Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Marine Corps History part # 6
“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
Famous poems part # 12
“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
Washing the Corps for burial, part # 5
Update: 12:28 hours 1/11/14
graduating from Annapolis, Webb was commissioned as a second lieutenant
in the U.S. Marine Corps. Note; he did not become a "Marine" he was
commissioned into the corp, LOL just like old coward ass Conway. As a
first lieutenant during the Vietnam War he served as a platoon commander
with Delta Company, 1st Battalion 5th Marines.
I found this info on Wekipedia, after Surfing for info on SoN Webb and
CMC Gen. Gray. Wikipedia reports Gen. Gray is 87 and living in
I assure you that
any text that is worth reading I well post. The VAST majority of this book
“Making the CORPS” is not unlike that narrative one would find with any of the so
called “reality” T.V. shows now days i.e. it is mostly personal drama stories,
personality conflicts etc.
Page - 27
With MCRD, I recall the entrance, it was a “cut and cover”
design with no cover i.e. a very steep (Like a 12 % grade) two lane driveway,
with concrete walls, who’s tops if you well, remained at the level of the
surface and extended down and along i.e. lined the driveway too. Like a freeway
underpass. At the bottom was the guard house, we did not stop, the bus just
kept right on going now back up the other side of that steep incline. The
concrete walls lining either side gave it a feeling of a tunnel. There was a
beam running across the top that read something like, “through these gates travel the world’s finest fighting men”. I
tried to get an image however it appears they have remodeled the entrance.
The sleep deprivation is an excellent training tactic. It
well weed out a lot of mentally ill or weak minded recruits. It should be used
more during the training but is not. Oh there are some long nights thus short
periods of taps during the field training in the northern training area, but
nothing like two days none stop.
Well things are looking up, I just read last night on page,
261 about the “crucible” that dose involve sleep deprivation. That’s great, and
other aspects of this “Crucible” are too, however what we get here is mostly
more physical training. The problem solving is excellent too. But there are no
more basic rules i.e. field trick or whatever you wish to call the knowledge. I
well address more of the issues I have with the Crucible” in later posts.
Page 28 - 29
I, only recall three phases in boot camp, being mentioned
when I went through my training. However ITS (Infantry training school) now SOI
(school of infantry) was referred to as the fourth phase. I distinctively
recall being huddled up in a small group after we had been informed of our MOS
i.e. had that confirmed, in the last days of Boot Camp and being told by the
senior, “I’m not going to bull shit you, you are headed for fourth phase”.
I don’t recall the “NOW” being used. I do recall, that once
something was explained to us we had to wait for the command, “do it”! Before
we were to carrying out the instructions. And “heart beats” were used to judge
the passing of time i.e. we would be told “you got about three heart beats etc”
And yeah “YOU” it was explained to us was defined as a female sheep. We were
told this, just before the D.I.s started using that word to refer to everyone
and the platoon as a whole, every time the D.I.s addressed us. And yes, we were
never to use that word ourselves.
I also recall how the D.I.s owned everything (see page 29)
i.e. they worded themselves as “OH! YOU just want to run your mouth in my chow
hall do YOU? Usually followed by “well that’s real good, there YOU, because (I)
got “duty” tonight and we will play gammmmmes”!!! Yes the D.I.s used (I), we the recruits were
told to always start with Sir, followed by “recruit” fallowed by your last
name, when referring to ourselves. It sounds like the Corps has refined this a
bit more i.e. improved or clarified this. (See page 40 in a latter post)
And I recall the phrase “ass hole to belly button” being
used to describe how close we were to stand in lines. We used the “eyeballs”
followed by “click” not “snap” I seem to recall the “ears” and “open” being
used in I.T.S., except it was done in a quite manner i.e. just at normal
volume, no yelling it, we where suppose to be tactical you know. In boot camp that
seems a little over the top or redundant i.e. “click” meant the D.I. had our
undivided attention.
This whole thing about the Officers striving to keep the
Marines focused is really just a pipe dream. Look at how focused the Marines
are in boot camp today.
On this statement made by Col. Michael Becker, about the
raising of the colors on Iwo Jima. I can only say that we all know now that
photo was staged, thus a real fly in the ointment.
Page 30 – 31
Again here we have all this talk of how the Marines are
taking the down in out. Then we see on other pages all this talk of how the
recruit pool is so bad. IMO the think about all the drug use proves something
very important. That is that imo anyone and everyone well use drugs if life is
nothing more than going along with the “sheephooders” i.e. hum drum life.
However if you take those people / recruits and truly give them the knowledge
and training to face a challenging, exciting and interesting cruse in the Corps
they well leave the drugs alone. Thus if your Marines are using drugs, in this
Marines opinion you the training staff and leaders in the FMF have failed.
The blank spaces are full of personal info about recruits
like I said “reality T.V. narrative”.
There was one recruit who was overweight and to get him down to a qualifying
weight they work him real good and when he ask for water the recruiters gave
him an ice cube to lick on.
There is a lot in this book to about South Boston being a
big recruiting pool i.e. area for the Marines to get recruits from. To me with all the talk in this book about the
type of prejudice white men you get from this area, it would seem the Corps
would put a quota on how many they would allow from this area, if you don’t
want a christian KKK based Corps. This book talks about how these two recruits
one white one black found they had more in common than differences. However
after boot they like with the drugs they go right back to their old ways.
Page 33-34 is all “reality T.V.” i.e. personal drama.
Page 34-35
Pages 36-37
At the end of page 37 with Gen. Krulak’s statement, again
with the complaining about the recruit pool. And with the training again the this
suggestion that in time Marines gain knowledge along the lines of “Combat
rules” or “Field trick” i.e. I have seen some Supposed Marines use this term on
the internet. I have yet to see a single trick listed anywhere on the internet.
IMO it’s just one of those fancy redundant terms that make service personal
think they have learned something worth knowing.
And then of course old Gen. Krulak states “real grunts” as
if some Marines are more Marine than others. And there is this whole thing
about “combat training” vs the “School of infantry” too. IMO there should be no
reason for the two coarse. And if I had to pick the cream of the crop i.e. tip
of the spear I would choice the members of FAST i.e. security Marines. Recon
tries to avoid contact with the enemy, FAST teams are looking for contact. LOL.
And just for the record I am a “real grunt”.
From my Marine Officers guide: imo an oxymoron. LOL
Page 38-39
With the platoon number i.e. address I remind everyone of
the “Motto” mail system.
Page 40-41
Here we have the refining of the Marine language for boot
camp i.e. imo it is worth noting that, this is no longer important once the
recruit earns the title Marine.
At MCRD in the 80s we did not get any “rifle towels”.
Page 42-43
I wish to give an example here of how my decisions in life
brought with them knowledge I would not have realized or been aware of, ever in
some cases and not for a long time in this case. This term “heavy hat” is never
or at least in my experience in MCRD San Diego, was never explained to us. I
washed out of my first platoon in week two and was put in “courtesy
correctional platoon” and was picked up by another platoon two weeks later. It
was in this second platoon that I realized all on my own that just like in my
first platoon here there was the cool D.I. you could actually talk to. There
was the total ass hole D.I. you could never please and the senior who was given
all manner of respect out of fear he would turn the platoon over to the ass
hole D.I. i.e. “roles” being played by the D.I.s.
Page 44-45
This contact and setting of the WMs in “CHURCH” imo is just
sick. And it is not fair to the WMs i.e. to be put on show. Then when the WMs
get into the FMF its all “Bams”, i.e. broad ass Marines, talk, rape etc. etc.
And the remainder of the chapter;

“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
If I can make it here, part # 4
Update; 06/20/13 10:10 hours, LOL I CAN NOT LOL believe it, again with the mistake with this conjunction i.e. below, I posted (can) when I meant (can't). Last time it was with the title i.e. I posted (can't make it here etc). Anywhoooo, no codes here just a crazzzy spell checker that shows (can't or that's) as a misspelling and a non spelling Marine.
I had things to do this morning so I'm just now posting this.
Okay its official, someone hacked into my account from California, in 2011, changing the password. IMO it was old U.S. government agents. I also have been hacked from Aventura Florida in 2013. I also recently got a email from Att LOL recall I cant use the (and) symbol without having that alternate text show up in the post after posting i.e. it dose not show in the draft copy of my post just after I post it. Oh yeah there was that email a few weeks go, too from Att about access of my account from a different i.p. address. And yet Att tells me they see no suspicious activity. And I tell them they just don't want to admit it to me.
LOL, however this is my post, my life and...
"when it comes to persecution and suffering, that fairy tale about christ dose not have nothing on me".
I do think it is kind of crazzzy with three (Zs) for me to spend so much of my time working on these posts if they may not be truly available to the public. There for I plan on finishing this latest series then stop posting until I talk to a lawyer, and get some geeks on my side. You see like I keep saying, imo my info has not only been tracked its been altered too. Not only to keep my patriots from reading what I post, but to bait terror suspects too. However like the old saying "those that reveal their intentions can never accomplish their goals" I am not going to get a lawyer or any geeks on my side either. I'm going to take care of the "old world". I'm going to stay inside and keep the doors locked and continue to take care of the "old world". I am going to end my posting soon. I do not delete the blog to prevent the possible complete and legal take over of my blog by the hackers. AND LET IT BEE, LET IT BE. LET IT BEEE oH let it beeee.
Joke: to me Showden seems really clever. His choice of Honk Kong, imo was a stroke of genius i.e. a true modern "middle kingdom", lol. However I bet he wishes he had at least held a cigarette in his hand during that interview. LOL you know the old "smoke and mirrors" motto. Or did he leave it out on purpose. I'm also wondering if his girl friend is going to turn out to be the "falcon" or "hibernating bear" in this show storm.
And I'm going to look it up however dose any body recall me saying a year or more ago how the worst enemy of the system was going to be insiders i.e. their own people. Who imo would feel guilty and be troubled by all the wrong doing. Well looks like my Crazzzy stern was right.
A few last S.W.A.G.s and thoughts of Newjarheaddean's...
I'm wondering when we are going to see a drone pilot defect. However those guys most likely don't have any real information about the systems, but they could tell of the killings.
And I have a feeling we are going to be see our first female mass shooter too. The first adult shooter at a school.
You know imo this country could withstand a (9-11) attack i.e. disaster every year, and still stand tall with all our traditional "Constitutional" freedoms intact. These christians are afraid of their own shadows. They believe satin is out to get them. And lets just say satin was out to get the human race. There is something written in that old testament about how you should never go up against the devil with out god in front of you, imo its saying let god take care of that evil doer, and you just wetness with your eyes, lol yeah, imo god well tell what ever god wants told to those god wishes to know anything. At the same time I can't imagine why that would be necessary i.e. for a human to be given any word of the day from god. That is why I say "do NOT do on to others as you would NOT like done to you".
I thought it was ironic to how I called for a complete separations of chruch and state after all the NSA revelations by Snowden and then the media comparing it all to the "Church committee" hearings on operation "Shamrock" lol, thank me lucky stars.
And on this Getmo closing. So we never did have any of the "worst of the worst" did we? You say, KSM, lol give me a brake, that fat out of shape play boy imo never saw a battle field i.e. was not a warrior, if he came up with the 9-11 plans that was his greatest achievement in live. And how do I know he was a womenizer, because after all the surveillance this nation must have done on him, past present etc, the only image we see is his arrest mug shot and an old collage days family photo in Islamic garb i.e. imo, there are plenty more recent ones of him in western style cloths.
The congress well not close Getmo because their are no worsts of the worst, just like this government guarding "Fort Knox" do to the lack of gold in the volt, not because there was so much of it. And thus by closing it they would admit they were mistaken i.e. exaggerating etc. etc.
And TO HELL WITH THOSE SPYING ON ME OR USING ME. I have done nothing wrong and I talk to no one but the "old world" and he to me, period.
Christianity is the modern day "Bail" that is right, imo you serve satin in the name of god. And god is the one you all have to worry about. LOL well come to the club. See my poem, "Your way".
Update; 06/20/13 10:10 hours, LOL I CAN NOT LOL believe it, again with the mistake with this conjunction i.e. below, I posted (can) when I meant (can't). Last time it was with the title i.e. I posted (can't make it here etc). Anywhoooo, no codes here just a crazzzy spell checker that shows (can't or that's) as a misspelling and a non spelling Marine.
I had things to do this morning so I'm just now posting this.
Okay its official, someone hacked into my account from California, in 2011, changing the password. IMO it was old U.S. government agents. I also have been hacked from Aventura Florida in 2013. I also recently got a email from Att LOL recall I cant use the (and) symbol without having that alternate text show up in the post after posting i.e. it dose not show in the draft copy of my post just after I post it. Oh yeah there was that email a few weeks go, too from Att about access of my account from a different i.p. address. And yet Att tells me they see no suspicious activity. And I tell them they just don't want to admit it to me.
LOL, however this is my post, my life and...
"when it comes to persecution and suffering, that fairy tale about christ dose not have nothing on me".
I do think it is kind of crazzzy with three (Zs) for me to spend so much of my time working on these posts if they may not be truly available to the public. There for I plan on finishing this latest series then stop posting until I talk to a lawyer, and get some geeks on my side. You see like I keep saying, imo my info has not only been tracked its been altered too. Not only to keep my patriots from reading what I post, but to bait terror suspects too. However like the old saying "those that reveal their intentions can never accomplish their goals" I am not going to get a lawyer or any geeks on my side either. I'm going to take care of the "old world". I'm going to stay inside and keep the doors locked and continue to take care of the "old world". I am going to end my posting soon. I do not delete the blog to prevent the possible complete and legal take over of my blog by the hackers. AND LET IT BEE, LET IT BE. LET IT BEEE oH let it beeee.
Joke: to me Showden seems really clever. His choice of Honk Kong, imo was a stroke of genius i.e. a true modern "middle kingdom", lol. However I bet he wishes he had at least held a cigarette in his hand during that interview. LOL you know the old "smoke and mirrors" motto. Or did he leave it out on purpose. I'm also wondering if his girl friend is going to turn out to be the "falcon" or "hibernating bear" in this show storm.
And I'm going to look it up however dose any body recall me saying a year or more ago how the worst enemy of the system was going to be insiders i.e. their own people. Who imo would feel guilty and be troubled by all the wrong doing. Well looks like my Crazzzy stern was right.
A few last S.W.A.G.s and thoughts of Newjarheaddean's...
I'm wondering when we are going to see a drone pilot defect. However those guys most likely don't have any real information about the systems, but they could tell of the killings.
And I have a feeling we are going to be see our first female mass shooter too. The first adult shooter at a school.
You know imo this country could withstand a (9-11) attack i.e. disaster every year, and still stand tall with all our traditional "Constitutional" freedoms intact. These christians are afraid of their own shadows. They believe satin is out to get them. And lets just say satin was out to get the human race. There is something written in that old testament about how you should never go up against the devil with out god in front of you, imo its saying let god take care of that evil doer, and you just wetness with your eyes, lol yeah, imo god well tell what ever god wants told to those god wishes to know anything. At the same time I can't imagine why that would be necessary i.e. for a human to be given any word of the day from god. That is why I say "do NOT do on to others as you would NOT like done to you".
I thought it was ironic to how I called for a complete separations of chruch and state after all the NSA revelations by Snowden and then the media comparing it all to the "Church committee" hearings on operation "Shamrock" lol, thank me lucky stars.
And on this Getmo closing. So we never did have any of the "worst of the worst" did we? You say, KSM, lol give me a brake, that fat out of shape play boy imo never saw a battle field i.e. was not a warrior, if he came up with the 9-11 plans that was his greatest achievement in live. And how do I know he was a womenizer, because after all the surveillance this nation must have done on him, past present etc, the only image we see is his arrest mug shot and an old collage days family photo in Islamic garb i.e. imo, there are plenty more recent ones of him in western style cloths.
The congress well not close Getmo because their are no worsts of the worst, just like this government guarding "Fort Knox" do to the lack of gold in the volt, not because there was so much of it. And thus by closing it they would admit they were mistaken i.e. exaggerating etc. etc.
And TO HELL WITH THOSE SPYING ON ME OR USING ME. I have done nothing wrong and I talk to no one but the "old world" and he to me, period.
Christianity is the modern day "Bail" that is right, imo you serve satin in the name of god. And god is the one you all have to worry about. LOL well come to the club. See my poem, "Your way".
“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
Washing the Corps for burial part # 4
Update 06/19/13 20:30 hours; well I just got a real scare. I believed for a minute I had posted an image of the cover of my Gazette magazine. That cover would have had my full name and old address i.e. in Miami Beach address on it. However, all is well I did not post the cover. And thus no update here.
I've also added a few images from one of my Gazette magazine articles on the sad situation of Black officers serving i.e. commissioned into the Marines. That is right I well never refer to any officer as a Marine again. I had mentioned this before as I talked about old coward way i.e. the 34th CMC. I made the point then that he had graduated from a collage campus in Virginia or where ever i.e. had not graduated from any MCRD. However I did not know for sure that those officers were not considered Marines by the system until I read this book. Anyways! Here is that article on black officers serving in the Marines.
"let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job"
"Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
"When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
"I well be my lucky star"
Update 06/19/13 20:30 hours; well I just got a real scare. I believed for a minute I had posted an image of the cover of my Gazette magazine. That cover would have had my full name and old address i.e. in Miami Beach address on it. However, all is well I did not post the cover. And thus no update here.
I assure you that
any text that is worth reading I well post. The VAST majority of this book
“Making the CORPS” is not unlike that narrative one would find with any of the so
called “reality” T.V. shows now days i.e. it is mostly personal drama stories,
personality conflicts etc.
So yeah I think the whole “farting” narrative was a pour
attempt to make the book “making the corps” seem raw and real. See image of page
68 in part one. It’s nothing more than a “reality” book. Just like this “note
on sources” statement. See image below. Imo, there is nothing in this book that
anyone would doubt or question if it actually happened.
Note on sources
There are things I expected to read here but did not find.
For one thing, the sudden realization by what seemed to be everyone in the
platoon at or about day five, we all had to make a “head” call; to take a dump
i.e. the fear and stress had constipated us.
Other things I did not read were how “new” “recruits” i.e.
first phase platoon members, were made to wear our trousers “un-bloused” i.e.
no “boot bans” were allowed to tuck our trouser legs in, around the tops of our
boots. We also had to wear our “blouses” buttoned all the way up to the top
i.e. collar button used too, so no T-shirt was showing.
This brings up another thing about my generation of Marines
vs. the 90s and later Marines. They get to wear “olive drab” and “forest” green
skevvees, (underwear, socks) etc. They get
“forest” green “LOOSE FITTING” P.T. shorts too. And we had those really sexy, “TIGHT FITTING”, red
shorts with the yellow trimming around the seams. I looked like a cheer leader
with my golden tanned hairless legs. This also means their skevves and P.T.
gear, transition well to field exercises. In our case we soiled up our whites
in boot camp thus once in the FMF, we had to buy new whites for garrison and
green ones for the field. Also we could not wear our utility uniforms off base
at anytime.
And once again Ironically to me there is a parallel here
with the NBA with the U.S. Corps sponsoring the NBA and the uniform changes i.e.
just look at those old videos of doctor J, Larry Bird, and magic Johnson,
compared to today’s players to see what a difference the style of shorts makes.
So I’m saying the uniform change is good, I feel cheated.
Here on (page 20) the author claims the Corps doses well with
the bottom half of America, and then on page 22 he mentions all this trash
about how bad the recruit pool got after Vietnam and in the early eighties,
thus a much more lacks and troubled Corps. I specifically recall how EVERYONE
kept telling me how lucky I was to be accepted into the Corps, this in the
early eighties. Those two Vietnam vets in my neighborhood, reading their
“leathernecks” every mouth, told me that the Corps had really gotten strict
etc. etc.
And everyone knows the Marines are much less open i.e. share
less info, with anyone including the Media (page 21). And for those that claim
that changed only after 9-11, I tell you I specifically recall all the warnings
we got about “spies” in the general population, especially overseas. We were
always told before any leave, not to talk to people about our MOS or our unit’s
activities schedule etc etc.
These statements on page 21 kind of contradict themselves,
unless you want to say the Marines are modest. He should have mentioned the old
“tell it to the Marines” motto. He is right though, like I mentioned in part
one, Marines know how to pack their trash. And imo, it’s the Navy that provides
the extra supplies that gives the Marines more opportunity to get creative and
enjoy life in the field or “bush”. Just like it’s the Navy that takes the
Marines to the exotic locals.
I've also added a few images from one of my Gazette magazine articles on the sad situation of Black officers serving i.e. commissioned into the Marines. That is right I well never refer to any officer as a Marine again. I had mentioned this before as I talked about old coward way i.e. the 34th CMC. I made the point then that he had graduated from a collage campus in Virginia or where ever i.e. had not graduated from any MCRD. However I did not know for sure that those officers were not considered Marines by the system until I read this book. Anyways! Here is that article on black officers serving in the Marines.
On page 25 here I get a kick out of this Hollywood fantasy propaganda, about live coverage. But what really is amazing is how so many sheephooders read this and think its true i.e. they believe the western media reporters are out on the battlefield trying to get this kind of "live feed" coverage so they can show us all whats happening on battlefield earth.
"let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job"
"Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
"When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
"I well be my lucky star"
Marine Corps history part 5
“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
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