have skill sets that can be redirected to suite “armagadon”.  Banks would steal lol everything in their volts and safety deposits etc. there would be those wealthy enough to pay a penalty, lol, or have some sort of leverage to gain possession of their valuables. I assure everyone this “armagadon” is not the end times, it’s the “get with it times”, lol i.e. we will rebuild, thus imo people will remain respectable to those they hold a favorable opinion of. And this falling into ranks if you well or regrouping, well accrue with the poor (money wise) but rich in positions too. So we’re all pawn shop brokers, LOL. 

The fate of all foreigners in the u.s., imo at first there would be lots of general individual acts of violence. And small street gangs or mobs, cults etc, seeking revenge on a private matter or on minorities in general. However the vast majority of the u.s. population at first imo well be more concerned about surviving i.e. securing their own future. Those running things in the u.s. i.e. the generals may actually be smart enough to offer those minorities security for working for the western forces. Lots of foreigners well also disappear into the wood work i.e. be taken in by friends and business partners. We well be into the “road warrior” style of dress now so identifying people on the street well be difficult. All foreigners well also, like the jews be very prepared for disasters in general i.e. well organized, stocked and funded i.e. supported.

There will be lots of traveling at first too. Like I’ve said people well head for home i.e. family. Farms i.e. agriculture well be of utmost importance. And these areas well become no trespassing zones, enforced by private and federal i.e. u.s. military units. And like I said most well move to the coastal areas. 

Imo the blacks have less family and have moved around much less. They imo well stay in the cities and imo well realize they all need to stick together. Especially after the fall out with the u.s. military that I feel well accrue i.e. the Christian based “white supremacy” attitude that well develop in the ranks. The Mexican mafia well also be ready for such a day as “armagadon”. The Mexicans well also see a future where they may get their land back from the u.s. The Native Americans well unite and imo be peaceful about it.

Thus this is “armagadon” and so imo nations, I mean military leaderships on both sides, seize whatever is in place i.e. aircraft, ships, trains etc. property in their old nations i.e. area of responsibility. You tell me; my estimate is that the u.s. gains only 1000 commercial aircraft, but loses 2200, yes/no? My reasoning here being that u.s. has at anytime about 2000 flights within airspace etc. Most imo are companies based in u.s. etc. The most u.s. could hope for is about 1000 major international flights in airspace. And we will see lots of foreigners stranded with in various boarders of old nations around the world. So just for the fun of it, lol, I’m going to suggest that leaders or entities running things, began passenger swops. But just to put some fun/drama in here, lol. I’m suggesting the airlines swop with only the poorest of aircraft this is “armagadon” and that there is a crash right at the beginning of this swop system i.e. exchange. LOL, get it. You would have this, “they’re using the oldest equipment” rumor flying around because of the crash during the first wave if you well. It was a fully loaded 747/400 i.e. widest body, 600 kia, LOL. With the commercial shipping you tell me u.s. gain 10k and loses 3k ships.  The gain figure is including the u.s.n. rounding up every ship with in hundreds or even thousands of miles from the shore. Yes/no? I here you, the u.s.a.f. would go get as many aircraft as it could too. However my patriots, aircraft are quicker than ships, and aircraft, like ships may not wish to head for the good old u.s. of a.

Planet battle field;
I just wanted to give some more data on this atmosphere we live in and mention that one could make the argument that the commercial aircraft would not being flying their normal flights, there for this would counter the fumes in atmosphere etc. imo the militaries on both sides would be conducting more flights and with extra high octane fuels. And we have all the rockets and nukes and fires in general of all kinds in all sizes from all manner of sources, etc. imo raising the cO2 leave tenfold, within one mouth.

The difference between “counter force” or “counter value”, strategies. I failed to explain something of utmost importance with nuclear and really all N.B.C. weapons. And that is the difference between two schools of thought that developed during studies concerning nuclear warfare. One school suggests a “counter force” policy. Counter force is when you chose to go after or nuke your enemies military targets only. The other a “counter value” policy. Counter value is when you chose to go after or nuke your enemies’ civilian infrastructure and industrial worth. And of course the pollutions of your enemies military i.e. family etc.

I’m saying we could see both of these classes of targets hit in a tit for tat i.e. counter moves for various reasons (military/strategic areas or political/civil). Like the international space station being taken. We may not nuke all of Moscow just certain buildings etc. This tit for tat strategy heavily favorites the western forces with the accuracy of its weapons.

The models;
Here I have decided to build these models in the same post I discuss the tactical battles.
For the Iranian plateau we have the “elburz” mtns running east and west along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea.
The city of Terrain,…

The pacific theater;
Model; here too I will include this info in part five.
Worst case scenario, Japan loses half its navy in port. Still manages to put to sea 150 surface vessels, a mix of old and modern, yes/no. The u.s. would have dozens of aegis equipped platforms in theater. yes/no.
Both the u.s. and japan would have 10-20 subs in theater, real quick, yes/no?

Now we are talking serious jet fumes in these sky’s. Japan imo would have at least 300-400 aircraft in the sky’s. U.S.A.F. another few hundred at least. The japan and usaf aircraft strength depends on how succesfull the Chinese rocket attacks are. China would be firing thousands of rockets and missiles. China would be in the skies with at least 600 aircraft of all kinds. Russtan too well be in theater with surface vessels, subs and aircraft and missiles and rockets. Let’s say a dozen combat ships, 10 subs of which maybe 6 would be attack subs. The aircraft let’s say number about 300 of all types. The rockets could number hundreds. I well give away the ending to the pacific naval battles i.e. imo in the end the western forces take the pacific waters, right up to let’s say 100 miles from the coast. Imo India would hold its air forces for its own area.

A look at force readiness and fatigue;
I’ve lost my usaf almanac so I’m just guessing or recalling what I can i.e. this is my SWAG, lol. You tell me, yes/no?  Anywho! imo your best pilots are your oldest too. Thus they fatigue faster too. Even with the go,go,go,go,go, lol pills, the point of fatigue imo is about half that of your younger officer corps. So I’ll say three to seven days respectively. The u.s.a.f. has 12000 or so pilots total yes/no? Maybe 2000 fighter pilots of which half would be beyond their prime shall we say. For the most part your average pilot in the u.s.a.f. has less then 1000 hours of flight time. Your best i.e. oldest most experienced pilots may have 4000 hours. Character note; these guys are as Christian as they get too, just to remind everyone of the mind set of these u.s.a.f. warfighters. Think about it, what other motivation could justify targeting civilian areas with these weapons. The western forces would be able to retrain its ranks with video simulators much faster than eastern forces would be able to.

The aircraft and other machinery in general;
I would like to remind everyone here of what I have said in the past about, the u.s. military and how imo the western forces, would be able to out fight any airforce on earth with the u.s. mounting its weapons on commercial aircraft. Thus imo the u.s. weapons and electronic systems are far better than the eastern forces.

Imo with the jet engines we would be looking at about two days worth of usage before things just start flying apart i.e. the limits of chemistry and physics would just be the facts. Parts would be failing after these jet engines would have been running for two days or more. Yes/no?

Western forces,
Note I decided to move all this info over to comparative aircraft series.

The engines of western tanks and other armored vehicles are subject to the same maintenance as jet engines i.e. they are jet turbines etc. with all the trappings i.e. the need for refined jet fuel. Eastern forces tanks are almost all diesel, yes/no? And those diesels well perform just like all the 18 wheeler tracker trailers on the u.s. and world highways. You can run a diesel for a week before the average engine starts coming apart, especially in the cold. Yes/no?

With armored vehicles I am considering the limits and competition between tracks vs tire wear and performance, imo about 500 miles of wear for western and 700 miles of wear, per track with the eastern. That’s right imo the old cast iron lol tracks of the east out last the western high tech type. For tires I see very little difference i.e. the performance is about even. Tires lasting about 5000 miles in civil usage (war would mean more damage to tires in general and compared to tracks, thus higher loss rate) and the western tracks and tires are more expensive in dollars to produce or maintain. And more time consuming in all aspects too. Yes/no?

What to do with all the russtan armor;
imo we would see the eastern forces doing some kind of maneuver along the lines of putting the Chinese and Indian manpower to work in russtan armor just setting in storage. They could simply fly them via commercial airlines. The kicker here would be that the russtans would ask the Chinese and Indians to corroal meek/masses i.e. use the armor and move or kill as many Central Asian nationals (CARs and stans) mongrels as you can on your way to the front lines. Picture this, the masses being walked or transported along the base of the Himalayan Mountains on their way to South East Asia to work for the eastern forces.  

Ammo is low, lol imo worst case, the west would be low on ammo for various reasons, period. The eastern forces would not have to move their supplies very far. They are at home, this would have aided them in their decoy operations to cover their preparations phase operations i.e. these activities would not have been as noticeable by the west as a threat or warning. And the eastern forces have more supplies where they need them or closer at hand. The eastern forces would also be capturing lots of equipment from old South East Asian nations too. At any rate, we are imo, in a classic “Army vs Navy” conflict here, globally speaking. The eastern forces have the vast continent of Asia and Middle East etc. The western forces have all the oceans and seas. Recall u.s. has taken Antarctica if we fallow my hypothesis etc. And thus imo not only have access to northern approaches  i.e. over the poles, into eastern forces stern areas, lol a kick in the ass. The western forces all so have access from any southern approach to every land mass there is on the plant battle field, etc.

The search for W.M.D.s world wide.

The (“X”) weapon, I just wish to remind everyone here about my theory of why we never well see “Armagadon” and that is what I call the “X” weapons. Imo every advanced nation especially your g-8 etc. have a small vile of weapons grade bio agents setting on a shelf in some storage unit, that could just kill everyone on the planet. Yes/no? Even if we only had two or three nations with this type of weapon imo this changes everything. It would up the MAD theory or school of thought. However with this exercise I must assume patients has gone out the window here thus the use of nukes. However imo with these “x” weapons, logic lol more like common sense would still maintain or bring about some degree of control. Yes/no?

I would also like to mention here that Iran’s nuke tech is not anywhere near as important than its bio and chemical weapons. NO SUCH WEAPONS you say, I ask not even if the Iranians wanted to produce them? My point imo the Iranians could have or produce N.B.C. weapons in general i.e. weapons of “good enough” class if you well and thus the nuke thing is just a bunch of smoke screen b.s.

So in general imo militaries would seek to find and destroy any wmds they could. I could see were russtan would know where the u.s. has its v.x. gas or nuclear waist, let’s say and other N.B.C. material. So these areas would be targeted by some means. The eastern forces recall are less accurate with their nukes, however imo they would target these areas with nukes. The u.s. with its airborne lazer (abl) system and all the rest of the missile defense system imo is “good enough” to protect the “home land” from casual strikes. Let’s just say the system is very successful. At first there would be shortages of rockets for the systems. Imo those would be fixed by modifying existing missiles i.e. just adding an antenna or different sensory package or upgraded chip and take out some old wiring etc. From what I know of how the MICC works. The system is “milking it” and if they need to, the factories could produce what every the military needed. We would see sub lunch missiles integrated into the system real quick too. The Russians launched a sub lunched missile into space here about 10 to 12 years ago. Yes/no?

So I could see where no one especially the eastern forces would wish to push this into a full scale nuclear exchange. However both sides would very much like to bomb certain military areas as well as areas of great concern due to its natural resources. By the way what would happen if a big old “gas” lol and oil field is nuked. Dose this nuclear ball of fire say three quarters of a mile in diameter for a one mega ton warhead, reach the oil lol and gas reservoirs and then vaporize it, mix it with fall out, crack the earth like a earth quake, what you tell me?

The eastern forces may get their best chance for the most impacts on target, during those first few hours i.e. before the missile defense system can get into full swing. Now in the long run, the eastern forces may take periodic shots at their targets. All the while getting hit by u.s. as a tit for tat situation.  The eastern forces are much more spread out and underground, especially the militaries i.e. bases etc. imo there is much more underground area in the east in nature and in your civilian areas too. Yes/no? However the building codes have not been fallowed in most of the areas controlled by eastern forces. Yes/no? If I am in correct imo those people along with everyone else on this “planet battle field” well be digging in, deep as we can. I could see the russtans using chemical agents to clear out the underground facilities on the Iranian plateau to use in their defensive position.  

Which brings me to another observation of mine. That being the introduction of the hybrids and other alternative power plants for vehicles etc. IMO this tech well be much more available to the western forces and their civilian populations. So imo people with these engines well be able to not only survive with power underground but be much less detectable to sensors i.e. no vents needed to exhaust all the toxic fumes that normally give away a tunnel complex. Here with these power plants you can even get your drinking water. Yes/no?

“Star wars”;
Oh did I not mention satans use of the moon, lol. More on this later. I need to give more detail about this star wars theater i.e. space. So imo the u.s. would not want to actually take the eastern forces satellites out as in blowing them in to lots of pieces of trash or junk to then have to avoid colliding with. So what we would see here imo is lots of large satellites with their antenna, wiring etc. burned, melted etc. I’m sure lots would be out of control and losing orbit etc. My main point is the “best is the damage of good enough” lol.

The E.M.P. i.e. the electromagnetic pulse warheads; imo the west has no offensive edge here over the eastern forces. However defensively the west dose have the edge. Now I once read that when it came to high vs low tech i.e. sophisticated vs simple or older electronic equipment vs new, that the more advance or sophisticated or new i.e. modern your system was the easier it was for your foe to destroy or counter your equipment. More advanced less security less redundant less time available due to more maintenance, more expensive, etc.

Anywho! Imo the eastern forces especially china would be at an advantage here do to their old fuses and wires etc. compared to our circuitry etc. the u.s. would of course have equipment with anti emp tech built in and lots without such tech.  So the u.s. would be using emp effectively against the eastern forces. Imo these effects would be spotty if you well and not last too long. Emp effects from nukes even in and all out strike would imo not last longer than a few days. And in the west you would have most people on satellite connections. All hard line i.e. wire would be lots especially with all out strike. But imo the “ionosphere” would recover and reform and began to allow electromagnetic wave propagation once again. The fast majority of the time i.e. from a tactical exchange of nukes or emp bombs you are looking at hours before you could be back on the internet. The big change would be in the power source needed. Remember with an all out strike of nukes, there is nothing left now but generators that were protected from emp which could in some cases be as simple as you had your generator or equipment turned off and or in doors. Etc. People would have all manner of rechargeable equipment. Hand crack generators make a big come back. Solar, wind mills etc. Interrogative / question; do you (my patriots) know what you’re going to do with those last minutes of battery life you have, if you remembered to turn it off for a few hours at least that is after the first bomb impacted. Hint, hit “reply all”, lol. ANYWHO! imo the eastern forces would only need a few mouths to limit the damages. Thus counter emp effectively much better as “armagadon” goes on.


Now if you wish you can suggest that the Europeans decided to join the u.s. and fight the eastern forces. If you chose that path of history, I would just suggest that we would see an exchange in the range of hundreds of missiles used from both sides in just the first wave i.e. minutes. Moscow would have just nuked Germany and u.k., France maybe lol, ? Washington d.c. most of the eastern u.s. coastal areas. Mid west and west coast. Admiral Desassterday at pearl lol. And the u.s. could have countered with a massive nuking of the Moscow area i.e. the western half of Russia from say the Urals to Europe. At the end of that exchange imo we would still have lots of weapons deployed on both sides with lots more wmds to spare too. Ultimately the u.s. and japan are much smaller in area compared to the eastern forces. Also imo the u.s. especially and japan have much better defensive ability but imo not as good as it needs to be for the first minutes or 24 hours. Bottom line with this path of history, we still end up right where I’ve got things just quicker and much more loss of life that does not help our survival as humanbeians and imo is suicidal in the opinion of all those running things. Recall imo those running the show does not include Christians. I Newjarheaddean believe Christians like jihadist  i.e. all fundamentalist are being used by those running the show with the kings truth. In my original hypothesis for the u.s. i.e. western forces, the situation is that there is no help or support what so every from the e.u. All u.s. equipment in e.u. position is lost. I got the personnel out is the only difference vs nuke attack. No use of any bases or use of air space etc. I’m going to suggest some real tension now for the feature. The e.u. imo would be asked or offer to except Canada into the e.u. It’s the “tar sands” development rights people and imo the current situation would be allowed for the foreseeable future. However it could become an issue with the eastern forces too. Maybe the russtan airforce nuked the area, lol.

Enter Newjarheaddean;
LOL. You see I’m in this world too. And so I’m going to suggest that the u.s. is aware of me and would consider me of interest and with your religious types (in a savior/neo lol way). These religious groups could include “musad” agents. So remember its worst case scenario for the u.s., lol so I’m going to say that I happen to live on property that is owned by Jews. A very prominent Jewish family. Recall now, I’m Newjarheaddean, people seem to forget why the u.s.m.c. i.e. satan’s dogs, lol, found me of such value when I was active duty in the U.S.M.C. “PFC, my name/Njd is my best most trust worthy Marine”, 1st Lt. James Baker, 3rd Platoon (goons) Charlie Co. 1fts, Battalion, 5th Marines, of the first marine division, U.S.M.C. on or about june in the year of our time, 1982. Standing at the side of the company commander, Cpt. Rector setting at his desk at the C.P. in H.& S. at Camp Hansen, Okinawa Japan. So I’m Newjarheaddean and the world is very much about Tri-F now, and I’m with well funded i.e. supported people who imo would see me as some kind of prophet, if not, at the least as a great thinking “U.S. Marine”.

Now on the numbers of people on earth like me. You tell me, imo not to many vets out there say from Vietnam era. Very few of these vets used Tri-F tactics at all while in Vietnam. And these vets are older than me and I admit I’m nowhere near as mentally or physically swift as I once was.  But just to put a fine point on me lol, I well also remind everyone like I have said in the past. And that is that as you were growing up and having one of those moments in your life were you where at a movie about sex or looking at a magazine about sex, or talking to a friend about sex, lol. Note, I used sex as a catch all i.e. the “sheephood” mind set in general of the average person, imo. There is a 80% chance I was thinking about war. Ever since I was six years old, I was military. At 13, I learned of the usmc, from a usmc Vietnam vet and never looked back.

And the gulf war era like the “cold war” vets, like myself, were not being taught a Tri-F style of combat, CORRECT, yes/no?

Over all after discharge we know there have been deaths. Imo about 75 percent of your vets after discharge simply put it all behind them. They fail to keep up with the weapons and chances and training etc. And never again use any skills of their m.o.s. yes/no? 

Out of the 25 percent that do stick with it as a way of live. IMO most of these are on the u.s. side politically morally etc they are in the ranks. Thus they are not viewed with as much concern as a person the u.s. or any other government  does not have under control i.e. the governments have the lifers playing video games. Recall now the old joke i.e. saying “a marine not on active duty is more dangerous because no one is giving him any orders”.

And my bottom line is that imo I believe we are looking at about 6,000 people including jihadist i.e. Taliban i.e. al-queeeedah lol, IRA, FARC, types, worldwide that would have this devotion to learning the knowledge of warfare and these age old tactics along the lines of Tri-F. Most would also have large militia and long histories of warfare i.e. luggage, enemies, politics etc.

So I’m going to have a moment of grandeur just for the “hell” of it. LoL and suggest these jews secure me i.e. keep me out of satan’s hands. We escape from the fine looking black female FBI agent living next door without having to fire a shot. Well say for drama purposes she had deputized the retired NSA agent and was told to go with a delivery decoy entry etc. Imo Musad would be able to keep local Miami beach police out of the area. Realize now lots of VIPs on the island would be requesting body guards on this day too.  So musad uses recruits from local jew community and deploy in local law enforcement uniforms.

Get it I’m among gods children on this island they control, yes/no?. I mainly decided to throw all this in here because there would be people like this i.e. “John Waynes” or “Rambo’s” and VIPs for other reasons too etc. being secured shall we say. So I know my area best and my knowledge (the interest or value of me to the musad) well be my own etc. So I will use Newjarheaddean. I live another day, to build the “supremkind” i.e. supreme – “machinekind”, lol. For more on this term i.e. “supremkind” read my page “generations, strategies, blocks and tactics”. Found in my special word section on the starboard side of my blog. But in my real scenario i.e. with my real hypothesis, what I really produce, is real live survivalist as in cavemen, lol. Recall now as I explained a long time ago, I’ve never posted my survival notes do to the fact I left them in Minnesota. However I’ve been able to retrieve a lot of it on the web. Like I said I did remember the sources.    

In addition to all that, we have these sayings of mine. Like I have said in the past, for many reasons examples; if I ever win the lotto, lol or  meet the wrong person according to “them” lol etc. My life would get very different for the worse. However remember the Musad imo owns this island i.e. they can get anything they want on this island. yes/no? lol

I hate that I even have to type this i.e. I ask everyone to recall that in the past I have stated “I do not have anything against the Jewish people worth killing them over”.

So if we go with my history, we still have tens of millions of people dying on earth, daily. And if we go with a total i.e. all out nuclear strike, we have hundreds of millions of people dying each day and much less usable land surface in the northern hemisphere. This imo would bring about a mass migration to the southern hemisphere by anyone who could travel. Mainly imo your latin American and African people. I’ve got the u.s. military securing Antarctica and thus imo they would seize south America, Australia and southern Africa too.

And lastly even if we go the way of history of the Israelis being on the western forces side. We imo would be looking at a scenario of the Middle East still fragmenting at the grass roots level, down the same lines that I suggested. The tyrants would now include the Zionist Israeli military and all these western puppets would only control what area their security forces could control. The Israelis would make defending against an all out invasion by russtan, lol from the Iranian plateau much easier. And the u.s. would have to ask or convince the middle east arab tyrants to use their air and naval powers to defend the greater middle east against the eastern forces. Or russtan could nuke a lot of the Middle East to destroy as much of the western forces it could including Israel, lol. I would also suggest that the loss of the u.s.n. carriers would still have accrued. We would not get the Israel helicopter landing, placing a nuke briefcase on the deck of some carrier at port, lol. However imo we could see the russtans using commercial shipping to place a container containing its latest version of its anti ship missiles right on target.  

We still see the Chinese, Indian personnel air lift etc too. 

And I’ve considered high value targets like computer manufacturing sites. Imo here the chips would be of vital importance to the western forces. And imo they would be trying to secure those sites. However imo the eastern forces would know of this weakness in the western forces supplies, remember u.s. is inadequate in manufacturing and thus is low on material in general and most importantly, ammo, this is “armagadon”. So in an all out nuclear strike all those billions upon billions of computer chips would be nuked. And if we stick to my original hypothesis or scenario, we imo would still see these sites targeted in a major way if not nuked. The eastern forces just can’t compete with western high tech, at this stage of history.

Let’s look at the u.s. infrastructure, imo the civilian if you well internet well facture do to localized competition. However imo the military would set up localized internet service. Telecommunications i.e. phone service lol, would be available worldwide if you live in the u.s. or live in the western hemisphere. No video cams except locally via mil net at first. Fallowed imo by the corporation that wins out with the military marshal law boys to provide service. There would also be those individuals working for corps and gangs etc. that would set up “the internet’s” lol underground rail road lines and dishes, antennas i.e. without permission too.

Clue to the next post; Summery of planet battle field and tactical details of major battles and much more organized, with graphics too.

"Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"

"When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairy tale about christ dose not have anything on me" note or a lot of others for that matter"

" I well bet my lucky star" IKYG


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

comparitive photos of 1/144 scale aircraft part two


Here we have the u.s.a.f. cruse missile of today and the old "quail" i.e. decoy drone of the 1950s. Used by B-52s.

I ask you witch one looks more suited for "armagadon".

My observations later...i well ask patriots now however to consider the characteristics of the electronics back in 1950 vs today's. As well as what the u.s. was able to do with this tin can powered box kit back in 1950, lol.

note that is my mig 19 farmer in back ground going together i.e. being built. 

smoke and mirrors lol. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

group photos of my 1/72 scale armor


I gots lots of video of these here issues I been a squatting about i.e. all the b.s. going on with the malfunctions on my blog, etc..

I well be posting a "comparative" photo series with the armor too.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Flash report; 10/08/12


update; 10/10/12 see green highlighter below.

I would like to take this time to explain some things. I worry about people judging me negativity. Example like with my blog. I do wish to keep posting and finishing things I have promised. However there always seems to be something else more ergent. 

I have recently been made aware of or discovered the fact that most people in my past are dead. Especially those that meant the most to me and my past. At first I brushed this off, but it has occupied my mine for the most part in the last two weeks. I'm going to take a brake from posting after I post part four of "armagadon according to newjarheaddean" etc. due date around friday. 

I most say here and now, that I have been most surprised by the fact no members of my old unit ( 1st marine division, 5th marines, charlie company, 3rd platoon, (goons) have ever  posted. 

update; lets try that again, I served in the first marine division, first battalion, fifth marines, charlie company, 3rd platoon (goons). 

There were 180 or so of us. most my age at the time. I have considered the fact that all your enlisted like me were low life uneducated not going anywhere soon, lol types of marines. However even if I consider that lots of these marines have been killed or are in prison etc. IMO there should be at least 1/2 of the unit still alive. 

And if the corps is so tite i.e. a close family and all. Why have those in the know not posted or called, lol. i.e. maybe "you know something i don't know"  Then "scareface" said, "liike whhat".


Friday, October 5, 2012

Comparative, photos of 1/144 scaled aircraft part one


imo here with the chinese j-8 nato call sign, "finback" we have what looks to me to be a large mig-21. Except we have the twin engines like the mig - 19 nato call sign, "farmer". my kit of the farmer is not yet complete so i'll use this "janes" data.

below i well suggest that this j-8 would have better performance envelopes than this 1950s era interceptor i.e. f-106 delta dart, yes/no? I well also suggest that the Chinese have taken measures to produce an aircraft here that has very simple but successful anti emp technology built in. I'm also hopping for better mileage too. The Chinese may only use one engine in cruse yes/no? As long as they stay in a slight turn towards the "resting" i.e. shut down engine, yes/no?

Below would be my dream i.e. the Chinese have manufactured conformal  i.e. easy match to surfaces of wing root and fuselage etc. replacement wings designed like the J-7, lighter, carbons,  stronger, faster, recall the high octain fuels, lol they have made this so called peaces of junk much "better", lol. And the eastern forces have about 200 of these each. 


comparative images of surface vessels part one


I never have gotten around to placing the fan housings if you well on the lcac. however I say the old usn could rigg them up this way after losing the lhd. lol. yes/no?

 we could reverse them i.e. dock them opposite each other too, yes/no?.

 imo we could suggest some grid like platform to land small aircraft manned and unmanned, spanning the two lcu.


comparative images of space craft and missiles part one


I well be showing more photos of these kit in 1/144 scale in updates to this post. its my "mir" i.e. "speace" space station.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some of the most deadliest weapons on earth, model photos that is


Here again i was using a malfunctioning camera. I well be showing these models in future post in a "comparative" series i.e. showing features of similarities or differences between armor, aircraft, vessels and subs, etc.


Group Aircraft photos 08/17/12


Here is have updated a draft started 08/17/12 and I decided to leave in the text that no longer aplied. see notes in red/yellow etc.

Original draft,
These aircraft are hanging in the order of the actual aircraft length according to the "official revealed facts". However the photos are not all in the right order. To clarify the aircraft in photos are hanging in order but the photos are not all in order.

The below text was typed in at the date of this post in draft form. I decided to just leave it in. 10/04/12 21:44 hours.
I played some really good games as a jumped threw hoop after hoop i.e. learned how to deal with the blog/computer issues that kept changing etc. At one point I believe I got some help from Google agents. If so  many thanks.

Also I"m new at this photo taking and my camera is way to sensitive to movement imo. Even if I use support as if taking a fire arm shot, LOL I get the movement indicator, every single time. This started after I plugged this bad boy up to my computer. Things that make me go hummmmm.

To my last I can now say that the camera was malfunctioning and I have been able to counter this issue, ANYWHO! 10/04/12 21:46 hours. These are the photos I took while dealing with the malfuction. prety good shooting, lol.

Note below you see a F-5F i.e. two seater. These are about three feet longer than the F-5Es. 

note above my su-27 with extension plug to correct length. it is hanging higher on your left. I also well admit i like the paint scheme on the original better i.e. on your right.
