Tuesday, April 23, 2013
"Time is money" "is killing us"
I am as far from an economist as a hog from the moon.
I believe this "Bitcoin" monetary system is similar to one of the alternative systems suggested in the video "money as debt". I use to have a link to the video on my blog under my "other sites I find interesting" section. I just discovered that link no longer works, so you'll have to "you tube" it up for now. Or this link my work.
I do know the current system breads pure evil and is insane.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
I am as far from an economist as a hog from the moon.
I believe this "Bitcoin" monetary system is similar to one of the alternative systems suggested in the video "money as debt". I use to have a link to the video on my blog under my "other sites I find interesting" section. I just discovered that link no longer works, so you'll have to "you tube" it up for now. Or this link my work.
I do know the current system breads pure evil and is insane.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Monday, April 22, 2013
Blue Thunder
Update; 04/25/13 15:45 hours. See green highlighted material below. Also on the images in this post, I've noticed that the first and last image do not show up in the viewing screen or page, if you well, they only show up in the post itself. This is most likely due to the fact I copied them from Wekipedia and pasted them directly into the post. Just in case they are not visible at all. The first one is of the "Blue Thunder" movie poster, the last image is of Bod Dylan in his younger years.
"Blue Thunder" was a 1983 movie I personally did wish to go see. However I was over seas. I saw it years later in the 90s, on T.V. In this movie they touch on the possibility of the miss use of systems like FLIR. This movie was way a head of the times.

I'm sure everyone has seen the clips of Dzhokhar hiding in the boat.
Now I can't explain this in technical terms. However I noticed in some of the images, you could see that the canvas covering the boat was less visible, sometimes you would not even see the wind screen etc. The point I'm making is that by adjusting the frequency and or strength and other settings of the FLIR system, the operator was able to isolate Dzhokhar. "Peel" off the layers of concealment, if you well, etc.
Now the authorities told us they knew within about ten square city blocks were Dzhokhar was. Now what you may not realize is that the operator of the FLIR system, dose not have to physically look for heat or other signatures with in the area of interest. Soft ware dose the searching for you, only after a hit, if you well, has been made dose the system require a human to get involved if they wish. That's when the operator would take hold of the "joy stick" and start playing the game.
So my point is that the authorities knew, were Dzhokhar was, imo with in ten minutes of the helo arriving on station.
There was no mistaking the hit for a dog or deer or any other thing. Dzhokhar was wounded before hiding in the the boat, the FlIR would have also seen the blood trail.
I told the "old world" during the news conference in Watertown, that it was studied to hold that event in that area without knowing if Dzhokhar was near by. So now I know, THEY HAD HIM COVERED. IMO the auto fire was to let Dzhokhar know they could fill that boat with wholes if they wanted to. The shots were not because Dzhokhar was fighting back, the shots were to keep the people back. ITS ALLQUIIIIIEEEEEEDAH, stay back.
And the authorities still searched peoples homes. My point here is that like I keep telling you all the authorities never miss an opportunity to train i.e. practice. However here they made U.S. citizens give up their privacy of their homes.
And what the sheephooders well never see imo, is the clips of the videos of any of the homes that this FLIR system not only viewed but recorded too.
Update; 04/25/13 16:05 hours
This kid looks like Bod Dylan,

Bod Dylan

Just thought I would add to the circus, I noticed walking though the living room today (at 14:28 hours eastern time), that the media was still playing this tragedy for all the hope and hype ratings they could get. Example CNBC, "BRAKING NEWS" FLASHED across the screen. Then the "confidence man" i.e. broad cater on duty, states, "And now to the situation in New York City".
NJD; God dam you all to hell, as if another bombing had taken place or something tragic. And the "braking news was nothing more than the B.S. hope and hype hawk reaction of NYC politicians about the report that Dzhokhar and his brother did think about setting off some bombs in NYC.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Update; 04/25/13 15:45 hours. See green highlighted material below. Also on the images in this post, I've noticed that the first and last image do not show up in the viewing screen or page, if you well, they only show up in the post itself. This is most likely due to the fact I copied them from Wekipedia and pasted them directly into the post. Just in case they are not visible at all. The first one is of the "Blue Thunder" movie poster, the last image is of Bod Dylan in his younger years.
"Blue Thunder" was a 1983 movie I personally did wish to go see. However I was over seas. I saw it years later in the 90s, on T.V. In this movie they touch on the possibility of the miss use of systems like FLIR. This movie was way a head of the times.
I'm sure everyone has seen the clips of Dzhokhar hiding in the boat.
Now I can't explain this in technical terms. However I noticed in some of the images, you could see that the canvas covering the boat was less visible, sometimes you would not even see the wind screen etc. The point I'm making is that by adjusting the frequency and or strength and other settings of the FLIR system, the operator was able to isolate Dzhokhar. "Peel" off the layers of concealment, if you well, etc.
Now the authorities told us they knew within about ten square city blocks were Dzhokhar was. Now what you may not realize is that the operator of the FLIR system, dose not have to physically look for heat or other signatures with in the area of interest. Soft ware dose the searching for you, only after a hit, if you well, has been made dose the system require a human to get involved if they wish. That's when the operator would take hold of the "joy stick" and start playing the game.
So my point is that the authorities knew, were Dzhokhar was, imo with in ten minutes of the helo arriving on station.
There was no mistaking the hit for a dog or deer or any other thing. Dzhokhar was wounded before hiding in the the boat, the FlIR would have also seen the blood trail.
I told the "old world" during the news conference in Watertown, that it was studied to hold that event in that area without knowing if Dzhokhar was near by. So now I know, THEY HAD HIM COVERED. IMO the auto fire was to let Dzhokhar know they could fill that boat with wholes if they wanted to. The shots were not because Dzhokhar was fighting back, the shots were to keep the people back. ITS ALLQUIIIIIEEEEEEDAH, stay back.
And the authorities still searched peoples homes. My point here is that like I keep telling you all the authorities never miss an opportunity to train i.e. practice. However here they made U.S. citizens give up their privacy of their homes.
And what the sheephooders well never see imo, is the clips of the videos of any of the homes that this FLIR system not only viewed but recorded too.
Update; 04/25/13 16:05 hours
This kid looks like Bod Dylan,

Bod Dylan
Just thought I would add to the circus, I noticed walking though the living room today (at 14:28 hours eastern time), that the media was still playing this tragedy for all the hope and hype ratings they could get. Example CNBC, "BRAKING NEWS" FLASHED across the screen. Then the "confidence man" i.e. broad cater on duty, states, "And now to the situation in New York City".
NJD; God dam you all to hell, as if another bombing had taken place or something tragic. And the "braking news was nothing more than the B.S. hope and hype hawk reaction of NYC politicians about the report that Dzhokhar and his brother did think about setting off some bombs in NYC.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Newjarheaddean's Summery 04/21/13
Lately I have been looking over my past posts in order to clean them up a bit and make any final corrections needed. With my posts or replies on other sites, I get frustrated by my challenge with spelling. I chose alternative words many times just because I know how to spell them. I also accidently choose the wrong words many times from the spell checker list.
I have also realized that I do a lot of name calling. This imo is due to my frustration of seeing no way that this world is going to correct itself i.e. change for the better. That imo is especially true of this nation of the United States of America. I also used more curse words than I should have and have found myself cursing a lot more in person lately too. This imo is immature and over time cursing degrades your vocabulary.
I do really like the term "book thumpers" and feel most of the people I refer to as "book thumpers" may even feel a little pride in that habit. So I do plan on still using it. I also feel "sheephood" or "sheephooder" are vary accurate descriptive terms. All these are also of my own invention. Thus I well continue to use these.
Recently I used the term "WASP wipes" to describe the "old worlds" family. That was not nessisary and I do apologize. You see, here a few weeks ago they sent the "chivalry" down here. I do not want to give away to much here, but these are "descent" good hearted people. All be them "book thumpers" lol. One of the ladies gave the "old world" a book titled "jesus calling" with daily i.e. readings corresponding to the date, like a horoscope if you well. Yesterday after stating I would not return for the rest of the day with any updates to the "chain". I went on with my day, I was late fixing lunch and I realized the "old world" had fallen behind in his readings. So as I started lunch, I suggested we catch up. I have him read them out loud to air his lung out, and so we can discuss them if he cares to. We had fallen farther behind that I had thought, and I could not help but note the April 20 th reading with my resent post complaining about the CNN coverage.
Now I have decided to SLOW down on the posting and get more done like updating my "Fragmented Fighting Facts". I do realize i.e. recall, I had recently stated that I did not care if anyone believed me about what I posted etc. Then I quit the "celebrex" and smoking and lost control, LOL. So my patriots can expect fewer and better posts in the future. AND AN UPDATED "FRAGMENTED FIGHTING FACTS" in the not to distant future, with in three mouths if I had to guess.
Now I realize my post yesterday are a little confusing and patriots would have to do some figuring to understand my points. So let me just say as I stated one more time, google knows the timing of my key strokes and searches. And I never heard CNN mention the Tillman i.e. "Pats" run last night. After I signed off yesterday, I went to fixing the "old worlds" lunch as we digested our food I started shredding all the papers that were piled up next to the shredder. Then I found that article etc. The timing (13:44 hours) of my post "google knows i.e. my key stroks history" was important to me due to the fact that was the time I started posting that day about this latest chain. The post "its a chain and god dose not talk to me" was of course, posted after the CBS article was. However I've stated what I did during the time in question and I would also mention that I never read sports sites or articles and as I have already mention I did not hear anything on CNN last night about the "Pats" run, before us going to sleep . So no I did not hear about it on CNN.
And this chain actually began in Church the other day, you see me and the "old world" quit by accident caught a Latin service, LOL you know, the new Pope is from Latin America. I wish I could give more detail here however it would give a way to much info on our location and I.D. to any local patriots, that is. I took images of the evidence i.e. signs, LOL I don't see it all that way. I call it all "CHAINS".
Now starting just before Christmas of 2012, right after taking up the duties of manager of the old place we use to live, I was in a lot of pain.
Like I have said in the past, "when things get good with me, things get bad and when things get really good, they get really bad". And I mean its exactly like that. Me getting the job of manager is a great example. The present was good and the future looked even better. And then the pain started, you see I have arthritis, originally in my right hip, now throughout my entire body. That is what I was dealing with as I CRAWLED across the Dakotas.
Now with this new owner, I just don't care to get into a lot of detail, I could go into details from the owner being in court for the hearing in the first place and the first time the new owner showed up on the property after court. Right to the last time the "old world" talked to him. I well say that the pay was way below what anyone else would have excepted. And like I told him once, "here I am, managing a property in "south beach" making only 400.00 per mouth, how convenient. Recall now everyone how I have made the point in the past, that me with out money has always been a common denominator or goal of Mr. C/D. This is due to the fact, imo everyone agrees that me with money, would be much more of a threat to those "useful idiots" around me. A good example of this would be to look at how much evidence I gathered in such a short time lately with just a simple camera. And I'll be the "devils" advocate i.e. say this for the owner, he would say imo, well you suggested the amount. And to that I say, yes, based in no small part, on the history of what I witnessed the new owner paying others and me for various work. Up to the point that I got my 400.00 per mouth "salary" LOL, I had made a grand total of 300.00 or so dollars in three mouths. At one point I told him I could do better on food stamps. Not to mention the way he stated his inquiry to me about my request for a salary, he said, "well why don't you give it some thought and let me now what you would want to stick around". As if he could have gotten "anyone" to do the job for what he was paying.
And since I have gone this much into the pay, I'll give you this example to bring it home. Here are some before and after images I took of one of the units that I cleaned up after the resident vacated. Now at this time I was trying to impress the new owner and get my foot in the door. So I offered to clean this and other units for 50.00 bucks. That's five zero "FIFTY ducks" like in the movie "Scareface" lol. And the new owner emailed me "I can get someone to do it for 35.00. LOL. You see this is a good example to me of how a jewish man feels they are helping the economy. Here are those images.
And as far as my summery of my leave of absents i.e. recent time on the streets go, well that is really not worth it. However I well say that I knew I would not be able to meet any one our there that did not fall into the sheephood ranks. And I well tell all you watching me, then and now, that I did realize the man I last talked to and gave the copy of Tri-F too, was mentally ill. And just to remind everyone of what my opinion of the gang situation is on the streets of the U.S.
It is this, both the gangs and the authorities over time have had spies with in the others circles or "Centers of Gravity". At some point the law won out, that goes, imo, for the KKK right down to the neighborhood thugs. You don't see ANYONE on the streets that dose not get a check from some kind of government program. I am truly on the streets when I find myself homeless i.e. with out any support, as rare as a "snow leopard". I do not have any regular income. These people that do, imo well never be able to fight the system and would never risk losing that income.
I like I have stated before, I never arrived in any new place, without the law questioning me and checking my I.D. with in three days. And I mean it happen once and once only, except here in Florida LOL it true I found myself hanging out with someone the law was wanting to arrest and over a period of several days the law checked our I.D.s three times.
On, Sen. Graham,
I heard him state that he (Dzhokhar) should be held as a "potential" LOL "enemy combatant" lol "potential". Then old american Taliban man graham explained (as if he were proud of it) that he had written the law involved and that any evidence uncovered during interrogation could not be used against the person in court. LOL As if the system would ever release anyone who had by any chance any terror related info i.e. happen to be real "evil doers" or "worst of the worst". I well not waist any more time explaining how crazy this is. But I well direct my patriots to the latest report by the "Constitution Project" put forth by Rep Asa Hutchingson and Ambassador James R Jones.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Lately I have been looking over my past posts in order to clean them up a bit and make any final corrections needed. With my posts or replies on other sites, I get frustrated by my challenge with spelling. I chose alternative words many times just because I know how to spell them. I also accidently choose the wrong words many times from the spell checker list.
I have also realized that I do a lot of name calling. This imo is due to my frustration of seeing no way that this world is going to correct itself i.e. change for the better. That imo is especially true of this nation of the United States of America. I also used more curse words than I should have and have found myself cursing a lot more in person lately too. This imo is immature and over time cursing degrades your vocabulary.
I do really like the term "book thumpers" and feel most of the people I refer to as "book thumpers" may even feel a little pride in that habit. So I do plan on still using it. I also feel "sheephood" or "sheephooder" are vary accurate descriptive terms. All these are also of my own invention. Thus I well continue to use these.
Recently I used the term "WASP wipes" to describe the "old worlds" family. That was not nessisary and I do apologize. You see, here a few weeks ago they sent the "chivalry" down here. I do not want to give away to much here, but these are "descent" good hearted people. All be them "book thumpers" lol. One of the ladies gave the "old world" a book titled "jesus calling" with daily i.e. readings corresponding to the date, like a horoscope if you well. Yesterday after stating I would not return for the rest of the day with any updates to the "chain". I went on with my day, I was late fixing lunch and I realized the "old world" had fallen behind in his readings. So as I started lunch, I suggested we catch up. I have him read them out loud to air his lung out, and so we can discuss them if he cares to. We had fallen farther behind that I had thought, and I could not help but note the April 20 th reading with my resent post complaining about the CNN coverage.
Now I have decided to SLOW down on the posting and get more done like updating my "Fragmented Fighting Facts". I do realize i.e. recall, I had recently stated that I did not care if anyone believed me about what I posted etc. Then I quit the "celebrex" and smoking and lost control, LOL. So my patriots can expect fewer and better posts in the future. AND AN UPDATED "FRAGMENTED FIGHTING FACTS" in the not to distant future, with in three mouths if I had to guess.
Now I realize my post yesterday are a little confusing and patriots would have to do some figuring to understand my points. So let me just say as I stated one more time, google knows the timing of my key strokes and searches. And I never heard CNN mention the Tillman i.e. "Pats" run last night. After I signed off yesterday, I went to fixing the "old worlds" lunch as we digested our food I started shredding all the papers that were piled up next to the shredder. Then I found that article etc. The timing (13:44 hours) of my post "google knows i.e. my key stroks history" was important to me due to the fact that was the time I started posting that day about this latest chain. The post "its a chain and god dose not talk to me" was of course, posted after the CBS article was. However I've stated what I did during the time in question and I would also mention that I never read sports sites or articles and as I have already mention I did not hear anything on CNN last night about the "Pats" run, before us going to sleep . So no I did not hear about it on CNN.
And this chain actually began in Church the other day, you see me and the "old world" quit by accident caught a Latin service, LOL you know, the new Pope is from Latin America. I wish I could give more detail here however it would give a way to much info on our location and I.D. to any local patriots, that is. I took images of the evidence i.e. signs, LOL I don't see it all that way. I call it all "CHAINS".
Now starting just before Christmas of 2012, right after taking up the duties of manager of the old place we use to live, I was in a lot of pain.
Like I have said in the past, "when things get good with me, things get bad and when things get really good, they get really bad". And I mean its exactly like that. Me getting the job of manager is a great example. The present was good and the future looked even better. And then the pain started, you see I have arthritis, originally in my right hip, now throughout my entire body. That is what I was dealing with as I CRAWLED across the Dakotas.
Now with this new owner, I just don't care to get into a lot of detail, I could go into details from the owner being in court for the hearing in the first place and the first time the new owner showed up on the property after court. Right to the last time the "old world" talked to him. I well say that the pay was way below what anyone else would have excepted. And like I told him once, "here I am, managing a property in "south beach" making only 400.00 per mouth, how convenient. Recall now everyone how I have made the point in the past, that me with out money has always been a common denominator or goal of Mr. C/D. This is due to the fact, imo everyone agrees that me with money, would be much more of a threat to those "useful idiots" around me. A good example of this would be to look at how much evidence I gathered in such a short time lately with just a simple camera. And I'll be the "devils" advocate i.e. say this for the owner, he would say imo, well you suggested the amount. And to that I say, yes, based in no small part, on the history of what I witnessed the new owner paying others and me for various work. Up to the point that I got my 400.00 per mouth "salary" LOL, I had made a grand total of 300.00 or so dollars in three mouths. At one point I told him I could do better on food stamps. Not to mention the way he stated his inquiry to me about my request for a salary, he said, "well why don't you give it some thought and let me now what you would want to stick around". As if he could have gotten "anyone" to do the job for what he was paying.
And since I have gone this much into the pay, I'll give you this example to bring it home. Here are some before and after images I took of one of the units that I cleaned up after the resident vacated. Now at this time I was trying to impress the new owner and get my foot in the door. So I offered to clean this and other units for 50.00 bucks. That's five zero "FIFTY ducks" like in the movie "Scareface" lol. And the new owner emailed me "I can get someone to do it for 35.00. LOL. You see this is a good example to me of how a jewish man feels they are helping the economy. Here are those images.
And as far as my summery of my leave of absents i.e. recent time on the streets go, well that is really not worth it. However I well say that I knew I would not be able to meet any one our there that did not fall into the sheephood ranks. And I well tell all you watching me, then and now, that I did realize the man I last talked to and gave the copy of Tri-F too, was mentally ill. And just to remind everyone of what my opinion of the gang situation is on the streets of the U.S.
It is this, both the gangs and the authorities over time have had spies with in the others circles or "Centers of Gravity". At some point the law won out, that goes, imo, for the KKK right down to the neighborhood thugs. You don't see ANYONE on the streets that dose not get a check from some kind of government program. I am truly on the streets when I find myself homeless i.e. with out any support, as rare as a "snow leopard". I do not have any regular income. These people that do, imo well never be able to fight the system and would never risk losing that income.
I like I have stated before, I never arrived in any new place, without the law questioning me and checking my I.D. with in three days. And I mean it happen once and once only, except here in Florida LOL it true I found myself hanging out with someone the law was wanting to arrest and over a period of several days the law checked our I.D.s three times.
On, Sen. Graham,
I heard him state that he (Dzhokhar) should be held as a "potential" LOL "enemy combatant" lol "potential". Then old american Taliban man graham explained (as if he were proud of it) that he had written the law involved and that any evidence uncovered during interrogation could not be used against the person in court. LOL As if the system would ever release anyone who had by any chance any terror related info i.e. happen to be real "evil doers" or "worst of the worst". I well not waist any more time explaining how crazy this is. But I well direct my patriots to the latest report by the "Constitution Project" put forth by Rep Asa Hutchingson and Ambassador James R Jones.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Saturday, April 20, 2013
I got scared, lol....
I got scared for a minute after posting my last post "Its a chain etc" I thought what if that article posted an hour or two before my last. I did not bother reading it, with my limited reading speed etc. But it posted minutes after I posted my earlier post tilted "google knows i.e. my key stroks history" at 13:44 hours. Yes I just noted I miss spelled "strokes" i.e. I spelled it "stroks".
And I did not think about it at the time however this is a sports site too. I recently quit smoking and I know people would say, oh that explains it. And imo they would be correct, however like my dad use to tell me at times, "he's right boy but he dose not know why he's right".
Use see quitting the smoking has scammed my brain a bit, but not anywhere near as much as imo it would have with a truly crazzy person. And so its your choice i.e. One has a crazzzy person who has recently quit smoking been able to master mind all this or Two is it a miracle that I have been able to note it all, at all.
And a few days ago, I also quit a medication I have been taking for the last few mouths, that was scrambling my brain. It was a pain killer. This brings up a point I have made in the past about how the soul is imprisoned it you well when the mind is medicated. I'll look that post up too.
And yes I am tired of all this typing and I don't care what happens next I well not post about it.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
I got scared for a minute after posting my last post "Its a chain etc" I thought what if that article posted an hour or two before my last. I did not bother reading it, with my limited reading speed etc. But it posted minutes after I posted my earlier post tilted "google knows i.e. my key stroks history" at 13:44 hours. Yes I just noted I miss spelled "strokes" i.e. I spelled it "stroks".
Thousands participate in run for Pat Tillman amid increased security
By Matt Rybaltowski | CBSSports.com
And I did not think about it at the time however this is a sports site too. I recently quit smoking and I know people would say, oh that explains it. And imo they would be correct, however like my dad use to tell me at times, "he's right boy but he dose not know why he's right".
Use see quitting the smoking has scammed my brain a bit, but not anywhere near as much as imo it would have with a truly crazzy person. And so its your choice i.e. One has a crazzzy person who has recently quit smoking been able to master mind all this or Two is it a miracle that I have been able to note it all, at all.
And a few days ago, I also quit a medication I have been taking for the last few mouths, that was scrambling my brain. It was a pain killer. This brings up a point I have made in the past about how the soul is imprisoned it you well when the mind is medicated. I'll look that post up too.
And yes I am tired of all this typing and I don't care what happens next I well not post about it.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Its a chain, and god dose not talk to me
Update; 03/06/15 17:31 hours central time. The Russians are viewing too. lol
I had mentioned the other day in my post "newjarheaddean sounds off", in a half joking way, that some KGB or FSB agent could have lost a leg in chechnya etc.
Then just now while going threw a bunch of old new paper clippings in files the "old world" is throwing away, I found this old clipping posted below. Then I got a "feeling", I should look up the history of the killing of Mr. Tillman. And this is what I found. See link below.
Its a run people.
I.e. from the first lines of the article, just in case link gets changed.
And her is the old news paper article I found in the files.
And yes in my last post tilted "google knows i.e. my stroke history" I forgot to mention that, no I did not make a copy of the Israeli patriots visits recently in my "stats", I just did not care to. However like I said, lol google and the agents know this happened. And so to, does the Israeli patriot who visited just days before the or should I say "his anniversary", LOL.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Update; 03/06/15 17:31 hours central time. The Russians are viewing too. lol
I had mentioned the other day in my post "newjarheaddean sounds off", in a half joking way, that some KGB or FSB agent could have lost a leg in chechnya etc.
Then just now while going threw a bunch of old new paper clippings in files the "old world" is throwing away, I found this old clipping posted below. Then I got a "feeling", I should look up the history of the killing of Mr. Tillman. And this is what I found. See link below.
Its a run people.
I.e. from the first lines of the article, just in case link gets changed.
Amid heightened security in response to the attack at the Boston Marathon earlier this week, thousands of participants completed a run in memory of Pat Tillman on Saturday morning outside Phoenix without any disturbances.
Under the watchful eye of Tempe Police, roughly 28,000 runners took part in the 9th annual Pat's Run to pay tribute to the former Arizona Cardinals' safety. In the days leading up to the run, police advised runners and spectators to report any suspicious behavior at the event, in the wake of Monday's explosion in Boston that killed three people and wounded more than 160. Organizers of the run also urged participants and supporters to leave backpacks home to help ease security concerns.
And her is the old news paper article I found in the files.
And yes in my last post tilted "google knows i.e. my stroke history" I forgot to mention that, no I did not make a copy of the Israeli patriots visits recently in my "stats", I just did not care to. However like I said, lol google and the agents know this happened. And so to, does the Israeli patriot who visited just days before the or should I say "his anniversary", LOL.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Google knows i.e. my key stroks history
Few this and weep,
I just had to mention this due to the fact its a good example of the "coincidence chains" that spook "them" i.e. those agents fallowing and managing my blog.
Once you look at my entry today for my "page" titled "patriots of Newjarheaddean rumor board" you well see what I am talking about. I mention this Israeli viewer i.e. patriot showing up for a few days last week then that viewer's visit not showing up in "Stats".
Then google and the agents, LOL KNOW it, i.e. I then scrolled down that page i.e. "Patriots of Newjarheaddean rumor board" looking to see if I could find any history of Israeli patriots, and found the first post i.e. the one I started MY VIEWER UPDATES with for this page. I have posted it below.
First Update from the page, "Patriots of Newjaheaddean rumor board" note the date and listing of the Israeli viewer. You see I can see the day the Israeli patriot views and if I want to, as I did here, I can copy that. But the info never registers in any history list or mode.
I also like the way I used all my signature signings or sayings at the end.
Update; 21:24 hours, 04/20/12
Lets see if this works, lol I do not wish to use any of the cluster map companies I've found on the internet so far. Maybe I'll start a page for this and just update it from time to time. This is the map for the week of 04/04/12.
This map is for all time. Note no Israel or African nations. My guess is there is a certain number of views required before nation registers. Israel have appeared before (one veiwer) then it would be omitted.
ANYWHO! This what my records show.
As of 04/20/12
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
end of update copied and pasted to this post.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
Few this and weep,
I just had to mention this due to the fact its a good example of the "coincidence chains" that spook "them" i.e. those agents fallowing and managing my blog.
Once you look at my entry today for my "page" titled "patriots of Newjarheaddean rumor board" you well see what I am talking about. I mention this Israeli viewer i.e. patriot showing up for a few days last week then that viewer's visit not showing up in "Stats".
Then google and the agents, LOL KNOW it, i.e. I then scrolled down that page i.e. "Patriots of Newjarheaddean rumor board" looking to see if I could find any history of Israeli patriots, and found the first post i.e. the one I started MY VIEWER UPDATES with for this page. I have posted it below.
First Update from the page, "Patriots of Newjaheaddean rumor board" note the date and listing of the Israeli viewer. You see I can see the day the Israeli patriot views and if I want to, as I did here, I can copy that. But the info never registers in any history list or mode.
I also like the way I used all my signature signings or sayings at the end.
Update; 21:24 hours, 04/20/12
Pageviews by Countries
This map is for all time. Note no Israel or African nations. My guess is there is a certain number of views required before nation registers. Israel have appeared before (one veiwer) then it would be omitted.
ANYWHO! This what my records show.
Pageviews by Countries
United States
United Kingdom
As of 04/20/12
Pageviews by Countries
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
end of update copied and pasted to this post.
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start" IKYG
"Effective Thinking posted" part XII
This is chapters 14 and 15 and thus the conclusion of the posting of this book. I well be finishing my read and study and then posting my take a ways i.e. notes. This well most likely take me about a mouth or two. I am working on it. However I would not blame any of my patriots for doubting me. But then again I can ask where are the replies to any of my posts.
This is chapters 14 and 15 and thus the conclusion of the posting of this book. I well be finishing my read and study and then posting my take a ways i.e. notes. This well most likely take me about a mouth or two. I am working on it. However I would not blame any of my patriots for doubting me. But then again I can ask where are the replies to any of my posts.
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