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UPDATE 12/21/13, 11:42 HOURS

I am revealing who I am today i.e. posting my name, I am Keith Oeffinger, I was born in San Antonio Texas in 1963. See today's post 12/21/13 .

Update, 01/11/14 12:30 hours;

I would like to say, with only one reply, like three years ago, this blog seems too much like a mirror site to me. And it appears very few patriots are looking back at past posts.

The new “Fragmented Fighting Facts” series of posts that dedicates one post to each Basic rule has now been completed. This series starts with the post tilted “Post # 1, Planning, Preface” that posted on 05/12/13. This series is under the label “Tri-F in progress”. Posts well be updated as I edit or discover additional knowledge thus the series is the most current version of my "Fragmented Fighting Facts" manual. For an old but complete version i.e. all in one post copy. Patriots are welcomed to try viewing one of the “pages” listed in the “special word section” on the starboard side of the blog. I say try due to the fact I’m not sure if they are published i.e. viewable to the general public due to all the issues or HACKING with my blog. There is also a complete copy posted, that is titled, “Tri-F in progress” too, it was posted 11/13/10.

And feel free to fire away with a reply, (sarcasm on).


The most important lesson that everyone should have taken away from the Boston Marathon bombings was that those young men proved that no al-queda members are in the u.s. Otherwise they too would just go get some presure cookers and had to a parade.

“I AM NOT A TERRORIST” this nation’s worst enemy is FEAR. This fear is being promoted mostly by the back woods, right wing, Christians of this nation. We need to separate church and state, period. And that is of course for the States sake.

I would like patriots to understand that I use the terms "official revealed fact" to mean what everyone is being told by officials, media etc. I use the term "kings truth" to mean what I know or believe to actually be the actual facts. I DO NOT MEAN IT IN A RELIGIOUS WAY. I.E. the term Kings is plural as in those running the show.

Preface for the Fragmented Fighting Facts

Note pink highlighted material is that, that IMO is questionable factually, it maybe an “official revealed fact” that I am questioning. The material may need to be defined i.e. explained more or it could be a personal note. Yellow is location undecided or unedited material i.e. unread that I have not decided on what to keep or not. Green means a change has been made i.e. an update. By noting the green updated highlights a Patriot well not have to read the Fragmented Fighting Facts in its entirety to stay current. Red is important, perhaps the "kings truth".

Newjarheaddean; this is my collection of combat notes. One might call it my anthology of combat tactics, techniques, methods and skills. The note taking began about fourty years ago (I was around 13 years old) with the observation of 10 rules listed with in a book covering the French and Indian i.e. Native American, wars, entitled “Roger’s Rangers”. That’s right the rules that started all this are “Army Ranger” rules, this book was located in the “Westfall” library in San Antonio Texas off of Vance Jackson. I get a kick out of the libraries name due to the general agreement that modern or state vs state warfare started with the singing of the peace treaties at Westphalia. I could not read at the time; however I knew that a list in a book on war would be important. I copied those rules down like a scribe might have written hieroglyphs and had my dad read them to me. . This discovery preceded numerous sources including approximately one hundred books and about a dozen field manuals, of which a few were of WWII era. These were found at libraries, half price bookstores and garage sales. Since going on line in 2007, I have found material on web sites such as “Defense and National Interest” (DNI), “Global security”, “Strategy page” , “Wikipedia” and “Bayonet strength” and “Efour4ever” in the combat lessons learned section. These last two sites cover WWII.

Previously referred to as K.O.O.L.N. (acronym definition, top secret), FLASH REPORTS; I NOW AM TELLING EVERYONE IT STANDS FOR KEITH OEFFINGER'S ORGANIZATION OF LEARNED KNOWLEDGE the joke on me here was I believed Knowledge was spelled with an (N). I was a special education student and did not learn to read until my last year of high school. I have now titled my work “Fragmented Fighting Facts” or “Tri-F”; the name derives from the computer grammar function always alerting me to the fragmented nature of my sentences. This is due to the “just the facts, ma’am” manor the material is written i.e. there has been little if any effort to write in whole sentences or provide context. This is not to say there is no order with Tri-F, in fact there is a theme. I have laid out the information as one might expect a commander or members of a unit to recall it thus utilizing it to conduct a mission.

We start with “Planning”, followed by the section on “Defense”, then there’s “Preparations and conduct of patrols” or “PCP”, and we end with “Conduct of Engagements” or “COE”, i.e. engagements being the term used here for shootouts. Each section of Tri-F consists of numbered “Basic rules”, each basic rule followed by detailed notes that either relate to, explain, or give examples pertaining to the basic rules. As with the general format of Tri-F, each section’s basic rules are laid out as one might need to recall them. This is most obvious in the last section COE starting with basic rule number one, “Flash report”, i.e. actions to take upon contact with the enemy. This sections last basic rule deals with handling POWs.

Keep in mind this is a work in progress; I’m constantly discovering new information to add which in turn still at times requires rearranging things. At the same time, interestingly enough to me, I have not needed to rearrange my original order of the basic rules for quite some time. There are however, two instances where the detailed information fallowing a pair of basic rules became so similar I decided to combine the pair into one basic rule. These two occurrences are noted in footnotes.

Now heed this, out of all the information contained within this work, only an estimated 1% was taught to me while I was serving in the U.S.M.C. Moreover, to put a fine point on it, it’s worth noting I served in Charlie Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, i.e. an Infantry unit. Before my discharge (after only a two year cruse), I attended Jungle Warfare School in the northern training area of Okinawa (for two weeks), Mountain Warfare School in Korea (for one week) and Combat Town Camp Pendleton for MOUT training (for one day). I did not take part in any amphibious training nor did I ever go to Twenty Nine Palms for Desert Warfare training. We did ride around in AAVs once at Camp Pendleton. All in all I would say the only things I missed out on were a beach landing (at Coronado I believe) and a little sun burn, due to the fact that those twenty nine palms, I was told in the early eighties were all located at the front gate of that base. Needless to say, the training did not impress me, and I now know it was not going to get any better as some suggested to me at the time, and still others later claimed that I should have just stayed in longer.

With my position on the lack of training, I do wish to make it perfectly clear that I do support the service women and men in the U.S. armed forces. I also believe them to be as brave as any people on earth, (with the exception of the (Y) generation). My concern is in the way the Infantry especially is being mislead and used. I want people to understand my experience and IMO a lot of evidence suggests Uncle Sam intends to use his infantry in ways that does not include training any generation in the art of “traditional Guerilla combat tactics” i.e. as a “Traditional Commando” would be. I am not talking about “SWAT” team “Close quarter” tactics, like the “Stick dynamic entry”. That tactic should be called the “cluster f**k”. Just call that sort of tactic what it is NYPD (Cops T.V. show bad-boys, bad-boys) in Afghanistan.

The problem is that that tactic was developed by police departments to deal with an objective occupied by drugged up party animals, i.e. untrained civilians. The police never use it in a spur of the minute situation. They use it when the house/objective has been under constant surveillance for mouths in some cases and the police know all manner of information about everyone in the house and the structure and neighborhood in general. The cops choose a time when everyone is pasted out from partying the night before and have long lost any weapons (between the cushions or under the bed) they might have had on them as show pieces during the party. The primary reason for the large numbers of police in close proximity is to make sure the gang does not think the raid is a rival gang “brake in” and thus resist in any way. There is lots of yelling too, thus reinforcing the message that no one is trying to be covert, like one would be to get away with a crime.

This brings up an intriguing observation of mine; that being that by the book an assault should be made from the top down, yet the troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere use the Stick dynamic entry and usually enter from the front door, like a SWAT team. However resent high profile raids show the SWAT teams attacking from the top down. Examples you may recall are the raids on the Shinning path group in Peru in 2000 and the Mumbai raid by Indian forces on the Jewish center in 2008. IMO this proves the existence of what I’ll refer to as a “need to know” training policy, being followed by various governments, the purpose being to limit the number of true Commandos that could become tomorrow’s rebels, apposing corrupt governments. One last thing about the Stick, IMO every single time the regular forces unit conducting one of these foolish Stick dynamic entries comes under fire i.e. runs into resistance, the Stick brakes i.e. the whole unit evacuates and awaits some kind of support form tanks, guns, tubes or air. Bottom line IMO the Stick is used as a probing tactic and is meant to be a moral boosting show peace tactic to make the unit feel as if it has taken a hill, which was nothing more than another empty building, that IMO Intel suggested, was the case before the entry was ordered. Recalling the police policy of long periods of surveillance prior to raids.

It also seems to me that in light of the old saying “you can fight a war with bombs and blockades but only boots on the ground can win it” ( IMO, Uncle Sam has now revised that saying, as fallows) “you can win a war with bombs and blockades, but only the infantry can end the war”, farther more IMO Uncle Sam has gone one more step and decided to use private security companies and local i.e. indigenous people for the infantry role. All this fear of true commandos is all very similar to the “Mujahideen” not being allowed by various governments, to return to their homelands i.e. native nations, after fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

And as for the U.S. and other Western nations, training foreigners to fight a counter insurgency goes. IMO this training includes nothing more than police procedures i.e. conducting investigations, forensics, searching individuals and buildings to collect evidence and yes serving warrants, if necessary, with those all mighty “stick” tactics. And of course, lots of “new innovative techniques and tactics” involving CAS and IMO (Old) so called high tech equipment the U.S. Military Industrial Congressional Complex wants to clear out of the warehouses.

All in all IMO Uncle Sam has chosen to put just about all his eggs in one advanced technology system, think Star Wars Storm Troopers or Matrix i.e. the Operator or Morpheus trying to guide Neo and others to safety. IMO it looks something like this; (x) unit go to (x) address, kick in front door, use stairs to your right, go south down hallway to (x) door, it is unlocked, interning room go to (x) window looking out window to the north you will see your target running east though the neighbors garden. All this information and the “live” feeds of target and area of operations would be provided by a fleet of satellites as well as Near space assets that are never mentioned by the media as current military assets and of course there’s the robots, UAVs and a flood of other covertly deployed sensors as well as covert eves dropping of any civilian electronic devices in the Area of operations.

Thus in light of these and similar so called “new innovative, techniques and tactics” (notice the media and governments choice of words “techniques and tactics” as if we’re talking Commando training i.e. why not use some modern high tech terms the system is so eager to introduce us all to normally as a matter of routine), IMO Uncle Sam has placed the traditional Guerrilla combat tactics, on the back burner and is hoping they all go the way of other black arts.

This is not just true of the infantry; let us take a peek at aerial combat. Does anyone out there actually think today’s U.S. pilots are turning and burning, pulling high (G) maneuvers trying to hit the entry windows and get inside the bandits turn. Think any pilot has conducted a yo-yo or split S maneuver lately or made the choice between a single or two-circle fight. Now days its all about stealth, ECM and Smart even autonomous weapons, missiles especially BVR tech. IMO this explains why the U.S. Navy is not concerned with not having a front line fighter equal to the USAF F-22 Raptor. An article I recently read on “Strategy page” mentioned a lot of talk about a Navy F/A-18E at an air show, displaying a little F-22 silhouette decal i.e. a simulated Kill credit symbol/icon. IMO the F/A- 18E did not gun down that kill.

And then everyone knows that just about all now and IMO soon all weapons systems including the bayonet well have a chip in it.

So if the electronics ever fail (maybe due to a shift in the axis of earths electromagnetic field, passed a certain point or perhaps a record size solar flare) IMO it well be the masters of the age-old Guerrilla combat tactics i.e. The Fragmented Fighting Facts Basic Rules that survive, keeping in mind “no one wins”.

I also wish, that those who join the various services where told all this up front i.e. “we do not intend to train you as a traditional Commando”.

Another thing I would like everyone to consider is that; what makes a Marine special is not the training she or he receives, no it’s the steel the youth demonstrates when they choose to join the Marines. Even when compared to the Special Forces, who IMO are only specialists in their particular field, once again mostly high tech specialties and whose ranks are filled with older personnel that have already been serving and have graduated from a boot camp i.e. are aware of the hoop and hype hurry up and wait tactics. And who are then usually chosen i.e. coached into changing their MOS. I am aware of the change in recruitment policy after 2001 allowing for direct entry into the S.F. community. IMO a rarity and IMO it is still not the same as just choosing to go to a Marine Corps Recruit Depot from the start.

Furthermore, to those who just well not accept the truth about the lack of training along the lines of traditional Guerrilla combat tactics. I can now say that I have exchanged comments with a number of Iraqi and Afghanistan combat vets. These comments can be found on the internet if you Google up my call sign, Newjarheaddean also spelled with one (D). IMO it is obvious that the tactics I speak of are news to the vets, some have made commits that proves in combat they were just winging it. And no, I don’t believe that all the vets are observing some kind of code of silence on these tactics including the vets who are against the wars. Unless everyone wants to say that YouTube and other internet companies are conspiring to edit all combat footage that shows these tactics being used and that, the vets are staging other videos that show them (albeit with great bravery) as armatures without a clue and winging it. If anyone ever sees video, showing the tactics listed in Tri-F being used, be sure and provide a link with your comment. I once saw a flash of film on CNN showing combat in Lebanon during the 1980s that showed some of these tactics being used by a Guerrilla fighter. I well also say I do believe that UAV footage is edited by the Pentagon to keep the public from seeing the few but well trained Taliban and other Guerrilla fighters that are using these tactics. Alternatively, maybe people think our professional highly trained well-equipped military is unable to defeat 10 – 20 thousand religious extremist amateur thugs in almost a decade of fighting. All the while killing at least by some estimates 100 a mouth including dozens of top commanders.

Let me also say, on the numbers of U.S. PTSD casualties, i.e. IMO, WIA, (And IMO deserving of a Purple Heart). The Government portrays these cases as a result of fighting a war that is “unlike any other war we have fought before” (LOL). Facing an enemy that is fighting in some mysterious and or cowardly manor that simply cannot be countered by military means. I believe the high numbers are a result of US forces fighting in a manner that is suicidal i.e. pointless and counterproductive to the real world situation. Example; you have a young brave American ready to fight for the nation, while on one of these IMO “Russian roulette parades” someone shoots at the unit from some building, everyone scrambles for cover, as some spray and pray, then after determining the location using SWATS (Soldier Worn Acoustic Targeting Systems) sniper detectors, or one of the many similar vehicle mounted systems the commander calls in some sort of CAS, if someone’s brains have been blow out especially if it was an officer or the location is vague, a real “crowd pleaser” maybe used i.e. 2000 pounder.

IMO this is how 90% of engagements (fought by regular infantry units) are resolved. Special Forces are now and in the feature more and more regular infantry well be using the Matrix. And to those that think this is the exception I say show me the number of WIA or KIA (On either side) by small arms fire i.e. during traditional firefights. Even if one includes sniper fire those figures are really low. So IMO after witnessing all the carnage and innocent civilian life being lost and receiving all those looks from the witnesses, it is the American that realizes it is his unit that is not fighting right.

This is reinforced and really sinks in back in the states when the vet is asked to tell the Commando stories that never occurred and thus the vet must tell the truth i.e. give up the Commando reputation, keep it all inside or start lying. If the first option is chosen that unveiling reality is demoralizing and makes it all not worth it. If either one of the other chooses are made IMO the vet becomes the ticking bomb. And I can tell you all that many times, I have recalled being told once that “when you go home keep your mouth shut about the things we did. If you don’t you well be thought of as a liar or crazy and either which way your life well be over”. That First Sergeant was right, but like my daddy use to say, “He’s right but he does not know why he’s right” i.e. IMO the First Sgt. thought of what we did in terms of remarkable heroic feats. However, IMO certainly since the beginning of the Vietnam era, it is the lack of training i.e. the manner in which our service women and men are fighting that keeps this tragedy going.

I would also suggest the vets of today are just like I was 25 or so years ago in the sense that they know there training is lacking, however, they just cannot explain what’s missing. However unlike me they refuse to accept that old fashion “black arts” are the answer i.e. should be the basis of basic training. And I now know the “Black art” tactics they and I should have been trained in and I can now say, “The PFC that told the Corp it was out of step, now has provided the proof”. What surprises me is that most vets it seems don’t care at all about the tactics I speak of and seem to view me as an unpatriotic “party pooper”, when I’m just a U.S. Marine trying to improve the Corps and save lives. Bottom line IMO the infantry needs to consist of unmarried i.e. undistracted, NO CHILDREN, dedicated true professionals, trained in the tactics listed in Tri-F and many more I am sure exist.

And to those that say “chivalry is for the museums” I say “first we must have peace on earth”.

One Newjarheaddean

“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”

" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"

" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"

" I well bet my lucky start"



Update; 12/19/14 09/53 hours

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

a day in the life of newj i.e. NJDs.

Update; 09/30/15 15:12 hours. Its always better than i can recall or post it. lol its the "Kings Truth"


Gettin eyes on the Tecamaleano

Making eyes on the Tecamaleano

Forging love on the Tecamaleano


I found two of the most outstanding caches for my equipment. I am still in the security phase i.e. i am still testing if these locations are secure as they look. I have placed decoy gear and packs at locations to see if any one fucks with anything.

From time to time for a while I well check on them and smoke some dope, chill out, lol.

Did i or did i not mention a long time ago that the first time we Newjarheaddean communicated we all whispered. We took a good little while but did and outstanding job of building a base of operations i.e. a homeland. "Silverback" and the "Bomb" were never here right! That text was a request or report right! 

I just wanted a husband, it is not going to happen that way.
I saw this couple this morning. I asked a group of well dress men, "none of you have a pent-house you want to put me up in".




“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"
G- (K) night!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Here we go again, Oh well


So who gives a shit, right!

I caught sight of the Bomb only once from about two blocks away, this weekend. Silverback took me out to eat. He explained to me that the heat had really been turned up on me here. That there would be no more contact with me again. He told me no one you are hanging with is worth a shit and he told me where I should go next, if I cared to have any chance at what I wanted in life.

My mind has been a black ever since he walked away from me at the table.

He was correct I know, here, I am basically being treated just as I have been in so many other places and times in this nation. That is to say, no one talking to me will agree with me about anything, They well not let me talk about tactics or the wars ect. Everything I do is criticized. I do not believe this is by happen chance or that these people are correct in what they say.

They tell me I'm a man and should quite wearing those dresses. They tell me that I'm not a Marine, that that is all over. They tell me i'm at fault for all that is wrong in my life. etc. They well not get me any dope until REAL late i.e. so I can't get any sleep right! If I have money someone well hang with me tell its gone. No one well help me get this pack off my back. They all have someone letting them leave their things somewhere i.e. they don't carry their packs around. I have always found someone at my new location to let me store my things. Not this time.

One reason, I cant find a place to store my bag is that like I said I have zero support from the gay community. No one is saying hay new family member why don't you put your bag in our storage locker in the alley, like they do with some many other homeless guys that let them suck their dicks. And there are just to many people watching me and everyone else on the streets or locals too etc. i.e. the streeties watch everyone. It may not sound logical to a person who has never lived on the streets but these people watch and talk and organize quite well. You might find a hide for your equipment for a day or two then they lol well find it. Either streeties watching or it well just be like great minds thinking alike i.e. someone else well be looking for a hide and find yours.

Last night just minutes after me telling Ben that i did not think we were good together, he told me "I told you that". About ten minutes later at this corner, I met this guy who me and ben had run into the other night. Now he asked me about my friend. I explained that I had just given up on that guy etc. About one hour later there that guy was talking to Ben at another corner. LOL like what would be the odds on that. I nor ben had met this guy before according to the conversation we had the night before. Now he runs into me after I tell Ben what I did and leave then he finds ben blocks away and is talking to him too.

Bottom line on all this is that it is one or the other i.e. I am one spooky as dude meaning this is all just naturally occurring which would make me special and i do not like to think in those terms or there are to many people around me that think they know whats best for me. Their goal imo would be to get me into the mental health system, lol that is a contradiction of terms for you. Sign my life away give up so in the streeties minds i.e. "useful idiots" keith well be able to pay for all the drugs now. The streeties don't understand that I would never be given a place to stay and money like so many other homeless mentally ill people get. I would be put away UNTIL I WAS NOT ME, only then imo years later would I be put in a box i.e. apartment somewhere and left to die.

Its just me and this post or blog is most likely only being read by them, lol i.e. their are no true Newjarheaddean Rumor Board patriots.

And I well never have a husband again. Maybe I should join the black widows. Sarcasm on.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sangin WARGAME part three.


Laughing out Loud !!!!

Any patriot of Newjarheaddean Rumor board, knows how I get when I get upset or going on the offensive, lol i.e. all this WARGAME busisnesssssss as the "old world" would say. 

I don't have time for all this bullshit teaching of the "sheephooders" i.e. average citicin of Austin or anywhere else in this nation etc. etc. 

Yesterday, oh yeah It was nigh before last, i met him right looked a lot like Robert form S.A,. the cook,.. 

Oh I fill in love. Mr. Right took me away from this other dark green streetie. And just told me what he wanted and it was just exactly what i wanted and he fucked me better than that last nigger lol who stud me up. 

I mean I took his wad right in the mouth, And sucked him clean he did not need to clean up. He just started fucking me and I kept telling him "but, i want to suck your dick". lol the first time I told him after he started in on my legs like a champ and then got me laying down in the park with my panties pulled to the side. 

We really got in a good laugh the first time I told him i wanted to suck his dick. He told me i just really sound disparate, i thought i sounded like a vampire. i whispered it to him when he yes he did kissed me. 


He then stud me up last night. Wait till i see him. He is really strong and young i know. 

Who gives a shit about the diet thing, I'm eating enough to stay a live and functioning.


Then it happened, Its all on video, last night I hear, "heay, you fucking bitch, come herrr". 

ITS "SILVER BACK". Next to him stands the "BOMB"!!!

Fuck you too, bomb said.

So SB takes me to this hide they had scouted out earlier and did me. Bomb was going to be right back he told me as an excuse to just have his way with me. 

You love just whoring me don't you? just do or use me, i kept asking him. This during what little brakes i got i.e. when my mouth did not have his dick in it. I was so turned on I came three times, jacking off. This was over an hour time period. I was as horny as I could be when i met "Mr Right" the night before. 

Yeap silver back said looking off, lol like he was board. And then he told me and then me and (saying name)  are getting right back on the bus and go back to San Antonio.  

Its great to know these realworld newj are in town. 

So the locals in a urban warfare (UW) situation like i would suggest here may want to use the same intersection for the market that your unit would like to use as your FOB one i.e. Newj Marine's camp Margarita. 

So we took the abandoned old two story building down the street in Sangin Austin (S.A.)

in Sangin Sangin we would have to use some unused out of the way of traffic comer of city property imo. 

I have three plt. correct. 

There is no bird problem for the locals anymore in S.A. due to the fact we Newj Mar. are eating them, right? lol


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sangin, WARGAME part two or step two Sarcasm on...


Note the purposely married wars of WARGAME real world Marines do this a lot i.e. joint two words that would normally be separated, yes/no

WE NEWJ OR NEWJARHEADDEAN MARINES don't need any stinken smoke grenades in the Austin in Down town Sangin i.e. the scenario is that we Newj Mar would b fighting real world Taliban and Newj Tali i.e. I well wargame it from the point of view that i am my enemy. How would I attack. We Down Town Austin as the terrain urban that is.

point a newj mar is just going to commandeered a passing vehicle making sure they have a full tank of gas i.e. carjack someone up wind of lets say the intersection we newj mar wish to screen etc. and yes torch it. yes/no

The British did use the same i.d. system with face i.e. pattern recognition software right?

So inside the Market and surrounding neighborhoods were like being i.e. living quarters inside this British Square, yes/no

There was a surge at one point of up to 30000 ISAF right.

The other scenarios are as listed for those not paying attention.

There well be Sangin with Real World Marines in Afghanistan there near Kandahar Airbase, right. This is 206 for these marines.

They have Harvest hack gunship system with 7 hours total endurance, imo two hours a mission without refueling that dose take or would take at least one hour right, so imo they fly two hours loiter over AOR for two etc.

Squadron lol usmc sent everyone it had right.

u got harriers too and uh-1s etc. etc. right.

Oh yeah an those fucking drones. right.

IMO from what I read of the "official revealed facts" the Obama Adm. at some point changes the wording of the order if you well. From "illuminate" to "Diminish"

imo it was a dispute over just dumb conways command disitions, I can't believe what johnes said we were told to go and fight and we fought he did not go of course or he may have said we marines went and fought.

I love the brits, "its like mourning a lawn" lol.

anyhow we would also have the fallowing senarios too;

Newj Mar vs real world Taliban. In Sangin i.e. real world terrain etc.

So I'm really scoping out the feilds of veiw fire etc. here within a couple of miles of down town etc.

Wait till you get a load of Newj Mar uniforms or gear, kit, etc . wep. too.,

We wear the leather neck you know thiSsssss.

Crack, chrack, chrackennnnnn.. 


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sangin WAR GAME part one or step sarcasm on


So my idea here with this post is to use this book I found on a platoon from 3/5 fighting the Taliban in the farm village of Sangin in Sangin district of Helmend provene Afghanistan.

My objective as we will see is to wargame this to point out mistakes these forces made and as it would have happen  imo, based on me being in charge of the 3/5 battion of the USMC that was sent in as you well or may have already read to replace 1/7 and the Britsh Royal Marines who took the village market place to set up imo a British Square i.e. defense position to start the war for hearts and minds.

Anyway I well of course also be using all electronic sources of intell available to me to wargame this.




Lets just honestly compare, your saposidly Austins finist ready to be the first responders to any AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLQQQQQueta attack on U.S. soil right?


Five paragraph oder i.e. let the games begin i.e. here is what I know, my questions and tactics so far as of 09/16/15 15:34 hours...


So could not some terrorist group, oh yeah i'm also going to think like my enemy and take this scenario i.e. look at this situation as if Sangin was a major built up area like Austin.

If I was the Taliban I would take down one of these building being built here in down town. Right? With the workers gone at first i.e. minimum civilian causalities.

The book i'm going to use for the daily tactics and techniques lol used by Conways modern U.S. Marines is tilted "One Million Steps".

It is stated as "a mater of fact" as the way a Vietnam vet would say i.e. the "Kings Truth" in the book that the Taliban had access to 1000s thousands of IEDs or material to make that many. We are in a farm village 200 miles square. There are 1 million legal or actual farms in the area.

My SWAG at intel not mentioned or found by me yet is that these 1 millions farmers would have had about 10 million max civilian i.e. family members living with them in the village.

Lets go E-recon.

Intel source; note I have found this apparent booklet or government releast report below.




This short book provides an up-to-date introduction to the·tactics employed by insurgents
in southern Afghanistan during the years 2005-2008. It includes vignettes and maps on 19
different tactically significant engagements. The book covers three types of attacks:
ambushes, attacks on fixed positions, and defensive engagements. The intended audience
is Marines and soldiers going into theatre.
This study would not have been possible without the generous help of soldiers, sailors,
and Marines from the US and UK militaries, who sat with the authors for many hours
going over the details of past engagements in great detail. Any inaccuracies are the fault
of the authors.
The structure of this publication is based on the book The Other Side ofthe Mountain by
Ali Ahmad Jalali and Lester W. Grau, which describes the tactics of the Afghan
Mujahideen during their war against the USSR during the 1980s.
The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity sponsored this research

Vignette Locations fl', Proviner,,! clOp!Eal () eMY, tOi,\l;'l •• ­ ..­ Nlltiol1ut L,oalllj,.lIY ----­ PmvIMr,.1al b,1undiHY MaJrlrouli $~(,alJldllJ)' fCJl.HJ _.'-' RJI'hOJQ • '/"{illOiA,rpt>rt 1. Ambush in Now Zad, Helmand 2. Hasty Ambush in Shewan, Farah 3. Complex Ambushes in Gulistan, Farah 4. Ambush on Foot Patrol near Gereshk, Helmand 5. Complex Ambush in Shewan, Farah 6. Bait and Ambush in Daulatabad, Farah 7. Ambushes on Foot Patrols nearSangin, Helmand 8. Squad-sized Ambush in Washir, Helmand 9. Complex Attacks on Firebase Chalekor, Zabul 10. Attacks on Now Zad Platoon House, Helmand 11. Attack on FOB Robinson near Sangin, Helmand 12. Encirclement of Patrol Base Armagh, Helmand 13. Assault on Sarpoza Prison, Kandahar City 14. Defense of Insurgent in Bulac Kalay, Zabul 15. Defense Against Encirclement, Chalbar, Kandahar 16. Defense of Base Area, Gumbad Valley, Kandahar 17. Defense·of Base Area, Panjwayi, Kandahar 18. Defense Against Raid, Now Zad, Helmand 19. Defense of Shewan, Farah

The years 2007 and 2008 also saw a dramatic rise in the number and sophistication of IEDs and suicide attacks.

THANK YOU GOD, part 6, day five


Just the highlights i'm frezing in here and feeling dizzy too, got to make this quick as possible.


Note; I forgot this statement I made this morning i.e. it's always better than I can recall or post about right?

THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVEN ME A PURPUS LOL i.e. a mission. And for clearing my mind afterwards too. lol.

Note okay back to the text i.e. intell or mation, lol below.

it happen this morning. I Newjarheaddean, aka lol Keith Allen Oeffinger, was given a citation or "soliciting for a sigarit/ fuck a smoke.

I' m going to fight it, i told that officer that if he was going to right me a ticket for asking someone for a sig, he said he was going to and I told him to write that ticket, i'm going to fight this one. etc.

I have eating nothing today and have not been drinking water. the last thing i eat last night was two two inch long "veina" sausages given to me by Mc Kane a dark green humanbean.

I was stupid in thinking that this hunger strike would take more than a week to get something done i.e. have someone take notice, if you well. And it would be all over.


Everyone knows that I'm going to object to the layout of the courtroom weather i win or lose my trial.

Crack, chrack, chrackennnnnn.. 

here we go, move out watch my six. what dose it mean when someone signals you by tapping on his head anyways? I just surugged at him. it's not in my "sqoud leader manual" FMFM that is. 


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

THANK YOU GOD, part five, day 4

update; 09/15/15 well so much for rain its good and hot out there. I found and eat a boiled egg a hot cup of coffee too.


This well be short and simple. Last night nothing happen at all. It is now just about 24 hours since I eat that ravioli square. I did manage to get my hands on two soft drinks. One from the medic, a Big Red, MAN that was like a blood transfusion for me. I had a head ache and that took care of that.

Snipes were also far and few between, I did ask for and get two sigs from locals. I also dug though lots of cans for a drink before getting that one from medic. I also at one point just walked into a Jerry's restaurant on 6th and got a drink given to me.

I asked for and got a razor from a guy in a wheel chair this morning too.

My feet are healing but look like neanderthal feet.

It looks like rain today that well make things easy for me.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Monday, September 14, 2015

THANK GOD four, but day three

Update; 09/15/15 11:09 hours.


I got week Sunday, i eat two peanut butter sand witches, a piece of chicken and a breakfast muffin.

Today I have made up for that by only eating a two inch square "fancy" 20.00 pasta i.e. this was a plate or dish of food the medic (i.e. dog) asked for and got given to him. It or they i.e. inside the dish was about 5 ravioli like squares covered in gravy and sprinkled with green pies.

I eat one.

I was fingered at taco bell trying to get away with a refill. I had found the cup and the employee took the cup from me. My point is that once that or any cup leaves their chicken shit little restaurant, imo it belongs to the person that has position. So I hope they call the cops and do finger prints on Me, Keith Allen Oeffinger. Their employee stoal my cup. I value that cup greatly and could not possibly put a price on it, lol. FUCKERS!

So yeah no soft drink to day either, oh yeah I did have a medium coffee. I was short on the coin but the employee at 7/11 let me slide.

I am aching quite a bit and no shit my heart or i hope its my heart is really in pain right now, starting a minute or so ago.

I have been sleeping in real late except for today. This is the reason for me posting later in the day. However today me and spy went to the park he knows about. And he went to Angel house. FUCK THAT I TOLD HIM AS I KEPT WALKING ON. I love you I added.

I have now got to meet up with a christian service food and supply truck twice to meanly get a razor and some conditioner. That piece of shit has been out both times. I now need shampoo too. LOL those crazy mother fuckers make you choose though between say and apple or an orange. or shampoo or conditioner. NO SHIT, that is the way those Christians are. KINGS TRUTH.

So I ask the medic to get me one and he is going to. lol He did not have one one him. My luck I told him as he looked and looked and said I know I had one bran new one right here.

The reason I went this last time was this i.e. my figuring was lol, why not let satan provide your last meal, lol i mean the last one I would have eaten that is. How poetically correct that would be, right. I would not have to move around alot which I have had to do and would have just the right amount of food to "get her done" as the Bomb would say.

This all took place Saturday. Today everywhere I went the traffic was heavy. So I had to piece meal it lol i.e. was my feet here, my balls here, change panties here, shave with my dull ass razor here etc. And yes I  did I had to shave with the dull ass razor. So imo my SWAG is that the locals who saw or watched me shave thought to themselves and telling their wife's, "look,(imo) all laughing he has a bush if you well of facial hair. But the Kings Truth is I was just dealing with a dull ass razor. But that is the kind of bull shit I have to go threw.

I got on really clean black and white panties and my really short little black dress I'm getting ready to dawn my black leather neck i.e. bowetye i.e. "choker" too.

Let me ask a question to all Marines, imo i.e. my swag is you can't answer it correctly.

In the heat of battle if you only have one arm to use how would you eject a jammed cartridge and chamber a new round.

The answer is to take the M-16A1 lets just say by the forearm grip i.e. hand guard and slam the stock or butt of the weapon on the ground.

Just like I and everyone knows is true all footage lol images on video of Modern U.S. Marines going to ground i.e. taking cover shows them falling forward.

Point: this is incorrect the Marine should drop strait down and kick the legs and equipment backwards behind him.

The reason is that you in combat do not know anything about the ground before you have walked it or had time to scout it visually etc. By just diving onto it, you may get a twig in the eye or cut your hand on glass if you don't' use port or starboard side (depending if your a south paw or not tuefel hunden) of your weapon to cover the ground i.e. keep a hold of it etc. And as the manual states all dramatically you could set off a booby trap too i.e. hit a trip wire.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Sunday, September 13, 2015

THANK GOD, three


Update; 09/14/15 hours I forgot a third turd i.e. piece of shit, sarcasm on, i.e. I do still love this guy Ben, anyways he told me it was his birthday Friday, so I thought okay and I told him guess what I have not shot a wad in like a week so if you what, I have your birthday candle right here in my panties. The night we had sex during the crack vest lol I just finally had to spread my leg in front of him and ask " do you not find me attractive" that's when he told me come on lets go over here etc. 

So long update short, Friday he did not come back to be with me that was when he was with Mikeal (CoKo), i.e. "my nigga".

I forgot two things yesterday lol and one of them twice. Like I have mentioned before its always better than i can recall or put together in a post. Like now some how I lost some of my notes, so much happened last night it over whelmed me. I wish I could show images of my notes they really are spooky, i started running out of room and where things ended up just caught my eye during the night and I thought if I could only show an image. I'll save them in my wallet but most likely they well just be lost in time.

note; second thing I forgot to mention yesterday in my second post.
At one point after seeing Ben get the three beers i was really needing a soda i.e. DP or Big Red. So I stood up and started out right asking people at some point I threw away all my standards and asked everyone who walk by for 30 minutes I ask no one bought me a soda.

So I left the library when i different route than i normally would have and saw this hugh chess set set up under a park (what ever you want to call them) wooded pillared roofed little fucking place. The chess pieces where 2 feet high i.e. very large. The two men David and Ray call there little activity "osume Giant chess". I played another man Josef who won the game after I made one, lol really stupid move.

Okay to my notes now.

One thing is for sure i wanted to make sure that everyone realizes we are all going to see how well or not my mind dose as I consume less and less food and water. Last night I consumed much more than I had planed. I first eat a cracker I found on the street. Note about not eating out of trash cans anymore. The reason for this is that imo the city has gone all out in the area i was active in that contained about 100 cans this in the down town area. I mean I've been here for a mouth or so and it just seems to me that the sanitation dept have really picked up the pace and scope of there can duties we well say.

So I also found a mint on the side walk. I found piece of pizza crust (just want I was looking for i.e. plane bread).

I then went to whatta-burger and had two soft drinks.

I eat another piece of pizza Ben gave me that was about 2 inches by 2 inches with a piece of sausage on it. He also had two more stake dinners. He gave me one I eat only the sliced fried potato from it about 7 slices.

After leaving the Osume giant chess dudes I found a second lol yes second gold ring. This one I thought was going to be a child's ring. It looks like It is some kind of pinky or toe ring. It is gold and I do not like gold I tried to scrape the gold off on the concrete and then used my little knife, It is gold as far as I have scraped.

Last night I found a 150.00 or so pair of Ray Ban sunglasses that got imo kicked out the closing door of this Mercedes bens. Case and all. I'm going to pawn them. And buy some crack, lol just a sack.

Some one smoked some K-2 with me helped alot.

I wanted to make some of my other reasoning for the hunger strike under stood. You see when I turn 52 i was done. Once I lost my teeth I need to be put out of my misery

I found 5.00 dollars last night in front of OCH that is oil can harry's place or club. I stayed up real late last night. Even slept in Spy's camp. My Nigga, showed up as I was storing cardboard. We were just staring at each other. He waved and I replied. He was on the other side of a fence and waved me over. HE ASKED ME FOR FOOD. LOL i'm laughed and said you really are something. Long story short I give him a bag of chips.

I was planing on sleeping with spy, he walked by shortly after wards and I reminded him that I had not shot a wod i.e. com in about 7 days and was really hot. He had a mouth full of crack. I told him about the ray bans and he wanted them I told him no way you bring me some smoke first.

I also ran into a couple last night who started out with me mentioning Leslie, this guy new leslie real well. Said he had dinner with Leslie every day. And ways the couple put helped me with a dollar some sigs and vodka. We talked for about 10 minutes.

Oh yeah, I found myself walking the capital grounds yesterday around 16:30 hours. The WWII airplane was flying a sign that read "Patterson must go" I guessed i.e. took a SWAG that that must be the old police chief who was saying he would quite if he did not get his raise. Now as I was walking back towards six street I hear and see the WWI red Barron looking plane flying into the capital area. I just though is this guy doing a simulated i.e. war gaming if you well, kill or attack on the WWII plane You know like maybe RB just wanted to see what WWII rival was flying over the capital right. And as to confirm my SWAG after completing the fly by the Red Barron plane turned and egress the area real fast.

I asked several people after wards and found two locals but they had not been fallowing the police chief sogga and did not know his name. About 22:00 hours I asked a security guard who told me I was correct. Thats right a security guard.

Me losing my notes really took away from the post I had planned lol everyone has a plan. And it just goes to show that it dose not appear I could mastermind a god dam thing.

Oh yeah I also in total last night drank about 4 soda and two coffees way more than I had planned only about two glasses of water though.

Okay my first hour is just about up if I can I'll get right back on with my second, if not I well go on.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Note; This is a re-post of my first post today. I ran out of time, lol writing the first post and up pone readying it I had noticed some errors i.e. type Os. I also recalled I had not written about something that happened this morning. I then i decided to post twice on purpose. Spooky No? A little bit yeah no?

First post to day with corrections and additional text too, lol

Saturday, September 12, 2015



Oh how I thank god that this all happened last night, that it is all on video and that it was 09/11/15.

I started flying my sign, reading "Dont give to a crack head, Help me" at 16:30 hours. I quit at 22:30 hours or so.

I received a 5 dollar gift care from a lady for starbucks coffee shop. I used it to buy me two large coffees one last night and one this morning. I did not quite have enough left over to buy a second large coffee this morning but the employee let me slide. I also had a bag of chips given to me by this cute big young black gay looking guy. He actually displayed them like someone might show you a cute stuffed toy animal i.e. with the bag resting on one of the palms of his hand and the other hand behind the bag.

Oh yeah I told him i'll eat them.

At about 21:00 hours Ben showed up, with in 10 minutes, no shit, he had three beers bought for him. One girl he got to buy him a beer was at most 21 years old, she had no cash she told him. However he kept at her, explaining that singles only cost 1.99 right there at the grocery store etc. With in another 10 minutes or so he had two stake dinners. He gave me one. He had a pack of sigs on him, giving me and another guy one.

When I told him how fucked up it was that people gave to him the crack head like that and not to me he told me laughing "I also have 20.00 dollars on me.

I was really shocked that i started crying, i did, just all kinds of thoughts came to me. The "old world" is he 92 or gone, how would he feel about the way i've ended up. Just like I honestly told him I would. And there is nothing you can do about it "old World" I told him, After you die, it well just be that way for me". Me with no way even in hell to make it.

As I was eating the stake, it, "the idea" came to me to just go on a hunger strike i.e. cut way back on my eating.

I will never fly a sign again, never dig in a trash can, and never ask for anything from anyone in Austin.

((( If "given" money I well buy drugs with it, to help with all the pain I am in, my feet, back, and mine. )))

I recall when I first saw and read that name "Austinites" I new it was a bad oman for me i.e. I would not make it here. I recalled that couple i met during my first weekend telling me, "Oh Austin is going to welcome you with open arms" etc. Really I replied, OH Yeah! the man said with his wife nodding in agreement
Now if they called themself, "Austinians" I may have stood a chance. I read that name "Austinites" in the article on leslie the cross dresser or transvestite or what ever that local ("entertainer" how about that term) considered itself.

I put on that pair of long pants I found the other day with the rest of the women s close this morning in front of city hall (I was told) without knowing I was in front of city hall. There were people setting up booths with canopies reading "sustainable foods " I asked what it was and was told it is a farmers market cook out etc. I laughed and told the man i had started my hunger strike this morning. He told me you may not want to stick around here. I told him, oh, it want bother me and I'm from San Antonio too, (that is what I said i.e. not just trying to use the word two lol or too again to be spooky) that is the name of the street that runs into that square.

Note; I am on video neven (Im going to leave it i.e. two Ns) my eyes i.e. were or what I'm looking at on the monitor as I write this post I am simply readying and making corrections as I go this and I am for real. Spooky like I posted.

I finished my coffee jettisoned a few things I well not need or care about anymore. I do plan on carrying most of my dresses etc with me till the end. I would like to be cremated with them, lol like they well do that for me.

I don't know how long I well be able to post, I may end up in a hospital being force feed. I would like to think my plan on how to disappear on day three works but it may not. please god don't have me die for some reason on fucking fucked up sunday


I also am on video yesterday. After leaving the library (you can see me on video) spotting yet another small paraquiet i.e. yellow bellied green bird dead on the side walk. I had seen a couple of others that morning and earlier during the week too. (Now I'm fucking around with that one lol i.e. "too" a little bit) One I saw was even hanging in a bag on a tree branch out side starbucks a week or so ago.

I tell i.e. asked a couple of ladies walking along the side walk with me. Have you all seen these dead birds laying around town. I've seen at least two this morning. They just smile and said no. I told them, it could be some kind of bird flew or what ever they call it attack, and I added on a Friday. Meaning the down town area would be busy. Then 50 feet or so down the way I see another one behind the slab wall like bank sign in front of this bank. I tell one of the ladies, look I'm not kidding there is another one. 

Now the one lady looks really spooked and slowly starts to make her way behind me to see the second bird. As we approach we see and I say yep its the same exact kind of little bird. She said "it is" I told them I do not have a phone or I might call homelanders security or someone.

A dozen or so blocks lol its like three or four i'm in pain, down 6th street I see this cop, he is the same cop I spoke to when I first got to town about how I liked their police units i.e. cars paint and decal scheme with just police and the badge on the front door all black and white etc. Like the old " One Adam 12" units in Los Angles I told him. So yeah they are plain and simple not having decals all down the side etc

All this happen without me knowing or realizing anything at all about it being what,  the 14th anniversary of the 2001 attack.

There is nothing anyone can do about what I am now doing. You delusional fairy tale worshiping christians deserve what you got here in this town. You well not have me living here much longer.

I was also noticing yesterday how my post the other day "patriots of Newjarheaddean" etc. was my


Post on this blog

I guess satan is a patriot of Newjarheaddean Rumor Board too. Oh shit there is that 2 thing lol you all may recall the post i made with 22666 as the number of viewers at the time of that post. I had joked about oh shit there is two of them.

Today as this old lady waited for me to cross the street, a guy in a silver chevy silverodo Z72 or what ever that decal reads near the tail gate, rear ended this old lady. His licence was DMZ 2972. I bet he was in a hurry to get to the farmers market. The lady was okay it appeared.  

FUCK YOU ALL AND GOOD LUCK. pRAy SAtaN dosE noT give power to this "dragon lady".


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"



Oh how I thank god that this all happened last night, that it is all on video and that it was 09/11/15.

I started flying my sign, reading "Dont give to a crack head, Help me" at 16:30 hours. I quit at 22:30 hours or so.

I received a 5 dollar gift care from a lady for starbucks coffee shop. I used it to buy me two large coffees one last night and one this morning. I also had a bag of chips given to me by this big young black gay looking guy. He actually displayed them like someone might show you a stuffed toy animal i.e. with the bag resting on one of the palms of his hand and the other behind the bag.

Oh yeah I told him i'll eat them.

At about 21:00 hours Ben showed up with in 10 minutes, no shit, he had three beers bought for him. One girl he got to buy him a beer was at most 21 years old, she had no cash she told him. However he kept at her, explaining that singles only cost 1.99 right there at the grocery store etc. With in another 10 minutes or so he had two stake dinners. He gave me one. He had a pack of sigs on him, giving me and another guy one.

When I told him how fucked up it was that people gave to him the crack head like that and not me he told me laughing "I also have 20.00 dollars on me.

I was really shocked that i started crying, i did, just all kinds of thoughts came to me. The "old world" is he 92 or gone, how would he feel about the way i've ended up. My with no way even in hell to make it.

As I was eating the stake it the idea came to me to just go on a hunger strike i.e. cut way back on my eating.

I will never fly a sign again, never dig in a trash can, and never ask for anything from anyone in Austin.

I recall when I first saw and read that name "Austinites" I new it was an bad oman for me i.e. I would not make it here. Now if they called themself, Austinians I may have stood a chance. I read that name in the article on leslie the cross dresser or transvestite or what ever that local clown considered itself.

I put on that pair of long pants I found with the rest of the womens close this moring in front of city hall without knowing I was infront of city hall. There were people setting up booths with canopies reading "sustainable foods " I asked what it was and was told it is a farmers market cook out etc. I laughed and told the man i had started my hunger strike this morning. He told me you may not want to stick around here. I told him oh it want bother me and I'm from San Antonio, that is the street that runs into that square.

I finished my coffee jettisoned a few things I well not need or care about anymore. I do plan on carrying most of my dresses etc with me till the end. I would like to be cremated with them, lol like they well do that for me.

I don't know how long I well be able to post, I may end up in a hospital being force feed.


I also am on video yesterday after leaving the library spotting yet another small paraquiet bird on the side walk. I had seen a couple of others that morning and earlier during the week. One I saw was even hanging in a bag on a tree branch out side starbucks a week or so ago.

I tell a couple of ladies walking along the side walk with me. Have you all seen these dead birds laying around town. I've seen at least two this morning. They just smile and said no. I told them could be some kind of bird flew or what ever they call it attack, and I added on a Friday. Then 50 feet or so down the way I see another one behind the bank sign in front of the bank. I tell one of the ladies, look I'm not kidding there is another one.

Now the one lady looks really spooked and slowly starts to make her way behind me to see the second bird. As we approach we see and I say yep its the same exact kind of little bird. She said "it is" I told them I do not have a phone or I might call homelanders security or someone.

A dozen or so block down 6th street I see this cop, he is the same cop I spoke to when I first got to town about how I liked their police units i.e. cars paint and decal scheme with just police and the badge on the front door all black and white etc. Like the old " One Adam 12" units in Los Angles I told him.

All this happen without me knowing or realizing anything at all about it being what the 14th anniversary of the 2001 attack.

There is nothing anyone can do about what I am now doing. You delusional fairytale whorshipping christians deserve what you got here in this town. You well not have me living here much longer.

I was also noticing yesterday how my post the other day "patriots of Newjarheaddean" etc. was my


I guess satan is a patriot too. Oh shit there is that 2 thing lol you all may recall the post i made with 22666 as the number of viewers at the time of that post. I had joked about oh shit there is two of them.

FUCK YOU ALL AND GOOD LUCK. pRAy SAtaN dosE noT give power to this "dragon lady".


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky start"