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UPDATE 12/21/13, 11:42 HOURS

I am revealing who I am today i.e. posting my name, I am Keith Oeffinger, I was born in San Antonio Texas in 1963. See today's post 12/21/13 .

Update, 01/11/14 12:30 hours;

I would like to say, with only one reply, like three years ago, this blog seems too much like a mirror site to me. And it appears very few patriots are looking back at past posts.

The new “Fragmented Fighting Facts” series of posts that dedicates one post to each Basic rule has now been completed. This series starts with the post tilted “Post # 1, Planning, Preface” that posted on 05/12/13. This series is under the label “Tri-F in progress”. Posts well be updated as I edit or discover additional knowledge thus the series is the most current version of my "Fragmented Fighting Facts" manual. For an old but complete version i.e. all in one post copy. Patriots are welcomed to try viewing one of the “pages” listed in the “special word section” on the starboard side of the blog. I say try due to the fact I’m not sure if they are published i.e. viewable to the general public due to all the issues or HACKING with my blog. There is also a complete copy posted, that is titled, “Tri-F in progress” too, it was posted 11/13/10.

And feel free to fire away with a reply, (sarcasm on).


The most important lesson that everyone should have taken away from the Boston Marathon bombings was that those young men proved that no al-queda members are in the u.s. Otherwise they too would just go get some presure cookers and had to a parade.

“I AM NOT A TERRORIST” this nation’s worst enemy is FEAR. This fear is being promoted mostly by the back woods, right wing, Christians of this nation. We need to separate church and state, period. And that is of course for the States sake.

I would like patriots to understand that I use the terms "official revealed fact" to mean what everyone is being told by officials, media etc. I use the term "kings truth" to mean what I know or believe to actually be the actual facts. I DO NOT MEAN IT IN A RELIGIOUS WAY. I.E. the term Kings is plural as in those running the show.

Preface for the Fragmented Fighting Facts

Note pink highlighted material is that, that IMO is questionable factually, it maybe an “official revealed fact” that I am questioning. The material may need to be defined i.e. explained more or it could be a personal note. Yellow is location undecided or unedited material i.e. unread that I have not decided on what to keep or not. Green means a change has been made i.e. an update. By noting the green updated highlights a Patriot well not have to read the Fragmented Fighting Facts in its entirety to stay current. Red is important, perhaps the "kings truth".

Newjarheaddean; this is my collection of combat notes. One might call it my anthology of combat tactics, techniques, methods and skills. The note taking began about fourty years ago (I was around 13 years old) with the observation of 10 rules listed with in a book covering the French and Indian i.e. Native American, wars, entitled “Roger’s Rangers”. That’s right the rules that started all this are “Army Ranger” rules, this book was located in the “Westfall” library in San Antonio Texas off of Vance Jackson. I get a kick out of the libraries name due to the general agreement that modern or state vs state warfare started with the singing of the peace treaties at Westphalia. I could not read at the time; however I knew that a list in a book on war would be important. I copied those rules down like a scribe might have written hieroglyphs and had my dad read them to me. . This discovery preceded numerous sources including approximately one hundred books and about a dozen field manuals, of which a few were of WWII era. These were found at libraries, half price bookstores and garage sales. Since going on line in 2007, I have found material on web sites such as “Defense and National Interest” (DNI), “Global security”, “Strategy page” , “Wikipedia” and “Bayonet strength” and “Efour4ever” in the combat lessons learned section. These last two sites cover WWII.

Previously referred to as K.O.O.L.N. (acronym definition, top secret), FLASH REPORTS; I NOW AM TELLING EVERYONE IT STANDS FOR KEITH OEFFINGER'S ORGANIZATION OF LEARNED KNOWLEDGE the joke on me here was I believed Knowledge was spelled with an (N). I was a special education student and did not learn to read until my last year of high school. I have now titled my work “Fragmented Fighting Facts” or “Tri-F”; the name derives from the computer grammar function always alerting me to the fragmented nature of my sentences. This is due to the “just the facts, ma’am” manor the material is written i.e. there has been little if any effort to write in whole sentences or provide context. This is not to say there is no order with Tri-F, in fact there is a theme. I have laid out the information as one might expect a commander or members of a unit to recall it thus utilizing it to conduct a mission.

We start with “Planning”, followed by the section on “Defense”, then there’s “Preparations and conduct of patrols” or “PCP”, and we end with “Conduct of Engagements” or “COE”, i.e. engagements being the term used here for shootouts. Each section of Tri-F consists of numbered “Basic rules”, each basic rule followed by detailed notes that either relate to, explain, or give examples pertaining to the basic rules. As with the general format of Tri-F, each section’s basic rules are laid out as one might need to recall them. This is most obvious in the last section COE starting with basic rule number one, “Flash report”, i.e. actions to take upon contact with the enemy. This sections last basic rule deals with handling POWs.

Keep in mind this is a work in progress; I’m constantly discovering new information to add which in turn still at times requires rearranging things. At the same time, interestingly enough to me, I have not needed to rearrange my original order of the basic rules for quite some time. There are however, two instances where the detailed information fallowing a pair of basic rules became so similar I decided to combine the pair into one basic rule. These two occurrences are noted in footnotes.

Now heed this, out of all the information contained within this work, only an estimated 1% was taught to me while I was serving in the U.S.M.C. Moreover, to put a fine point on it, it’s worth noting I served in Charlie Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, i.e. an Infantry unit. Before my discharge (after only a two year cruse), I attended Jungle Warfare School in the northern training area of Okinawa (for two weeks), Mountain Warfare School in Korea (for one week) and Combat Town Camp Pendleton for MOUT training (for one day). I did not take part in any amphibious training nor did I ever go to Twenty Nine Palms for Desert Warfare training. We did ride around in AAVs once at Camp Pendleton. All in all I would say the only things I missed out on were a beach landing (at Coronado I believe) and a little sun burn, due to the fact that those twenty nine palms, I was told in the early eighties were all located at the front gate of that base. Needless to say, the training did not impress me, and I now know it was not going to get any better as some suggested to me at the time, and still others later claimed that I should have just stayed in longer.

With my position on the lack of training, I do wish to make it perfectly clear that I do support the service women and men in the U.S. armed forces. I also believe them to be as brave as any people on earth, (with the exception of the (Y) generation). My concern is in the way the Infantry especially is being mislead and used. I want people to understand my experience and IMO a lot of evidence suggests Uncle Sam intends to use his infantry in ways that does not include training any generation in the art of “traditional Guerilla combat tactics” i.e. as a “Traditional Commando” would be. I am not talking about “SWAT” team “Close quarter” tactics, like the “Stick dynamic entry”. That tactic should be called the “cluster f**k”. Just call that sort of tactic what it is NYPD (Cops T.V. show bad-boys, bad-boys) in Afghanistan.

The problem is that that tactic was developed by police departments to deal with an objective occupied by drugged up party animals, i.e. untrained civilians. The police never use it in a spur of the minute situation. They use it when the house/objective has been under constant surveillance for mouths in some cases and the police know all manner of information about everyone in the house and the structure and neighborhood in general. The cops choose a time when everyone is pasted out from partying the night before and have long lost any weapons (between the cushions or under the bed) they might have had on them as show pieces during the party. The primary reason for the large numbers of police in close proximity is to make sure the gang does not think the raid is a rival gang “brake in” and thus resist in any way. There is lots of yelling too, thus reinforcing the message that no one is trying to be covert, like one would be to get away with a crime.

This brings up an intriguing observation of mine; that being that by the book an assault should be made from the top down, yet the troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere use the Stick dynamic entry and usually enter from the front door, like a SWAT team. However resent high profile raids show the SWAT teams attacking from the top down. Examples you may recall are the raids on the Shinning path group in Peru in 2000 and the Mumbai raid by Indian forces on the Jewish center in 2008. IMO this proves the existence of what I’ll refer to as a “need to know” training policy, being followed by various governments, the purpose being to limit the number of true Commandos that could become tomorrow’s rebels, apposing corrupt governments. One last thing about the Stick, IMO every single time the regular forces unit conducting one of these foolish Stick dynamic entries comes under fire i.e. runs into resistance, the Stick brakes i.e. the whole unit evacuates and awaits some kind of support form tanks, guns, tubes or air. Bottom line IMO the Stick is used as a probing tactic and is meant to be a moral boosting show peace tactic to make the unit feel as if it has taken a hill, which was nothing more than another empty building, that IMO Intel suggested, was the case before the entry was ordered. Recalling the police policy of long periods of surveillance prior to raids.

It also seems to me that in light of the old saying “you can fight a war with bombs and blockades but only boots on the ground can win it” ( IMO, Uncle Sam has now revised that saying, as fallows) “you can win a war with bombs and blockades, but only the infantry can end the war”, farther more IMO Uncle Sam has gone one more step and decided to use private security companies and local i.e. indigenous people for the infantry role. All this fear of true commandos is all very similar to the “Mujahideen” not being allowed by various governments, to return to their homelands i.e. native nations, after fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

And as for the U.S. and other Western nations, training foreigners to fight a counter insurgency goes. IMO this training includes nothing more than police procedures i.e. conducting investigations, forensics, searching individuals and buildings to collect evidence and yes serving warrants, if necessary, with those all mighty “stick” tactics. And of course, lots of “new innovative techniques and tactics” involving CAS and IMO (Old) so called high tech equipment the U.S. Military Industrial Congressional Complex wants to clear out of the warehouses.

All in all IMO Uncle Sam has chosen to put just about all his eggs in one advanced technology system, think Star Wars Storm Troopers or Matrix i.e. the Operator or Morpheus trying to guide Neo and others to safety. IMO it looks something like this; (x) unit go to (x) address, kick in front door, use stairs to your right, go south down hallway to (x) door, it is unlocked, interning room go to (x) window looking out window to the north you will see your target running east though the neighbors garden. All this information and the “live” feeds of target and area of operations would be provided by a fleet of satellites as well as Near space assets that are never mentioned by the media as current military assets and of course there’s the robots, UAVs and a flood of other covertly deployed sensors as well as covert eves dropping of any civilian electronic devices in the Area of operations.

Thus in light of these and similar so called “new innovative, techniques and tactics” (notice the media and governments choice of words “techniques and tactics” as if we’re talking Commando training i.e. why not use some modern high tech terms the system is so eager to introduce us all to normally as a matter of routine), IMO Uncle Sam has placed the traditional Guerrilla combat tactics, on the back burner and is hoping they all go the way of other black arts.

This is not just true of the infantry; let us take a peek at aerial combat. Does anyone out there actually think today’s U.S. pilots are turning and burning, pulling high (G) maneuvers trying to hit the entry windows and get inside the bandits turn. Think any pilot has conducted a yo-yo or split S maneuver lately or made the choice between a single or two-circle fight. Now days its all about stealth, ECM and Smart even autonomous weapons, missiles especially BVR tech. IMO this explains why the U.S. Navy is not concerned with not having a front line fighter equal to the USAF F-22 Raptor. An article I recently read on “Strategy page” mentioned a lot of talk about a Navy F/A-18E at an air show, displaying a little F-22 silhouette decal i.e. a simulated Kill credit symbol/icon. IMO the F/A- 18E did not gun down that kill.

And then everyone knows that just about all now and IMO soon all weapons systems including the bayonet well have a chip in it.

So if the electronics ever fail (maybe due to a shift in the axis of earths electromagnetic field, passed a certain point or perhaps a record size solar flare) IMO it well be the masters of the age-old Guerrilla combat tactics i.e. The Fragmented Fighting Facts Basic Rules that survive, keeping in mind “no one wins”.

I also wish, that those who join the various services where told all this up front i.e. “we do not intend to train you as a traditional Commando”.

Another thing I would like everyone to consider is that; what makes a Marine special is not the training she or he receives, no it’s the steel the youth demonstrates when they choose to join the Marines. Even when compared to the Special Forces, who IMO are only specialists in their particular field, once again mostly high tech specialties and whose ranks are filled with older personnel that have already been serving and have graduated from a boot camp i.e. are aware of the hoop and hype hurry up and wait tactics. And who are then usually chosen i.e. coached into changing their MOS. I am aware of the change in recruitment policy after 2001 allowing for direct entry into the S.F. community. IMO a rarity and IMO it is still not the same as just choosing to go to a Marine Corps Recruit Depot from the start.

Furthermore, to those who just well not accept the truth about the lack of training along the lines of traditional Guerrilla combat tactics. I can now say that I have exchanged comments with a number of Iraqi and Afghanistan combat vets. These comments can be found on the internet if you Google up my call sign, Newjarheaddean also spelled with one (D). IMO it is obvious that the tactics I speak of are news to the vets, some have made commits that proves in combat they were just winging it. And no, I don’t believe that all the vets are observing some kind of code of silence on these tactics including the vets who are against the wars. Unless everyone wants to say that YouTube and other internet companies are conspiring to edit all combat footage that shows these tactics being used and that, the vets are staging other videos that show them (albeit with great bravery) as armatures without a clue and winging it. If anyone ever sees video, showing the tactics listed in Tri-F being used, be sure and provide a link with your comment. I once saw a flash of film on CNN showing combat in Lebanon during the 1980s that showed some of these tactics being used by a Guerrilla fighter. I well also say I do believe that UAV footage is edited by the Pentagon to keep the public from seeing the few but well trained Taliban and other Guerrilla fighters that are using these tactics. Alternatively, maybe people think our professional highly trained well-equipped military is unable to defeat 10 – 20 thousand religious extremist amateur thugs in almost a decade of fighting. All the while killing at least by some estimates 100 a mouth including dozens of top commanders.

Let me also say, on the numbers of U.S. PTSD casualties, i.e. IMO, WIA, (And IMO deserving of a Purple Heart). The Government portrays these cases as a result of fighting a war that is “unlike any other war we have fought before” (LOL). Facing an enemy that is fighting in some mysterious and or cowardly manor that simply cannot be countered by military means. I believe the high numbers are a result of US forces fighting in a manner that is suicidal i.e. pointless and counterproductive to the real world situation. Example; you have a young brave American ready to fight for the nation, while on one of these IMO “Russian roulette parades” someone shoots at the unit from some building, everyone scrambles for cover, as some spray and pray, then after determining the location using SWATS (Soldier Worn Acoustic Targeting Systems) sniper detectors, or one of the many similar vehicle mounted systems the commander calls in some sort of CAS, if someone’s brains have been blow out especially if it was an officer or the location is vague, a real “crowd pleaser” maybe used i.e. 2000 pounder.

IMO this is how 90% of engagements (fought by regular infantry units) are resolved. Special Forces are now and in the feature more and more regular infantry well be using the Matrix. And to those that think this is the exception I say show me the number of WIA or KIA (On either side) by small arms fire i.e. during traditional firefights. Even if one includes sniper fire those figures are really low. So IMO after witnessing all the carnage and innocent civilian life being lost and receiving all those looks from the witnesses, it is the American that realizes it is his unit that is not fighting right.

This is reinforced and really sinks in back in the states when the vet is asked to tell the Commando stories that never occurred and thus the vet must tell the truth i.e. give up the Commando reputation, keep it all inside or start lying. If the first option is chosen that unveiling reality is demoralizing and makes it all not worth it. If either one of the other chooses are made IMO the vet becomes the ticking bomb. And I can tell you all that many times, I have recalled being told once that “when you go home keep your mouth shut about the things we did. If you don’t you well be thought of as a liar or crazy and either which way your life well be over”. That First Sergeant was right, but like my daddy use to say, “He’s right but he does not know why he’s right” i.e. IMO the First Sgt. thought of what we did in terms of remarkable heroic feats. However, IMO certainly since the beginning of the Vietnam era, it is the lack of training i.e. the manner in which our service women and men are fighting that keeps this tragedy going.

I would also suggest the vets of today are just like I was 25 or so years ago in the sense that they know there training is lacking, however, they just cannot explain what’s missing. However unlike me they refuse to accept that old fashion “black arts” are the answer i.e. should be the basis of basic training. And I now know the “Black art” tactics they and I should have been trained in and I can now say, “The PFC that told the Corp it was out of step, now has provided the proof”. What surprises me is that most vets it seems don’t care at all about the tactics I speak of and seem to view me as an unpatriotic “party pooper”, when I’m just a U.S. Marine trying to improve the Corps and save lives. Bottom line IMO the infantry needs to consist of unmarried i.e. undistracted, NO CHILDREN, dedicated true professionals, trained in the tactics listed in Tri-F and many more I am sure exist.

And to those that say “chivalry is for the museums” I say “first we must have peace on earth”.

One Newjarheaddean

“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”

" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"

" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"

" I well bet my lucky start"



Update; 12/19/14 09/53 hours

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Armageddon according to Newjarheaddean 12/30/15


Side note;
Just a minute ago this trans she/he girl that is really quite beautiful just up and offered the information that she was not a christian and was against such things. I responded with I love you now. She then to my utter entertainment went on to say, I do believe in the bible and christ.

GOD DAM, they just don't get it, i.e. imo this whole christian thing was corrupt from the beginning i.e. STARTED BY THE EVIL ONE I.E. Satan.

The point an reason for this post.

I have mentioned before how imo if the U.S. forces serving over seas did not have the "Yoke" of christianity around their necks (i.e. just the same old crap by a different name) that imo the "American way of life" i.e. Freedom, EDUCATION AND INFORMATION ETC! Would sell like "hot cakes" is the term I believe I used. 

Well here is some text from the introduction of the book "Three Cups of Tea" to support my opinion.


Illiterate high-altitude porters in Pakistan's Karakoram have put down their packs to make paltry wages with him so their children can have the education they were forced to do without. A taxi driver who chanced to pick Mortenson up at the Islamabad airport sold his cab and became his fiercely dedicated "fixer". Former Taliban fighters renounced violence and the oppression of women after meeting Mortenson and went to work with him peacefully building schools for girls. He has drawn volunteers and admirers from every stratum of Pakistan's society and from all the warring sects of Islam.

It goes on for a while however i believe that is sufficient to make my point. And I have a limited time here I am on my second hour long session of the day.

BTW i.e. back to work;
The Mission of the Reservation Division;

Motto of the Division
Newjarheaddean and all his followers, are not just the second coming of the same old cavalry. 

My work well bore this motto out. We well only carry Manuals, lol for all kinds of good works.

The mission of these special ops capable, SOC lol, brave Native Americans, from every old reservation that would after the war become the newly freed Nation of the Native Americans who live there, is to "Assist in the Recruitment, Promotion, Organizing and training and yes lead various Guerrilla units from around the World. Note you might say they are an upgrade from the "wind talkers" of WWII i.e they well of course be with the current Reserve Division of the USMC members as their leaders. This Division well be scattered like seeds through out the world and become imo a decisive force in this War to truly end all wars.

People around the world including those lost souls who in the past have fought for some God well know I am for real as i leader of this brave new world, when they see my work i.e. the bring down of the churches etc.

Oh yeah and after the war the "Americans" no more US of America well go back to living in the areas of the original thirteen colonies.

The spooky part here is that I was wanting to make this argument and then just today found and bought for 14 cents this paperback that I always wanted to read after hearing about it on I believe the Amy Goodman program.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

FM FM 6-5 Marine Rifle Squad, M203


No replies from any of my "Patriots" on the "Why do they call it Tigertail Avenue" (rewrite) posts on Wellborn's old blog either.




Just a few notes on this manual to test if any autonomous malware will kick in and hack my blog. Based on the title and label i use. It seems to be that my blog is always hacked when I post on my Fragmented Fighting Facts and now it appears my Armageddon etc. post too.

Note; I was thinking that the Grenadier could also serve as a Auto Rifle man too. Using the "talking guns" tactic with the primary AR man. I know the Gr is already loaded down with 40 mm shells etc. However he is not going to be used in any close quarters cmbt either except perhaps breaching the hatch or doorway or wall to be used as an entry point. With 5.56 tracers the Gr could also sever as a target marker or to shift fires.

In the manual the rolls or missions mentioned for the offense do not mention the Gr being used to mark targets. Smoke rounds are to small and do not work will as we know for concealing movements. However imo it is not mentioned in any manual I've read but a smoke round could be used for a diversion i.e. popped way over in the opposite direction your unit may be in or moving to. White smoke as I have mentioned in my Manual dose work well in Snow conditions i.e. the back ground helps to conceal those in winter camo. Some thing else not mention in any manual that i have realized is that white smoke could also be thought of by the enemy to be some kind of weapon opening fire on them to.  Also the incendiary round is not mention for its uses either.

From the Manual;
From section IV M203 etc. this is on page 38

Paragraph 2402 Employment

A. Offense. --- In the offense, the grenadier/rifleman is assigned the primary mission of a Rifleman. However , he can employ the m203 inn the following manner under the control of the fire team leader;

Note this is all a little wordy as all FMs are i.e. full of filibuster, B.S. so I well edit. lol WHAT! yes i do have a knack for that when it comes to FMs.

Can engage targets of opportunity, as squad moves towards the "final coordination line. imo and at anytime.
Cover fire during the assault.
Provide overhead fires.

B. Defense;

Primary mission, cover gaps in the final protective line of machine guns. Cover the most likely avenues of approach. Support counter attacks etc.

I'm out of time.

 Spooky for a crazy homo guy yes?


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm Keith Allen Oeffinger aka Newjarheaddean


I think i'll head way south. This winter shit is just going to kill me. Right now my hands are just about useless i.e. i'm picking with my fingers at the keys and i can not work on zipper right now. Its only like 40 degrees. i know when it gets down in to the thirties i'm done.

The fucking rain well not stop. Its been raining for four fucking days. And its just going to get colder. I failed to mention the other day that all my newly washed close got soaking wet, even though I had my bag rapped in plastic. I took that fucking piece of shit collection of fairy tales aka the  king  james bible and threw that soaking wet heavy ass peace of shit thing right in the trash.

I'm not going to sleep at that fucked up church anymore either. It is just a typical christian joke situation i.e. where I've been sleeping is covered by a concrete slab and I'm surrounded by three walls. LOL, oh fucking  LOL the slab leaks and the floor is the flood track for the drain that is right in front of the door, deep inside the walls. Who came up with that idea I have no idea i.e. all your water in case of a flood well be right at your door way.

I've also got this new friend of mine figured out. He is going to be one of these "born again" thinks he can beat me up around the bush enough to make me ask for forgiveness and be saved. GODDAM!

He started talking about guilty concision of people last night. I told him like i have told everyone i could and posted it to.

No sir, not me. The only thing god might have on me would be the homo thing, but i have not been able to enjoy that.

No sir, GOD WELL HAVE TO EXPLAIN THINGS TO ME, not the other way around. And i can tell you right now, i don't give a pile of shit what god would have to justify my suffering, it well not be good enough. And no mater what the end reward would be i would not except it. No sir God dose not win with me.

I have not been given one thing today, the christian day, oh that right he, lol get it a male (is that with or without balls and a dick) lol took the seventh day off. I guess (he) got tired of all the bullshit too.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Is this spooking you Agent poopy pants


Update; 11/30/15 13:29 hours. I got a ten minute extension on my time and decided to make this correction I noticed. The other thing I did not have time to mention here the other day was that the post "why do they call it Tigertail avenue" on Wellborn's old blog was as he had me post it a (Rewrite) is the term he used. My new series of post I have termed a (recap). And yes Tigertail was a Grate Native American who lived in Florida. 


Did I not just mention the equator "defensive wall" 

Pageviews by Countries

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States

And a first time viewer for old Ecuador equator marker, i do believe, oh lets not get carriered lol away, the U.S loses all but three Nimitz class carriers. lol

"Agent poopy pants" is the term I have used in the past to taunt those hacking my blog. And I spelled it correctly this time i.e. in the past my none spelling self spelling Pants Paints. lol WHAT, war paint, lol a spoof at my newly formed Reservation division of at least 10,000 none alcoholic, (drugs are going to be used lol) and no history of wife beating, Native Americans. DRUGS WELL BE USED to enhance the performance of troops, pilots etc on both sides in my crazzzy opinion. At least for the first few days or week.

Got two lol go.


The lost SCRIPTURE LOL text of my last post


Yes, I actually love it, i.e. the hacking gives me a sense of pride i.e. little old crazy me and my post such a worry for those in this nation running things right now.





“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Armageddon according to Newjarheaddean 11/28/15


Lets see if this fly's i.e. post as I wrote it. If not I may just nuke heaven and earth, sarcasm on.

This is a “Strategic planning exercise” of mine and imo the "worst case scenario" I could come up with for the U.S. to face and thus prepare for the next war. I had posted my first post of this series back in 2012 and now have decided to do a recap i.e. edited or updated series of posts and well title them “Armageddon according to Newjarheaddean” fallowed by the date they post this time.

I also believe for a few reasons, (keep reading) that this scenario could actually happen i.e. the "Western Forces" consisting of the U.S., Japan and at least these "Tyrant" Middle Eastern and or Arab nations, lets say Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, UAE, Oman, Qatar, and Egypt for sure, could find themselves facing the "Eastern Forces" or "B.R.I.I.C.S. i.e. Brazil, Russia, Israel, India, China and South Africa.

And believe it or not IMO Europe well sit this one out. Reasoning that they really only have the forces to take up a defensive posture. And would be as we all know, just to close and convenient of a target for a nuclear strike from Russia especially. I well agree that it well be complicated for the Europeans to remain on the sidelines and get the U.S. to remove all its military hardware from European soil, however imo it can and well be done.

Its Global now and imo the U.S. should ask it's allies to consider making that "Grand deal" with the grate Persian nation of Iran, the Iranians are right in the middle of the Briics massive heartland of Asia; The Great nation of Iran is a motivated, organized and well equipped nation in central Asia. Not to mention their N.B.C. capabilities i.e. yes like I have mentioned before (CNN or the West never talk about publicly) Iran, having Bio and Chemical weapons to at least threaten to use too.

I don’t see Iran's military or people morphing enough to fight alongside Israel.
Thus Iran could be a great organizer and base for the masses of what would otherwise be hopeless lost and forgotten peoples of the Cars and Stans i.e. Central Asian republics and Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajiki etc. As well as all the peoples of the various Tribal areas. Thus with Iranian support and its nation serving as a base, the refuges of these areas could form an underground movement of  Persians, Arabs, CARS and Stans, Tajiks etc. aka God’s Jihadist in the west and (jundollah) in scripture of this area.

Or Iran's religious FREAK leaders may have the juice to retain the military and just decide to go it alone and end up like Pakistan's military and elites. That nation like the area in general is doomed from the threat of the India and china merger. And this threat would imo be brought out into the light i.e. the government of Pakistan and Commander of its military would be given and ultimatum in a phone call from Beijing. "Stand down or we flatten you".

And the “meek”,shall inherit the earth. lol
Yes the "meek" I am referring to all of your central and South American nations and same goes for Africa and then we would have your oceanic peoples too, on the side lines witnessing it all too.

I remind you this would be entire continents of humans hundreds of millions witnessing all this.

Here imo we would see large tribe/gypsy types of groups rise up fighting for pure survival. The people would become the scavenger gatherers. Perhaps with a “barter” type economic system. A “Black market” imo better refereed to as the "RAINBOW MARKET" a "green earth friendly movement. I believe this due to the fact imo a third world war would cause the "meek" people in all nations around the world who have not and do not care about warfare to unite and work for a peaceful prosperous feature for the next generations of humans. The southern hemisphere as I have also pointed out in the past is largely free of strategic targets and the natural barriers of your wind and ocean currents provide and great defensive wall to protect the southern hemisphere from the fall out etc of nuclear and chemicals fallout. Bio weapons i.e. those genetic agents could find their way there much easier however.

The E.U imo would be right on board with this idea but would be looked upon and have to counter that disdain and suspicion from many of these "meek" nations that very well may have suffered in the colonial days. Providing medical and technical assistance may prove a good investment for the E.U. using imo the Scandinavian nations as a middle man if you well. Although members of the E.U these peoples do not have the colonial history or luggage to deal with.

The collective reasoning that could lead to this BRIIC coalition;

I could see, India one day deciding, enough of the Pakistanis. Israel supporting that sentiment and wishing for some real support in its desires to deal with the Palestinians and who ever supports those peoples rights. Keeping in mind Pakistan is Arab blood. Unlike the Persian Iranians. Now China out of their own strategic interest in the region, saying time to have one nation under party rule and our rightful claim to the entire Pacific. Russia (formerly USSR) with its own Islamic based conflicts and just fed up with the bully aggressive US,could support the moves too. Brazil is imo of the attitude that they are the blue bloods of Latin America and do not trust the U.S. especially after the tapping of the government officials phones etc. And imo the Brazilians would figure this time the U.S. has met its match and would wish to be on the winning side i.e. a briic. South Africa too dose not have a good history with the U.S. and too wishes to rule or be the African Queen it has always filt it is. It is like Iran imo in that it is the most advanced and organized nation of the continent. Those who have come to power my see it as their way to truly show they run things and not influenced or supported by any CIA etc. And too would think the U.S. has met its match.

So stay tuned for a past out i.e. "unconscious" old hero Israeli pilot Major "Roni" with his F-16 A fighter on auto pilot, attacking the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.

The single "Tomahawk" cruse missile attack on Jerusalem.

The Russian, Oscar class attack sub "dumping" its cruse missiles from just off shore onto the Island of Diego Garcia. One weakness of the naval base is that the Airwing is not able to base out of harms way. And the Chinese "rockets red glare" unleashed on Taiwan and Japan naval ports.

And the forming of the Newjarheaddean native American "Reservation" i.e. the Reserve fourth Marine Division, with its at least 10,000 new Marines that are the second such Marines to never have graduated from a traditional MCRD.

And much more. We are going to get some.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Hacking my Kings Truth


update; 12/03/15 11:12 hours, the amp: is appearing after the & symbol here as if this post has some kind of malware infection I'm going to try it one more time and then say to hell with it i.e. Im going to delete the amp: after the & symbol and see what appears in the next edit view. The amp: after being deleted reapears in the posts after closing and reopening it. WHAT SAY YOU GOOGLE? I have highlighted the area in red where this amp: is showing. 

Update; 12/03/15 11:03 hours, So yeah i was going over my old posts under the label of BRIIC and updating them to BRIICS i.e. adding the (S) for South Africa and noticed some issues that appear to be hackers i.e. those letters &amp: if you can see what I typed just now appeared in this post tilted, "F-18 images" also some red underlining of some miss spelled words was missing and then reappeared just before I finished my update in that post too and I had by chance, (spooking old agent poopy paints a bet I'm sure) just rewritten those same words i.e. san antonio texas at the top of that post with out capitalizing them again. This was the reason for the red under lining in the original post. Anywho and that is who not how, i just thought i would make a note of it all here. Just checked that post again and what I see is now in the area where i keep seeing the amp: text is just the & symbol lets see or I'll have to check and see if the amp: appear in this post or the F-18 images post, when i go look at them in my post list as if I was going to edit them again. 

Update; 11/28/15 14:15 hours; Okay for now I was able to apparently loose the malicious soffware hack etc by copy and posting this latest update or recap by posting the copy as plain texts.

Well just had a library worker witness, the changes I'm making to my first Armageddon post are not saving.

I guess the Kings Truth lol my crazzy ass hypothesis is just to much got to go out of time.


Quack, Quack, i'm a happy go lucky, spooky duck...


Okay no communication from any Patriot of my blog. Maybe the Agents edited it, maybe it is like I say and that is that the only so called Patriots I have are Agents, doctors and lawyers and such just monitory my blog and life.

There were 10 views on the "communication post and 18 on the Hailing post, that posted first, so maybe the way the post where edited, is that where just not posted publicly.

And wouldn't you know it, the library shut down till this morning so that gave an eternity of time for the agents to hack it all up, if anyone had communicated with me on that post "why do they call it tigertail avenue" on wellborn's old blog.

Here is the link;


So I had posted the other day about how I did not know what I would have done the other Friday or Saturday with out my food stamps posting. Well I found out this "Black Friday" i.e. I went to sleep Thursday night with only a third of my Dr. Pepper left and woke up with nothing. No sigs not a dollar to my name, no clean razors etc.

I sat there thinking to myself, well now you are going to find out what would have happen last firday. I knew that i would as always find or be given what I needed but I cursed god for making me go though all this "not knowing for sure until it happens" stress and worry. However it is a fact that I don't stress to much anymore.

It was cold and raining real duck weather.

And yes by noon I had been given all I needed and more. My first brake came in front of Krogger's I ask for a dollar to get a coffee at Mc Donnels and was given a 10 dollar bill, Kahbooom. Later that evening as I just set undercover a couple brought over to me a large bowl of soup from a Vietnamese restaurant. And the giving continues, I need razors and other Dallas residence have just walked up and given me money. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH. I spent my food stamps on nothing but food and the money is going to food and items and things I need to do i.e. wash cloths etc. I did buy one pack of sigs the other day. There just is not any to find on the streets with all the rain. I say that however i did Black Friday morning find two no one menthol 100s laying in one of the few dry spots of a sidewalk right after leaving the Church. Kahbooom.

And yes last night I returned to my sleeping place with everything I needed and more.

I also know now at least one of the reasons i have been sleeping at this chruch after never doing this before. i met someone who I believe is going to help me a lot. He has spent most of his life behind bars. I found a bible too, along side of an organizer that is something I have been wishing for. So I can get all my notes in some kind of order, so I picked both of them up. They are both soaking wet and there is nothing heavier and more difficult to dry out, lol than a soaking wet bible, but I'm logging it along. Its a really nice big one with tabs marking the different books and foot notes and the red scrip when satan i.e.you all Christians lord and savior is speaking, etc.

I'm editing my Armageddon post and can't wait to start posting. I may post part one today. I'm not only going to wage war with those Briics if they choose to, lol i'm waging war here at home too. On the Christians. I'm having the mostly christian airmen of the Air force and any other branch of service stand down and I'm bringing down all the churches. every last one of them. Like i've said imo god dose not care or need a house to live in lol or even a vacation home. God imo could not even wholly fit in any man made structure. God imo would see churches like I see public bathrooms i.e. filthy discussing places. Only satan needs a place to hide out and I'm going to make Satan and all other deities or demons homeless in this nation.

Besides how can anyone wage war as a religious (and yes that includes the christians) and not be looked up on as just another freek delusional leader. One of the week points of the Briics is that they all have their religious bases, Russia with the Eastern Orthodox and China with all its gong bagging and robed people etc. And worst of all the "redheaded step child" Israel i.e. the supposed "God's Chosen people". And so yes the Briics well have to deal with all these types too.

And wait till you read what i am going to ask of the Native Americans of the North American continent.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Comunicate mesage to "Patriots"


Okay just realized its best for you to just look up the post titled "why do they call it Tigertail avenue" the resaults page is just to full of other simular site or blog call signs i.e. names.

Guess what partiots i have a way for us to communicate, its on the "old World's" old web site titled "why do they call it" we will use the reply system to text mesage. Just go to the blog i.e. web site and find the post titled "why do they call it Tiger Tail Avenue" and post a reply i.e. mesage to Newjarheaddean. I well reply the same way. Once we hook up we can use others too. The system imo would figure that. And if it ain't the gov blocking my replies etc we should be perfectly legal here I have the pass word matrial I set the site or blog up for the old world so lets see.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Hailing "Patriots", Hailing "Patriots"


Update; 01/11/15 13:11 hours; 

Okay just realized its best for you to just look up the post titled "why do they call it Tigertail avenue" the resaults page is just to full of other simular site or blog call signs i.e. names.

Fire in the whole, Kahbooom!

Guess what "Patriots" I have another legal way for us to communicate, its on the "old World's" old web site titled "Miami signpost"  LOL LOL i had gotten that title wrong a minute ago. He told me I could use it. We will use the reply system to text message. Just go to the blog i.e. web site and find the post titled "why do they call it Tiger Tail Avenue" rewrite he posted it twice and post a reply i.e. message to Newjarheaddean. I well reply the same way. Once we hook up we can use others too. The system imo would figure that. And if it ain't the gov blocking my replies etc we should be perfectly legal here I have the pass word martial I set the site or blog up for the old world so lets see.

I'm editing leave me alone, lets hope not.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dallas's "Gayborhood"


Okay so I read this article in a local street magazine last night about these muggings. The police are putting up 10 new police cams etc.

But I could not help but make the observation that not unlike the U.S. military that is considered by most to be the best in the world and certainly spends much more than any other nation or group of nations in the world, yet we know the U.S, military could not occupy or control the city of Baghdad in 10 or so years of trying.

So now we have this Dallas police department (doing their best and great officers i'm sure) that can't prevent a thug or two from mugging people in a two or so block area. However they have made a great deal of progress in harassing the homeless. I myself  was politely asked to move on the other night. And I have heard talk of how the police are moving other homeless along when ever they see some pour bastard setting around somewhere. The locals have also taken a much more negative attitude towards the homeless.

So imo go ahead gayborhooders put up all the cameras you wish, bring in ten times the cops and have yourself a marry little surveillance land of no place to hide. And wait till those cops monitoring those cameras start "black mailing" people who are caught on camera cheating on their spouses or doing drugs, it well happen.

I have heard rumor of who is doing these muggings, I'm sure these kinds of rumors are a dime a dozen. But lets say there are two or more people committing these crimes. The police could release a rumor of their own claiming one of the suspects has contacted police and is trying to cut a deal i.e. course an internal conflict with in the group.

The owner of Alexander's club according to the article is one of the most upset. A couple of the muggings have happened behind his club. It is a long and narrow enclosed alley i.e. with the buildings on one side and a wooden fence on the other. I was noticing that fence has gates that appear to have not been used in awhile except of course by the attacker it appears.

I also noticed two not one guard, in front of his club, What about someone out back where the crimes are being committed? I'll assume there was a guard in a car in the parking lot but who knows.

All you have to due Mr Lee Daugherty,, is hire me, I'll work for food, sodas and sigs and a place to shower and sleep at night while the rest of you party.

My point is that Lee wants to "take the gayborhood back", he dose not mention the homeless in his statement but imo the implication is there. IMO the clubs need to work with the homeless and thus have 24/7 security.

One of the statements in the article said that the Security guards do not leave till the last manager goes home. Well that is when some lady walking her dog will be mugged or have to clean up the doggy poop because she did not want to go out side in the morning. This morning I was washing my hair in an alley. This pour lady saw me and was startled, she did not realize that nothing was going to happen in that alley with me cleaning up with out me doing a "flash report" lol i.e. calling the cops and doing my best to stop it.

Another lady last night as I was picking up snipes i.e. sigs off the ground, (I have not stopped smoking yet) grabbed her drink first then moved her purse on to her lap. I stated I was sorry for worrying her I did not tell her but I could not understand why she thought I would grab anything and try to run off with 40 lbs of kit i.e. my bag on my back.

And then this morning as i approached this sig butt container, this guy asked me if he could help me, I told him I was just going to see if I could get a sig butt or two out of the can. He stud in my way and said NOPE!, I just laughed and said, that is sad, that is sad.

I did not tell him, but I should have told him "that well prevent crimes" (sarcasm on) and five minutes after you go back inside, i well not be returning but imo some other homeless person well and they will get the butts and it could be the mugger".

I've got my opinion to. I say its a bunch of rich kids just tired of the gays and there neighborhood being called a gayborhood. They don't bother the homeless because they feel sorry for us know the gays hate us too and know we don't have anything. IMO a homeless mugger would also be a drug attack and drunkard and just be mugging everyone they could. And I have yet to see two or more homeless stay together for any reason for more than one night.

The other night I ran into three white guys coming out of a bar, I asked for a dollar and the mid size guy said man I just spent all my money in that fucked up place and the smallest one was just staring at me like he could not except what he was seeing. And then there was a really big guy in the group too. I found it strange that three guys with that kind of attitude would even be on these streets. Maybe scouting out their next victim i.e. seeing who was throwing around the money.

The victims have all been attacked from behind ambush style imo every ambush has security watching and signally the one in the kill box, about cops or targets. One in the kill box, one on each end of the alley.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Monday, November 23, 2015

"Barma" IED land/class room


Say it ain't so, John Wayne say it ain't so.

This is just to much for me i.e. you people are crazy! look at the repeat and B.S. in this info. I had found and copied this with out taking a detailed look at it the other day and desided to do that now before editing my Armageddon series. I just could not resist sharing it all with my patriots.

This is what I found on IED drills.

reacts to a suspected or known IED prior to detonation by using the 5-Cs.

b. While maintaining as safe a distance as possible and 360 security, the platoon/squad/section "confirms" the presence of an IED by using all
available optics to identify any wires, antennas, detcord or parts of exposed ordnance.
(1) Conducts surveillance from a safe distance.

Newjarheaddean; is that not what was just explained above. 

(2) Observes the immediate surroundings for suspicious activities.

c. The unit "clears" all personnel from the area a safe distance to protect them from a potential second IED.

Newjarheaddan; Okay then look at "Cordons" god dam can anyone say repeat filibuster. SOP it seems for all F.M. or pamphlets etc. produced by U.S. government imo the purpose is as always just make them think they have learned something then put them out there and let her rip, who gives a fuck if they are prepared they well be ready when their body gets his head blown off. God dam.
d. The unit "calls" higher headquarters to report the IED in accordance with the unit SOP.

I think "flash report is the first thing that should be done here.

e. The unit "cordons" off the area, directs personnel out of the danger area, prevents all military or civilian traffic from passing and allows entry only
to authorized personnel.

(1) Soldiers direct people out of the 300-meter minimum danger area.

Newjarheaddean; God dam, just make the rule GET TO FUCK OUT OF HERE, Sarcasm on. 

(2) Identifies and clears an area for an incident control point (ICP).

Newjarheaddean; Oh I can't wait to find out what that new Bull shit acronym means or has to do with all this other bull shit drill. 

(3) Soldiers occupy positions and continuously secure the area.

f. The unit "controls" the area inside the cordon to ensure only authorized access.

g. The unit continuously scans the area for suspicious activity.

(1) Identifies potential enemy observation, vantage, or ambush points.

Newjarheaddean; This is of course or should be SOP for a patrol not just an IED

(2) Maintains visual observation on the IED to ensure the device is not tampered with.

Newjarheaddean; The best way to a void IEDs is to live with the locals and travel where the enemy travels right. But the locals will not allow that due to all the drones and bombings i.e. death form above and afar right or force protection policies in place as it would be explained. i sure am pissed off that I missed that "barma" class, sarcasm on. 


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Old world alive and wil


Edith, called me, on Sunday of course, but I could care less as long as we are talking and I get to talk to the old world. I don't hate Wellborn's family but I was getting very upset and felt like I was being treated unfairly and that the Old world needed to be able to talk to me. We were together for to long to just cut us off. IMO at his age you let them have and do as they wish not what some body else thinks is the thing to do. I promised Edith I would keep it up beat for him and make it all sound good. I'm working on my wording so I don't have to out right lie. I plan on making him laugh as much as I can. I'm going to remind him of a couple of Bill Mayer jokes or scenes he really liked. The old world never laughs out loud he has a silent laugh, his old mouth brakes a big smiles and his head well go back and forth and some times you can hear his breath etc but no big noise.

So she and I had a very good conversation she promised to let me talk to Wellborn on Thanksgiving day. Said he was doing well.


So things broke i.e. a man walked up to me and gave me a wad of one dollar bills 13 it turned out to be. Yesterday I walked over to Westmorland to due laundry and go to the dollar stores for a few items.

There has been another wave of coincidences accruing. Or I should say continuing since the Star chain started. Like I've said its always better than I can recall to post about. With the stars chain I failed to mention one of the best. I found a bran new pair of Converse all star shoes the logo as everyone knows is a blue star on the inside ankle. So I now have blue stars on me.

Day before yesterday the Front came in, man did the wind blow. So hard in fact it knocked out the electricity at the library. So computers were down till about 2:00 o'clock. A lady from Thailand came in an invited people to join her to learn how to make "dream catchers".

I had made notes of all this chain business but lol, can't find them right now. And really what dose it matter. However some of the more interesting ones were that I had had a dream about Native Americans the night before learning how to make dream catchers. I did not finish making my dream catcher here at the library and thought it was a bad thing however then I found myself finishing my dream catcher right were I had had my dream.

There has been a series of beatings in the gay hood, one the other night and then again that fallowing morning. I over slept that morning or maybe it would have been me that got mugged.

I wanted to hand my Dream Catcher over my head like tradition dictates and was able to find a crack in the brick wall to due so. After laying down I heard this dove calling out. Looked up and a round myself but did not see it. The next morning I had been packing up for a bit and then the dove flew off it was no more than three feet from my head, I said good morning dove, then realized hay that could have been a morning dove.

Then yesterday just before Edith called I had set down to eat a pizza I had bought with my food stamps, if you buy a whole one they well cook it for you after you pay for it i.e. you can not buy anything cooked with the food stamps. All you can really buy is snack i.e. junk food. I have no way of cooking or storing food. Oh sure I can buy bread and peanut butter and jelly and then I have to carry that shit around all day 24 / 7 its not only the weight its the cubic inches too at is the problem.


As I answered the phone I noticed this large shadow behind a wood fence getting up and moving on. I figured a homeless I had awoken. However after hanging up the phone, I discovered it was a German Shepard. We made friends and the Shepard eat pizza too.

Kings Truth;


I GUESS THE TEETH THING IS JUST DRIVING ME CRAZY, but i'm keeping it real i.e. telling nothing but the kings truth.

But one thing is for sure, we all have our braking points like I've said its all on video and if god truly wants me on the streets, imo "fully self aware" as a bad guy, then that is what we well get some day and or night.

I came face to face again with that old queen again, wearing her skirt too, i said hello and got the old nose in the air response again. LOL its really something how so many of these gay or what have you treat me like they do and then go out and demand to be treated as equals by the so called strait people.

Oh yeah the "Black lives matter too" movement out of Florida had a rally the other night. I just happened up on it just as it was just starting on an island at Oak lawn and Cedar springs. So much love and attention was given to transgenders lol then when the rally was over I went back to asking for money on Cedar Springs and did not get a single dollar. To hell with you people and all this "i don't have or carry any cash" B.S. just say no!

Well let me get back to my editing of the Armageddon series, to hell with all this chain crap.


 I'll retract my negative text about you, I just did not know and that is worst than losing someone as everyone knows.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

K-9s are mans last friend, like I said.



In front of the bank of America I ran into a man looking for his lost Shepard, Bah, Bah.

I was running all over cedar springs this last weekend looking for this lost Shepard name Bah, Bah as in the black sheep sq.

From the web.

“Diesel claimed no religion, posed no threat and owned no weapons – and yet she paid with her life to ensure the safety of the French nation,” PETA France’s Isabelle Goetz said in a statement.

There is also this line in the article;

The US Secret Service uses them to guard the White House grounds. And when Navy SEALs went after and killed Osama bin Lade, they used a Belgian Malinois named Cairo.

And now the release of the image of the bomb used in the downing of the Russian Airliner being released from AP Cairo.

Things that make me at least say WHAT! i.e. this could be one of those examples of how I have said imo the news is used openly as a way for governments and organizations to communicate without the average person catching on. But I'm not average am I oh yeah I'm just another crazy guy on his blog.

And its a great example of how i just happen to come across this information i.e. i found two articles just looking for info on this attack after I asked someone out side the library why the colors where at half mass.

Sarcasm on.

I love you Diesel our last friend of nature.


“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”
" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"
" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"
" I well bet my lucky star"
G- (K) night!