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UPDATE 12/21/13, 11:42 HOURS

I am revealing who I am today i.e. posting my name, I am Keith Oeffinger, I was born in San Antonio Texas in 1963. See today's post 12/21/13 .

Update, 01/11/14 12:30 hours;

I would like to say, with only one reply, like three years ago, this blog seems too much like a mirror site to me. And it appears very few patriots are looking back at past posts.

The new “Fragmented Fighting Facts” series of posts that dedicates one post to each Basic rule has now been completed. This series starts with the post tilted “Post # 1, Planning, Preface” that posted on 05/12/13. This series is under the label “Tri-F in progress”. Posts well be updated as I edit or discover additional knowledge thus the series is the most current version of my "Fragmented Fighting Facts" manual. For an old but complete version i.e. all in one post copy. Patriots are welcomed to try viewing one of the “pages” listed in the “special word section” on the starboard side of the blog. I say try due to the fact I’m not sure if they are published i.e. viewable to the general public due to all the issues or HACKING with my blog. There is also a complete copy posted, that is titled, “Tri-F in progress” too, it was posted 11/13/10.

And feel free to fire away with a reply, (sarcasm on).


The most important lesson that everyone should have taken away from the Boston Marathon bombings was that those young men proved that no al-queda members are in the u.s. Otherwise they too would just go get some presure cookers and had to a parade.

“I AM NOT A TERRORIST” this nation’s worst enemy is FEAR. This fear is being promoted mostly by the back woods, right wing, Christians of this nation. We need to separate church and state, period. And that is of course for the States sake.

I would like patriots to understand that I use the terms "official revealed fact" to mean what everyone is being told by officials, media etc. I use the term "kings truth" to mean what I know or believe to actually be the actual facts. I DO NOT MEAN IT IN A RELIGIOUS WAY. I.E. the term Kings is plural as in those running the show.

Preface for the Fragmented Fighting Facts

Note pink highlighted material is that, that IMO is questionable factually, it maybe an “official revealed fact” that I am questioning. The material may need to be defined i.e. explained more or it could be a personal note. Yellow is location undecided or unedited material i.e. unread that I have not decided on what to keep or not. Green means a change has been made i.e. an update. By noting the green updated highlights a Patriot well not have to read the Fragmented Fighting Facts in its entirety to stay current. Red is important, perhaps the "kings truth".

Newjarheaddean; this is my collection of combat notes. One might call it my anthology of combat tactics, techniques, methods and skills. The note taking began about fourty years ago (I was around 13 years old) with the observation of 10 rules listed with in a book covering the French and Indian i.e. Native American, wars, entitled “Roger’s Rangers”. That’s right the rules that started all this are “Army Ranger” rules, this book was located in the “Westfall” library in San Antonio Texas off of Vance Jackson. I get a kick out of the libraries name due to the general agreement that modern or state vs state warfare started with the singing of the peace treaties at Westphalia. I could not read at the time; however I knew that a list in a book on war would be important. I copied those rules down like a scribe might have written hieroglyphs and had my dad read them to me. . This discovery preceded numerous sources including approximately one hundred books and about a dozen field manuals, of which a few were of WWII era. These were found at libraries, half price bookstores and garage sales. Since going on line in 2007, I have found material on web sites such as “Defense and National Interest” (DNI), “Global security”, “Strategy page” , “Wikipedia” and “Bayonet strength” and “Efour4ever” in the combat lessons learned section. These last two sites cover WWII.

Previously referred to as K.O.O.L.N. (acronym definition, top secret), FLASH REPORTS; I NOW AM TELLING EVERYONE IT STANDS FOR KEITH OEFFINGER'S ORGANIZATION OF LEARNED KNOWLEDGE the joke on me here was I believed Knowledge was spelled with an (N). I was a special education student and did not learn to read until my last year of high school. I have now titled my work “Fragmented Fighting Facts” or “Tri-F”; the name derives from the computer grammar function always alerting me to the fragmented nature of my sentences. This is due to the “just the facts, ma’am” manor the material is written i.e. there has been little if any effort to write in whole sentences or provide context. This is not to say there is no order with Tri-F, in fact there is a theme. I have laid out the information as one might expect a commander or members of a unit to recall it thus utilizing it to conduct a mission.

We start with “Planning”, followed by the section on “Defense”, then there’s “Preparations and conduct of patrols” or “PCP”, and we end with “Conduct of Engagements” or “COE”, i.e. engagements being the term used here for shootouts. Each section of Tri-F consists of numbered “Basic rules”, each basic rule followed by detailed notes that either relate to, explain, or give examples pertaining to the basic rules. As with the general format of Tri-F, each section’s basic rules are laid out as one might need to recall them. This is most obvious in the last section COE starting with basic rule number one, “Flash report”, i.e. actions to take upon contact with the enemy. This sections last basic rule deals with handling POWs.

Keep in mind this is a work in progress; I’m constantly discovering new information to add which in turn still at times requires rearranging things. At the same time, interestingly enough to me, I have not needed to rearrange my original order of the basic rules for quite some time. There are however, two instances where the detailed information fallowing a pair of basic rules became so similar I decided to combine the pair into one basic rule. These two occurrences are noted in footnotes.

Now heed this, out of all the information contained within this work, only an estimated 1% was taught to me while I was serving in the U.S.M.C. Moreover, to put a fine point on it, it’s worth noting I served in Charlie Company, First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division, i.e. an Infantry unit. Before my discharge (after only a two year cruse), I attended Jungle Warfare School in the northern training area of Okinawa (for two weeks), Mountain Warfare School in Korea (for one week) and Combat Town Camp Pendleton for MOUT training (for one day). I did not take part in any amphibious training nor did I ever go to Twenty Nine Palms for Desert Warfare training. We did ride around in AAVs once at Camp Pendleton. All in all I would say the only things I missed out on were a beach landing (at Coronado I believe) and a little sun burn, due to the fact that those twenty nine palms, I was told in the early eighties were all located at the front gate of that base. Needless to say, the training did not impress me, and I now know it was not going to get any better as some suggested to me at the time, and still others later claimed that I should have just stayed in longer.

With my position on the lack of training, I do wish to make it perfectly clear that I do support the service women and men in the U.S. armed forces. I also believe them to be as brave as any people on earth, (with the exception of the (Y) generation). My concern is in the way the Infantry especially is being mislead and used. I want people to understand my experience and IMO a lot of evidence suggests Uncle Sam intends to use his infantry in ways that does not include training any generation in the art of “traditional Guerilla combat tactics” i.e. as a “Traditional Commando” would be. I am not talking about “SWAT” team “Close quarter” tactics, like the “Stick dynamic entry”. That tactic should be called the “cluster f**k”. Just call that sort of tactic what it is NYPD (Cops T.V. show bad-boys, bad-boys) in Afghanistan.

The problem is that that tactic was developed by police departments to deal with an objective occupied by drugged up party animals, i.e. untrained civilians. The police never use it in a spur of the minute situation. They use it when the house/objective has been under constant surveillance for mouths in some cases and the police know all manner of information about everyone in the house and the structure and neighborhood in general. The cops choose a time when everyone is pasted out from partying the night before and have long lost any weapons (between the cushions or under the bed) they might have had on them as show pieces during the party. The primary reason for the large numbers of police in close proximity is to make sure the gang does not think the raid is a rival gang “brake in” and thus resist in any way. There is lots of yelling too, thus reinforcing the message that no one is trying to be covert, like one would be to get away with a crime.

This brings up an intriguing observation of mine; that being that by the book an assault should be made from the top down, yet the troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere use the Stick dynamic entry and usually enter from the front door, like a SWAT team. However resent high profile raids show the SWAT teams attacking from the top down. Examples you may recall are the raids on the Shinning path group in Peru in 2000 and the Mumbai raid by Indian forces on the Jewish center in 2008. IMO this proves the existence of what I’ll refer to as a “need to know” training policy, being followed by various governments, the purpose being to limit the number of true Commandos that could become tomorrow’s rebels, apposing corrupt governments. One last thing about the Stick, IMO every single time the regular forces unit conducting one of these foolish Stick dynamic entries comes under fire i.e. runs into resistance, the Stick brakes i.e. the whole unit evacuates and awaits some kind of support form tanks, guns, tubes or air. Bottom line IMO the Stick is used as a probing tactic and is meant to be a moral boosting show peace tactic to make the unit feel as if it has taken a hill, which was nothing more than another empty building, that IMO Intel suggested, was the case before the entry was ordered. Recalling the police policy of long periods of surveillance prior to raids.

It also seems to me that in light of the old saying “you can fight a war with bombs and blockades but only boots on the ground can win it” ( IMO, Uncle Sam has now revised that saying, as fallows) “you can win a war with bombs and blockades, but only the infantry can end the war”, farther more IMO Uncle Sam has gone one more step and decided to use private security companies and local i.e. indigenous people for the infantry role. All this fear of true commandos is all very similar to the “Mujahideen” not being allowed by various governments, to return to their homelands i.e. native nations, after fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

And as for the U.S. and other Western nations, training foreigners to fight a counter insurgency goes. IMO this training includes nothing more than police procedures i.e. conducting investigations, forensics, searching individuals and buildings to collect evidence and yes serving warrants, if necessary, with those all mighty “stick” tactics. And of course, lots of “new innovative techniques and tactics” involving CAS and IMO (Old) so called high tech equipment the U.S. Military Industrial Congressional Complex wants to clear out of the warehouses.

All in all IMO Uncle Sam has chosen to put just about all his eggs in one advanced technology system, think Star Wars Storm Troopers or Matrix i.e. the Operator or Morpheus trying to guide Neo and others to safety. IMO it looks something like this; (x) unit go to (x) address, kick in front door, use stairs to your right, go south down hallway to (x) door, it is unlocked, interning room go to (x) window looking out window to the north you will see your target running east though the neighbors garden. All this information and the “live” feeds of target and area of operations would be provided by a fleet of satellites as well as Near space assets that are never mentioned by the media as current military assets and of course there’s the robots, UAVs and a flood of other covertly deployed sensors as well as covert eves dropping of any civilian electronic devices in the Area of operations.

Thus in light of these and similar so called “new innovative, techniques and tactics” (notice the media and governments choice of words “techniques and tactics” as if we’re talking Commando training i.e. why not use some modern high tech terms the system is so eager to introduce us all to normally as a matter of routine), IMO Uncle Sam has placed the traditional Guerrilla combat tactics, on the back burner and is hoping they all go the way of other black arts.

This is not just true of the infantry; let us take a peek at aerial combat. Does anyone out there actually think today’s U.S. pilots are turning and burning, pulling high (G) maneuvers trying to hit the entry windows and get inside the bandits turn. Think any pilot has conducted a yo-yo or split S maneuver lately or made the choice between a single or two-circle fight. Now days its all about stealth, ECM and Smart even autonomous weapons, missiles especially BVR tech. IMO this explains why the U.S. Navy is not concerned with not having a front line fighter equal to the USAF F-22 Raptor. An article I recently read on “Strategy page” mentioned a lot of talk about a Navy F/A-18E at an air show, displaying a little F-22 silhouette decal i.e. a simulated Kill credit symbol/icon. IMO the F/A- 18E did not gun down that kill.

And then everyone knows that just about all now and IMO soon all weapons systems including the bayonet well have a chip in it.

So if the electronics ever fail (maybe due to a shift in the axis of earths electromagnetic field, passed a certain point or perhaps a record size solar flare) IMO it well be the masters of the age-old Guerrilla combat tactics i.e. The Fragmented Fighting Facts Basic Rules that survive, keeping in mind “no one wins”.

I also wish, that those who join the various services where told all this up front i.e. “we do not intend to train you as a traditional Commando”.

Another thing I would like everyone to consider is that; what makes a Marine special is not the training she or he receives, no it’s the steel the youth demonstrates when they choose to join the Marines. Even when compared to the Special Forces, who IMO are only specialists in their particular field, once again mostly high tech specialties and whose ranks are filled with older personnel that have already been serving and have graduated from a boot camp i.e. are aware of the hoop and hype hurry up and wait tactics. And who are then usually chosen i.e. coached into changing their MOS. I am aware of the change in recruitment policy after 2001 allowing for direct entry into the S.F. community. IMO a rarity and IMO it is still not the same as just choosing to go to a Marine Corps Recruit Depot from the start.

Furthermore, to those who just well not accept the truth about the lack of training along the lines of traditional Guerrilla combat tactics. I can now say that I have exchanged comments with a number of Iraqi and Afghanistan combat vets. These comments can be found on the internet if you Google up my call sign, Newjarheaddean also spelled with one (D). IMO it is obvious that the tactics I speak of are news to the vets, some have made commits that proves in combat they were just winging it. And no, I don’t believe that all the vets are observing some kind of code of silence on these tactics including the vets who are against the wars. Unless everyone wants to say that YouTube and other internet companies are conspiring to edit all combat footage that shows these tactics being used and that, the vets are staging other videos that show them (albeit with great bravery) as armatures without a clue and winging it. If anyone ever sees video, showing the tactics listed in Tri-F being used, be sure and provide a link with your comment. I once saw a flash of film on CNN showing combat in Lebanon during the 1980s that showed some of these tactics being used by a Guerrilla fighter. I well also say I do believe that UAV footage is edited by the Pentagon to keep the public from seeing the few but well trained Taliban and other Guerrilla fighters that are using these tactics. Alternatively, maybe people think our professional highly trained well-equipped military is unable to defeat 10 – 20 thousand religious extremist amateur thugs in almost a decade of fighting. All the while killing at least by some estimates 100 a mouth including dozens of top commanders.

Let me also say, on the numbers of U.S. PTSD casualties, i.e. IMO, WIA, (And IMO deserving of a Purple Heart). The Government portrays these cases as a result of fighting a war that is “unlike any other war we have fought before” (LOL). Facing an enemy that is fighting in some mysterious and or cowardly manor that simply cannot be countered by military means. I believe the high numbers are a result of US forces fighting in a manner that is suicidal i.e. pointless and counterproductive to the real world situation. Example; you have a young brave American ready to fight for the nation, while on one of these IMO “Russian roulette parades” someone shoots at the unit from some building, everyone scrambles for cover, as some spray and pray, then after determining the location using SWATS (Soldier Worn Acoustic Targeting Systems) sniper detectors, or one of the many similar vehicle mounted systems the commander calls in some sort of CAS, if someone’s brains have been blow out especially if it was an officer or the location is vague, a real “crowd pleaser” maybe used i.e. 2000 pounder.

IMO this is how 90% of engagements (fought by regular infantry units) are resolved. Special Forces are now and in the feature more and more regular infantry well be using the Matrix. And to those that think this is the exception I say show me the number of WIA or KIA (On either side) by small arms fire i.e. during traditional firefights. Even if one includes sniper fire those figures are really low. So IMO after witnessing all the carnage and innocent civilian life being lost and receiving all those looks from the witnesses, it is the American that realizes it is his unit that is not fighting right.

This is reinforced and really sinks in back in the states when the vet is asked to tell the Commando stories that never occurred and thus the vet must tell the truth i.e. give up the Commando reputation, keep it all inside or start lying. If the first option is chosen that unveiling reality is demoralizing and makes it all not worth it. If either one of the other chooses are made IMO the vet becomes the ticking bomb. And I can tell you all that many times, I have recalled being told once that “when you go home keep your mouth shut about the things we did. If you don’t you well be thought of as a liar or crazy and either which way your life well be over”. That First Sergeant was right, but like my daddy use to say, “He’s right but he does not know why he’s right” i.e. IMO the First Sgt. thought of what we did in terms of remarkable heroic feats. However, IMO certainly since the beginning of the Vietnam era, it is the lack of training i.e. the manner in which our service women and men are fighting that keeps this tragedy going.

I would also suggest the vets of today are just like I was 25 or so years ago in the sense that they know there training is lacking, however, they just cannot explain what’s missing. However unlike me they refuse to accept that old fashion “black arts” are the answer i.e. should be the basis of basic training. And I now know the “Black art” tactics they and I should have been trained in and I can now say, “The PFC that told the Corp it was out of step, now has provided the proof”. What surprises me is that most vets it seems don’t care at all about the tactics I speak of and seem to view me as an unpatriotic “party pooper”, when I’m just a U.S. Marine trying to improve the Corps and save lives. Bottom line IMO the infantry needs to consist of unmarried i.e. undistracted, NO CHILDREN, dedicated true professionals, trained in the tactics listed in Tri-F and many more I am sure exist.

And to those that say “chivalry is for the museums” I say “first we must have peace on earth”.

One Newjarheaddean

“Let no Marines ghost say if my training had only done its job”

" Give me a million dollars and I well change the world"

" When it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ dose not have (S) nothing on me"

" I well bet my lucky start"



Update; 12/19/14 09/53 hours

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Heres is that Strategy page link to my post


Update; 04/07/13 23:05 I'm going to try and provide a link here to one of my post here on my blog. It is an Airforce Magazine article from 2005 about "near space" assets. It only has been viewed three times according to my stats. It is imo a very good article. I've noticed the first image is difficult to see, I'm going to try and repost it here.  It also helps to open images in another tab if you can and thus be able to magnify them. 


Update; 04/03/13 16:46 hours, I have added below an article from "Time" magazine about drones. 

Update; 04/01/13 17:43 hours. Just a paragraph from my "Fragmented Fighting Facts".

"Hiding in plain site" i.e. imo, even those making the payments would not understand the real purpose of the payments. The payments are going directly to the Taliban. The U.S. is "playing conventional war".

The paragraph from Tri-F;
Reported by weekly standard 1/30/09 concerning victims of US UAV missile strikes in FATA. U.S. Army issued payments to families of those killed, including the Taliban commander. The Associated Press reports: On the back of an Afghan army truck, U.S. officials paid $40,000 in Afghan currency to representatives of 15 people killed - $2,500 for each death plus $500 for two wounded and $1,500 for repairs. Lt. Col. Steven Weir, a military lawyer who oversaw the payments, said payments were not an admission that innocents were killed, "It's a condolence payment,". "The villagers said none of the KIA were Taliban. So by this payment they will understand it's not our goal to kill innocent people. This may help them understand we're here to build a safer and more secure Afghanistan." When asked if the U.S. was paying money to relatives of people that the U.S. had wanted to kill or capture, Weir said: "If we did accidentally shoot someone, we want to make that right, and if we have to pay money to someone who didn't deserve it ... it's kind of like it's better to let nine guilty people go free than to jail one innocent person."
But didn't the Taliban commander "deserve it"? It's just this kind of fuzzy logic that gets U.S. troops killed. The money given to the Taliban commander's family will be funneled back into the Taliban coffers--in fact, the odds are good the Taliban will move back into the town and collect all of the money disbursed.
And look at the absolutely contradiction in logic here with the statement, "it's kind of like it's better to let nine guilty people go free than to jail one innocent person.". And compare that to the Killing of the innocent on the ground in the first place at a 3 or so to one ratio at least. LOL.

end of 04/01/13  17: 43 update.

Update; 03/27/13 12:12 hours. What to hell is going on here I do not know. However I received a couple of emails about comments being made on this article in question i.e. mentioned below. And I found all the comments including my comments posted again. So I have copied them and now well post them here. I also discovered I could edit these post in my file that I had pasted then into, those changes are highlighted in green you well see what I mean below where I have posted my post from the Strategy-page site. I have also been reading up on all this Drone tech and well be making a few more points here. Everyone who knew me in high-school knows I was talking about what I refereed to as "remote control aircraft way back then. I used to think in terms of individuals using them. I figured the way you would be found was by the antina. I reasoned you should run a cable to the antina and barre it so the authorities would not be able to fix your direction without digging. I also reasoned you should have a camera watching the site to let you know they had found your antina. I reasoned you could have more than one. I reason (with out the knowledge at the time of how it would work that you could have a antina on a blimp. etc. etc. "Caveman" tactics to be sure however I did all this thinking back in the late 70s. Drones being the "Brain child" of some former isreali airforce engineer my ass. 

end of 03/27/13 12:12 hours update.

Update; 12:18 hours, 03/01/13.  this information in this update as you well see no long is the case. The article on strategy page, is now back, with all replies. I'm leaving this update though as a reminder to my issues with the various sites I post on.

Okay the link below leads to an error page on the site now i.e. the pages with my and other members replies is no long available for viewing  You can see that there were three pages of comments however only the first one shows now. My SWAG i.e. guess is that someone posted curse words or maybe the webmaster did not like me posting as many times as I did without any other members replying. Or it could have been the fact that I leaked the article on the Strategy page site with my blog. Or maybe the webmaster did not like the site being involved in proving one of my "coincidence chains". And like I had noted below, the article did not appear on the home page at all after I started posting on that article. So only god knows, lol. It was tilted "why all the fuse about uavs" in the Murphy's law category. 
end of 03/01/13 update;

This link is to the article on Strategy page, the one I titled "I must be him". Notice how after all the replies between other members they all just stopped posting and the article itself is not shown on the home page anymore.


i did not post this in todays post titled  "most viewed "all still crazy after all these years part II" post so it would not be delayed in showing up in anyone's search results.

So check the times of my post, the advertisement on CNN for the "fear, faith and fire" show and the braking news. And then claim I am making to much of it all. LOL And go a head and make up your own coincidence chains and lets compare.

I also received an email this morning from a British based web site that I am a member of, it was about "drone metals" soon to be awarded. At the time of noticing my emails, I did not think of it as being to important, i.e. I did not have any moment of grandeur, I thought of it as just one of those "too many daily coincidences to bother keeping track of.

And yes the "old worlds" family home still stands, near where we well be moving. As we drove by the other day the "old world" pointed out where he and his sister use to go through the fence to play by the water.

Comments posted; i.e. my replies; 

newjarheaddean    Unexceptable    2/19/2013 11:25:12 AM

So is Karzai an enemy now, for putting a decree in place to not allow UAV attacks in afghan urban areas? Will we kill him, in his home surrounded by his family?

Is Desmond Tutu wrong when he suggest that the U.S. supreme court should not place itself in the position of saying u.s. citizens lives are worth more than other peoples lives on earth?

I'm going with Mark Twain, paraphrasing; Patriotism is supporting you nation all the time and the government when it deserves it.

The U.S. drone pilots are killing kids and thus producing more enemies than they kill with these drone strikes. And unlike Al-quiiiiiedah, they (the pilots) are among us.


newjarheaddean    One point at a time   2/19/2013 9:51:47 PM

From the article;

After all, a UAV is not a robot, it is under control of human operators, who identify the targets and pull the trigger. 

 NJD; How are they identified? Why don't we see any of the 120 magnification "mug shots" this would help to show the accuracy. 
From the article;  

  Both UAV operators and pilots can see TV quality images of who is on the ground and whether they are civilians or not and who is armed. 

 NJD; so who decided that someone carrying a firearm with them in a foreign nation full of gun owners, is a legitimate target?

 From article; 

The UAVs make it much less likely that civilians will be hit. 

 NJD; yet we still have at least 10 times the civilians being killed than the targets. (this I now know is incorrect)

 From the article; 

What it really comes down to is a philosophical attitude towards dealing with terrorism.  

 NJD; as if terrorism is knew to warfare, like they are ghost or demons, like we can only kill them from miles away. And why is there no concern about interrogating them for information?

like old Binladen, (the mastermind leader or one of them) (not to mention KSM) standing in the corner of his bedroom in his pajamas, next to his wife. And this seal with total body arm and back up had to shoot him.  
 (and now we have three different version to choose from i.e. three different seal stories and books articles etc. and counting, those seals are such professionals,lol)

Quote    Reply
newjarheaddean    one point at a time II   2/19/2013 10:19:24 PM

From the article;  
 But this is mostly about ROE (Rules Of Engagement) and demands for fewer civilian casualties, even if it means the troops are put in more danger. Sometimes this approach actually puts civilians in more danger. For example, in the last few years American troops have increasingly encountered angry Afghan civilians who demand that the Americans act more decisively in pursuing and killing Taliban gunman, even if it puts Afghan civilians at risk.

 NJD; the troops I thought signed up for danger, that's how they should earn the metals. Civilians in more danger? (from boots on the ground) I don't think so, if I had my choice as an afghan civilian, I would rather dodge bullets than 500 or more pound munitions, with no warning. And we could limit the troops magazine capacity too lol. 

IMO the Afghans are saying the same thing here, and everyone understands a shoot out, but not homes exploding. IMO the Afghans would respect the troops on the ground for risking their lives at the same time. And this would be seen as a noble fight i.e. best man wins. 

And imo the only so called change in ROE has been on pager.

From the Article;

 What to do?

NJD; show everyone the UAV videos, like the point I've made before, this would be like a scene out of the movie, "cobra" i.e. you’re the disease and I'm the cure.

 From the article; 
 Taliban propaganda, and the enthusiasm of the media for jumping on real, or imagined, civilian deaths caused by foreign troops, made people forget that far more civilians (about four times as many) had been killed by the Taliban. But because Afghans have been conditioned to expect more civilized behavior from the foreign troops, much less media attention is paid to the civilians killed by the Taliban and al Qaeda.

 NJD; so you really think the grape vine of such tightly net communities is unable to sort out the facts. Are there only taliban an non taliban (i.e. U.S.) killings in these areas, no other crime or gangs waging war with each other. Do you U.S. media and sites like this not have any figures on those killings. (i.e. everyday crime) Do they watch CNN or Fox news in Afghan villages? (my point dose any amount of so called liberal media mater)


Quote    Reply
newjarheaddean    one point at a time III   2/19/2013 11:32:51 PM

From the article;

 Under the new ROE you had to, in effect, do a casualty analysis and consult a lawyer before a deliberate missile or smart bomb attack is made on the Taliban. To their credit, the U.S. Air Force targeting specialists (who do most of this) can carry out the analysis quickly (often within minutes). Even the lawyers have gotten quick at the decision making game. The bad news is that attacks are often called off just because there's some small risk of harming civilians.

 NJD; what is a small risk, 3 to one 1 to one?  Why is all this data not made public? Why just claim the all out efforts you are going to. Dose the analysis include a census and daily schedule of locals? Do we know the names and address of all taliban members? 

From the article;  
 The Taliban are aware of the ROE and take advantage of it. The Taliban try to live among civilians as much as possible. But the Taliban and al Qaeda do have to move around, and the ability of NATO and U.S. ground forces, aircraft, and UAVs to keep eyes on a Taliban leader for weeks at a time has led to the deaths of many smug guys who thought they had beat the system.

 NJD; what the taliban knew the ROE before it was known by U.S. citizens? (my point here is in time to master their tactics before the general U.S. public heard about all this)Where are these rules posted? Do taliban members understand all the lawyer terms etc. Do they the top leaders believe the U.S. well follow these rules? In weeks of surveillance these taliban leaders never go out by themselves to take a dump. IMO there are no more taliban in the hills or country side they are always on busy streets or in built up areas surrounded by civilians. So no chance for zero risk to civilians. 
 from article; 

 Most of the Afghan civilian casualties occur when airpower is called in to help NATO and U.S. troops under attack. In these conditions the ROE is much more flexible but now Taliban use of civilians as human shields can sometimes be allowed to get friendly troops killed. The tactics used by foreign troops will change to adapt to this and there may be tense situations where Afghan troops are getting hammered, calling for a smart bomb, and told that they can't have it because of the risk of civilian casualties. Another risk is the possibility of the Taliban dragging some women and kids along with them when they move, simply to exploit the ROE and avoid getting hit with a smart bomb.

 NJD; What U.S. commander well admit to not calling in any and everything he can to save a U.S. troops life? Give me or please show me one example with time date, names and location. And I want to see the letter to the parents of the U.S. KIA too, explaining this sacrifice, lol. 
 How can any large units of Afghan or U.S. troops be getting hammered by a small group of taliban? And how would a large group of taliban, escape from the UAVs sensors without being tracked. Not to mention all the "near space" assets imo there are in use. Or (how would the Taliban) even get into position to attack in the first place. What, (the) UAV boys asleep at the wheel. 

 Taliban dragging women and kids, Yeah right, and their own wifes and children would put up with this too, lol And would then travel by themselves to meet with the husbands.

(I would like to just play this out if you well, my point some Taliban, tells his wife. Honney I’ll be right back, I’m going next door to kidnap the neabors kids. I’m then going to parade them down the street to my friends home, where we are going to talk in the bed room while those kids play with his in the living room. Then we can have lunch when I get back. While I’m gone don’t answer the door it might be the neabor looking for his kids.  LOL).

Update; 03/30/13 00:08 hours; And I can here people now saying "Newjarheaddean" the Taliban types are using their own family members as human shields. And to that I say, now we are talking. You see if that is the case and we just take the figure of 20 to 30 thousand "hard core" members (although imo any one welling to give their lives, is a "hard core" member, even if that is grandma) and then admit each one of these people has at least ten family members, we are now talking about 300,000 people mixed in with the general population. Thus a sub society if you well. Thus imo, to suggest that the U.S. can defeat that many people with so called smart munitions released from robots at 20 thousand feet, that do cause some collateral damage and thus create feature enemies that imo most certainly out number the main targets. You are a fool


newjarheaddean    I most be him   2/21/2013 9:10:38 AM

Don't no one brake in here, (I typed this due to the fact no one had commented about my comments or theirs in a day or so) and yet the web master dose not dueo away with me.

So I here the drone metals are coming. (I typed this due to an email I received this same morning in question, from ARRES titled “drone metal announced”) We all knew that would happen. 

I still do not believe it is right to kill your enemy with a weapon from so far away. And with out them having a chance to kill you. However... 

I looked up some figures on the civilians KIA, during these drone attacks and I was shocked to see that just about everyone’s figures showed much less/fewer civilian KIA than I believed was the case.

I'm sure you all can find your own way to wekileaks lol wekipedia and find the same info I did.

So one of the main problems here may be communications between people. I am very impressed with the ability of so many members here to recall all the "official revealed facts".  Yet so many people and members seem to only "card stack" i.e. (post,) info in their favor and ignore those (members) who question (those “official rerevealed facts). My posts here being case in point. IMO individuals are no different than the media with their agendas, I just wish I could find a sponsor, lol 


newjarheaddean    Go ahead and laugh at me   2/21/2013 1:22:55 PM

Just don't go and read todays post on my blog. Its not about drones. LOL

And like I posted today on my blog I failed to put the lol after my title here on my post i'm replying about.

I do thank the web master if this is all viewable by members and web surfers. And I well reframe from commenting to much at all in the future.  


04/03/13 Note; there is no mention in this article of the News i.e. various media agencies using drones in the future. We don't want to give the criminals to much of the "delayed" lol so called, "live feed" to watch I mean to be distracted by, as the situation is "developed" I mean develops, LOL.



Most viewed "all still crazy after all these years" post


Update; 03/18/13 14:16 hours this is a final update to this post. I am just cleaning things up for future patriots. I have not highlighted this most resent editing i.e. changes. I did this so previous highlighted info from the previous updates would remain unchanged. However with this update, I have added some material and removed some of the previous highlighting to "clean" this up a bit. I also removed the "old world's" family name. I posted it and removed it for a reason. Me so crazzy. 
With these yellow highlighted updates, I have also gone ahead and deleted any text that may or may not have been done by a hacker, example this included dashes and letters that I did not type into my post. I found no such text on this post.

Update; 03/02/13 19:08 hours, I forgot, lol one very important event connected to this coincidence chain. I just found it in my notes. This shows everyone how obsessed I am with all this, lol. You see I showed it (what I'm about to mention) to the "old world" and he just stared at me and when I asked him, "is that not interesting"? He said, yes that is really something. It was a tattoo I have of a sun. You see the morning of the 21st I was scratching this tattoo, due to it itching. Later during the day after the below coincidence chain accured, I noticed that there was a small round scab on the sun. To fully understand this, it has to due with the song, "king of pain" that played on the radio as I exited 35 north i.e. arrived in Waco. The line "there's a little black spot on the sun today". As I typed or mentioned, in my post "all still crazy after all these years part IV" in the Waco story that was posted Dec 24th 2010. My birth mark you see, is a big old mole, one might say is a little black spot, right in the center of my back.

And like I keep saying God/it dose not talk to me, however I must admit right now it looks like things are really going to change for the better. And now I can add, 03/18/13 not so fast Newjarheaddean. 

And I don't care if anyone else gives a dam, this is my blog and my life's record. And I know there are those that do know I'm telling the truth..

Update; 12:37 hours, 03/01/13. T.G.I.F. LOL.

See all so my post titled "here is that strategy page link to my post" post on my blog on the same day Feb. 21, 2013.

And like I keep saying this is all crazy sh*t and imo anyone would have trouble keeping up. I need a camera on my head

This morning I posted on "strategy page" that "I must be him" LOL. I was laughing so hard at the time I failed to put the LOL after that statement. 

However I walked back to the bedroom and saw an add on CNN showing that they (cnn,lol) are going to air their waco
Faith, fire and fear (LOL tri-f, LOL I did not care to mention this earlier), special AGAIN this Sunday. LOL

You see imo all this media hoop and hype i.e. attention paid to all these
"government gone wrong" situations. Is just to draw out people like myself so we can be I.D.ed and watched.

And I have noticed that this "all still crazzy after all these years part II" post is like the most popular post of that series 185 views and counting, compared to only a dozen or so views of the others in that series. Tri - F in progress Nov. 2010 is the most popular post of all.

My point is what is someone trying to scare me that they have talked to the Joboy's and gotten my name. Here I must admit that it has been so long since my posting of this series I thought at the time Feb. 21 2013 that this "part II post mentioned the Jocobys in it. And now I realize it would be the video of me that viewers would be trying to worry me about i.e. they know what I look like etc.The Waco story is in part IV posted Friday Dec. 24 2010.

 Sh*t people don't all of you realize that the old Retarded general James T. conway knows who I am. LOL however  the same situation that developed at my mothers home, has fallowed me all over the nation. There are so many people watching no one wants to be the one to get busted trying or succeeding in killing me.

If you would just all realize I'm telling the truth, you must agree that the below events (in the original post "all still etc. part II and part VII) would have gotten those running the shows attention. Again I believed at the time I had mentioned the Waco story in this post. Along with me Dec. 2004 walking into the PBS station just before christmas in Miami and giving them the photo of everyone standing around old binladen. You know where I asked everyone if they did not believe HLS was contacted at that time.

So now a few minutes ago I see on CNN this braking news about the shoot out and car crashes in Las Vegas. LOL In the coverage on CNN I saw, the white utility truck is crashed right into the curb where I was standing having this argument with my co-worker i.e. fellow smutter i.e. the argument at the intersection of Las vegas blv. and Balleys, the day before the raid. The old place has sure changed.

So is god or satan playing jokes on me or "am I him"? But one thing is for sure NO ONE IS GOING TO PROVE ME WRONG ABOUT THESE COINCIDENCES I.E. APPARENT SIGNS. that imo other people would go mad about. What has happened in the popes life today care to compare bitch ass child molester.

Whats the odds of me posting "i must be him" with out lol just before seeing that add or the braking news.
Sunday I well no longer be at this location. We moved out Saturday. We are moving into an area the "old worlds" great grand father owned decades ago.

Original "All still crazzy after all these years part II" post below; the green highlight is old updates to that post.

Monday, November 29, 2010

All still crazzy after all these years part II


4/25/11 here I have changed the date on my Waco story to February 27.  The problems I've had with these dates  has aggravated me and at the same time I realize it really helps my case. IMO it proves as I have said that I did not mastermind all this. When I researched the Waco event to get that first date of April 18th that I used I went with that date, the day of the fire by accident i.e. I did not read carefully i was in a harry to get back to my post. I realized my mistake while watching the CNN special. this week end, I watch just to see  what it looks like today. And it has been changed quite a bit. All the brush has been cleared. When I was there you could just barley see the pond as you stood on the rim of the pool. It looks as if all the trees planted out front have been removed too. I did not see them shown on the special I watched, which was the second showing. I was watching my Spurs get beat by the grizzlies during the first showing. I guess i'm more obsessed about the Spurs LOL. I made that joke to make the point that if I was obsessed by all this I should have all this memorized right, like my military knowledge, however I don't. I also find it odd that with me making such a mistake and some others that I have made on purpose, no one has corrected me or seem to care. Not even a go to hell crazy boy reply. This along with the stats showing certain individual threads/post not being viewed, makes me believe my blog is not truly available to the public. I understand the system has the ability to publish what is refereed to as mirror sites. SO WHO KNOWS.

4/16/11 I have made only miner grammar and spelling changes here. After looking my post over more closely I realized in my rush to put this all out I had made more mistakes than I had thoughtAnd yes the you can make what ever you wish of the timing with the approaching anniversary of Waco. I did not plan this.  

So let me clarify, I moved to Las Vegas, sometime around April 28th1992 when the riots started they spread to Vegas shortly after. I remember my dad telling me in San Antonio that the riots had spread to Las Vegas.  I would have arrived May first, like I said it was labor day weekend and I was there to start working. So IMO shortly after things were declared over.
First thing I saw outside the bus station, was a black man beat a white man for looking at his girl, I was reading my map or it could have been me. lol. All the barricades where still in place. I had six chips from the Frontier casino, which was involved in a major workers strikes. All I knew at the time was I could hit it lucky there, one of the passengers on the bus had given them to me.
I lived in Vegas, till May of 1993. I decided to leave due to an emergency back home. I had just had a fight on the strip and every bicycle cops i.e every "bubble bee", i was told, was asking about me, this info I got from one of the girls who came by that morning. Just before my phone rang.

With Vegas i must tell this story, well call it "The debate", … February 27 1993 one night while standing on the corner of Las Vegas boulevard and Balleys, me and this co-worker are arguing about police swat teams etc. He was saying how bad ass they where and could handle anythings etc. After  I had spewed numerous examples of tactics at him that I knew of and comparing that info with what I saw swat teams doing on the news. I had made the point that I could not agree with him, i.e. things did not add up to his conclusions.
My final statement that night real load and clear, was, “you watch one of these days, some swat team is going to bust in on someone who is really ready i.e. in a Defensive position and that swat team is going to get the sh*t shot out of them.

The next morning February 28th 1993, the raid on mount Carmel happened.

I was living with a man from Lebanon, I told him one night that if I was in Texas, I would sneak into that place and help those people. The next day the news ran a story about three people being caught trying to sneak in.
Then came the day I told everyone gathered in the room, that that place looked like a Calvary Fort, and then I asked if anyone knew how the Indians got the Calvary out of the fort? I then stated "they burned it down".
I was dreaming when my roommate woke me up yelling (my name), look, look, they burned that SOB down. I rose just in time to see the flag come lose, I had been dreaming of seeing the barrel of a tank breaching a wall, I saw a figure that looked like (David) and yelled at it, to get out. Years latter I laughed when I had the  thought, what if I was telling David to get out, of me.
The headaches that day, numbered about nineteen, they would come on and last about 20 minutes then be gone for a while. It’s all on disk, tape or what ever, from all the surveillance sensors.

So U.S. Government or anyone else, just prove me wrong about any of my "delusions of Grandeur" and I’ll shut up. Hell we could do online video cessions with those shrunken ones i.e. the witch doctors. The Corner of Las Vegas Blvd. and Baileys, the day before MT. Carmal was assaulted.
Wait till you read about my trip to Waco…while making my third great escape. It was August 14th 2002, 06;36 hours.
The song on the radio, “the police,” lyrics... “there’s a little black spot on the sun today… my birth mark is a big, old (you might call it little black spot) mole right in the center of my back.

P.S. is it not convenient that my narrator dose not work on my brand new computer and operating system. You see this crazy guy can only read about 70 words a minute if i wont to comprehend. STATs on my blog just quite working the other day too, this just after i had discovered and started monitoring them. Things that make you go Hummmmmm.


Monday, February 18, 2013

The other shoe drops, BOOOoom i.e. pop !


I just had to remind everyone of what I wrote on Strategy page last time, I mean time before last, lol that the North Koreans tested a nuclear device.

While everyone was making fun of the small explosion and suggesting that only the conventional explosives had ignited i.e. that the test had been a failure.

I wrote that this could mean that the North Koreans may have solved the problems involved in developing a small, (SUIT CASE) bomb.

I also suggested that the main problem with negotiations may be that Mr. Ill i.e. North Korea's dear leader may have an agent with a suit case bomb setting in a down town hotel in Soul, South Korea.

I have waited to post this to demonstrate that I was able to control myself in my self promotion. I also would have just referred everyone to my comments on the Strategy page website, except the webmaster of that site deletes comments after a certain time, like a year or so in some cases.

And I would also add that imo the only reason the media is even mentioning this is that the young blood i.e. new leader, Mr. Kim jung Un has suggested this.

Maybe he got the idea from me,

So anyways, me so Phucking crazzzy.



Wednesday, February 13, 2013

y e s t er d a y, all my troubles seemed so far...


Update; 03/18/13 10:16 hours this is a final update to this post. I am just cleaning things up for future patriots. I have not highlighted this most resent editing i.e. changes. I did this so previous highlighted info from the previous updates would remain unchanged. However with this particular update, there is a little additional info that clarifies a few points
And if you are trying to fallow all this crazzy sh*t, the post before this one was titled "Last post, NOT" and two have been added to the label of "All still crazy after all these years" series of post
I have also gone ahead and deleted any text that may or may not have been done by a hacker, example this included dashes and letters that I did not type into my post. I found no such text on this post.

Update; 03/02/13, 19:31 hours, lol I decided to just post this in red. I wanted to add a fact here I fail edto mention that well piss off any doctors monitoring my blog. I did not have my glasses on when I woke up the morning in question. I had also been switching back and forth with my contacts quit a bit during this time too. And usually when I first open my eyes in the morning if I've got my contacts in, "they" lol who, lol are a little foggy. So I did not catch on for that ten or so seconds etc. And I'll get defensive here too and suggest that anyone traveling around as much as I was, sleeping during the day and walking at night may have been confused a bit too, as to where "they" lol were. Fathermore, this morning in question was the first and only time I had gone to sleep at night and woke in the morning, so stuff that. I was close to home and felt safe in Miami beach.

I had a total "red" vision the other morning. I was awoken by roaring and howling voices, I could not understand. I saw tall "angles" with flaming hairdos, standing before me, above a stream of clouds, passing from the left to the right. Driven by a strong wind I could feel on my face.

I first thought I was in my old bed room, where I had lived with the "old world". I called out to him as I knew I was awake.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes trying to focus on this scene before me. It took about ten seconds for me to realizes the "angles" where palm trees and the clouds were vehicles driving by. And the voices turned into engines and rolling tires.

I really questioned my sanity for a minute as I gathered my things up off the concrete and began my walk down the side walk turning left down the alley. Then it hit me. My eyes were completely "blood shot" and my mine full of worry.

I then thought, that back in the old caveman days, when illustrations, writing and reading were new. That people without the knowledge of how the eye works, might have been totally convinced that they had experienced a vision i.e. gotten a message from "IT" or "them", lol.

And with this new technology i.e. drawing writing and reading (notice how the modern man states this i.e. "reading and writing" being the modern phase, backwards imo i.e. first you must write, right. Thus back then with this "new" tech" they could record i.e. show and write down and thus share this message with those around them. I could see how just like people today with videos, people back then, would try to out do each other in producing the most creative and meaningful messages. Imaginations and competition would run wide for the first times.

I figured out, all this and more before I got to the end of the alley. lol

I also saw, "Beyonce" Friday, February 8, 2013, around 16:20 hours, riding in the passenger side of a late model black Mercedes with N.Y. plates i.e. if I am correct about N.Y. plates being gold with black lettering.

They were cruising in the slow lane, heading south on Biscayne around 63 street i.e. 6300 block of Biscayne. She and I made eye contact and she smiled. I believe she did this due to the fact she may have noticed that I had found the perfect spot to ride out the rain storm that was quickly approaching.

Back to the "old world";
The last thing I wish to semi explain, lol is that I am back with the "old world", We are moving out of here, together like we should have done nine years ago.

The reason for my return to the "old world", I well explain in a new post later i.e. once we have finished from here. lol. And you see this is why I was sleeping during the night, I was close to the old residence and felt save etc. and that journey had taken me out of my routine.

The new owner; 

I do wish to thank the new owner for his apparent understanding. He told me something here a while back about me being very intelligent.

I don't know about that, sir. I do Know now, 03/18/13 the new owner has no sympathy or understanding. And I do not thank you for anything, you "dummy".


In light of my return to the "old world" I wish to remind everyone of these words towards the end of my Tri-F.


I wish to make sure no one thinks of me as a terrorist. If anyone, was to line up everyone, who has every known me, and asked them the question-“has (my name) ever talked to you about military matters”? All would laugh and reply all the time! My history is the proof of my stability. I don’t have any comrades, underworld contacts, or dilutions of becoming a rebel with a cause. I absolutely believe that the next civil war, which may have already started. Well be an elite/corporate one. The days of grass roots revolutions are over. The masses are nothing more than fuel now. Kind of like in the movie Matrix, HA!  I now live with a WW two veteran. He is 84 years old. And a wonderful human being. We love and need each other! He is my mission in life. Seeing to it that he lives as long and as best a life as possible, is what I intend to accomplish. He saved me from a life on the streets.  I invite anyone who wishes to know more, to ask me. What fallows is a poem that can also serve as an insight to my mind set. People are entitled to their opinions. But I have yet to meet anyone with facts to prove me wrong about anything much at all.

So I reiterate, its all about the "Old World". However I did get in a nice little recon and saw clear as day what I believe was a sign. On my return to Miami beach, as I reached the highest point of the fifth street bridge and turned around to look back over the city. Right over the area I had come from, the blimp was sailing above and on its billboard sign or what ever you wish to call it. It was showing the U.S. colors waving. I said out loud, "I shall return".



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Covered with MUDs


Update; 09:37 02/08/13 

So why have I not heeded the old phase, "he who reveals his intentions can never accomplish his goals" ?

The answer is simple, "like I say" lol, u.s. knows all about me and what I'm about. "they" lol have set back and enjoyed the show for near 30 years. So I have told everyone in the last few days. I don't want to know any one's name who is a leader. Consider everything we say to be recorded i.e. I have a phone in my pocket, and a pencil, lol. 

And one of the last things that the government wants is my Tri-F to be read in court and compared to the B.S. training the service men and women are getting now. "they" lol know it would prove me correct, i.e. the USMC is ( unsat )not combat ready. Much less the Army. Or specially equipped and support so called special forces.

Dose anyone think for a minute that gangs all over this nation have not infiltrated the various police departments i.e. have members serving in all kinds of law enforcement positions as well as the military? 

The first order of the day! I of course meant this as a suggestion.

Stop fighting each other!

Most of us are not in conventional prisons i.e. "in the belly of the beast", I hope we can achieve a 90% drop in crime.

This well be the comb before the storm i.e. change, it well show an alliance that horrifies those running the circus now.

I do not believe I well last long, (once things start to take hold) however the organization of the foundation is underway, to bring the U.S.A. back to its roots (in this so called "black history mouth".



Monday, February 4, 2013

Last post? NOT


Update; 03/18/13 10:56 hours this is a final update to this post. I am just cleaning things up for future patriots. I have not highlighted this most resent editing i.e. changes. I did this so previous highlighted info from the previous updates would remain unchanged. 
And if you are trying to fallow all this crazzy sh*t, the post that fallows this one is titled "yesterday all my troubles seemed so far" and these post have been added to the label of "All still crazy after all these years" series of post
I have also gone ahead and deleted any text that may or may not have been done by a hacker, example this included dashes and letters that I did not type into my post. I found no such text on this post.

Update; 17:11 02/04/13 Okay, I can do this, I'm at the library. bring it on!

This may be my last post on this blog due to the fact I may not be able to access it from another computer.

The "old world" has ask me to leave, due to me standing up to the new owner.

Did be-on-say have any proformance inhancing drugs in her system last night at the superbowl? lol


Sunday, February 3, 2013

We can save Mr. Dikes and the kid in the hole



IMO if we as a nation came together in this "information age" and "Promised" i.e. gave Mr. Dikes our word/words plural, that we all well see to it, that you sir get a "just" i.e. fair deal.

I mean imo this Vietnam vet, well have a case, and the sixth and seventh sense to understand the logic of this offer. We all are going to get involved and make sure the "system" works.

I mean how many psychos have gotten away with "murder" in this nation? Let go for technicalities.

So its up to everyone to go "viral" with this offer. My internet abilities are very limited.

And Mr. Dikes, sir, imo you should not put your ear up to that pile to lesson to anything, "they" lol could put another hole in your head. LOL you now besides your eye nose and ear holes.

Thank you Mr. Dikes, i have a good feeling about this. And take care of the kid i.e. "that one child" as Mr. o said. And in the end you may save us all.

"wHEN IT COMEs to persecution and suffering that fairy tail about christ dose not have )S) anything on me.

"or alot of other people for that matter".


Saturday, February 2, 2013

The labels are the problem, LGBT-Q...


Today while watching CNN I seen the segment on Johnathan Rudolph, the young man who came out at school in Texas, I believe, LOL. This young man basically repeated my statement of years ago i.e. (paraphrasing) "using labels to refer to people is antiquated" he said.

I said "the labels are the problem i.e. its caveman"

Mr. Rudolph said that the LGBT acronym now included the letter (Q) for people "questioning' there sexual preference.

Now the other day on CNNs, Arron Barnett, was previewing super blow commercials. She said "here is something for the ladies". And then showed fine physically fit male swim suit model all stretched out etc. in his speed-Os.

I told the "old world" you see why could she not say here is something for the ladies and gays etc. or better yet "HERE IS SOMETHING YOU MIGHT LIKE" and just leave it up to you to decide.

IMo this shows just how far the "sheephood" is from BEING RIGHT WITH THE WORLD. And our selves.


Must C, Democracy now show...


iTS, the showcasing of the film, "the gatekeepers"

"wHEN it comes to persecution and suffering that fairly tale about christ has not got shit on me".

Or a lot of other people for that matter.

And I found out this morning its "black history" mouth. LOL




Flash Report posting


Update: 21:35 hours, 02/02/13 One more time with an update on this post, see dark green highlight.

bE SURE and read my updates to my post "mE so phuCKing CRAzzy lOL"


Friday, February 1, 2013

Google due the right thing


Okay, when ever I figure out an error in my figuring, LOL i.e. "brain storming" I well correct it. IMO the reason for the few, again, LOL I used the word (three) views on recent post is that they were chosen from someone's search results list, thus imo most likely a new patriot. See chart below. I removed the "don't track your own views text below chart due to the fact I did not want to transfer that link to this post.

Pageviews today
Pageviews yesterday
Pageviews last month
Pageviews all time history

end of update. 

You know I've been noticing something (LOL, else,  i.e. additional) kind of funny to me about my blog.

Like yesterday, I had like 30 views on my blog. Now my "post page" stats showed three views for one of my latest post.

Here is my point! If a patriot can view and read a post right from the front page as they scroll down etc.

Why would they have to click on it?

IMO those three were trying to leave a reply. And were blocked from doing so.


It's on video


Update; 04/22/13 10:29 hours this is a final update to this post. I am just cleaning things up for future patriots. I have not highlighted these update changes. Thus previous highlighted info from the previous updates would be less confusing if possible. I have also gone ahead and deleted any text that may or may not have been done by a hacker, example: this included a group of dashes and letters that I did not type into my posts. Shortly after starting to delete this possible hacker text from the post i have look over, the text in question  did appear in one of my page titles. I deleted and replaced that page.

Update; 10:12 hours, 02/02/2013 yep, the fourth bag is gone too. 

Well it looks like someone local is monitoring my blog. Someone took the three trash bags out of the dumpster that contained my broken up kits.

LOL, I did not see them, however there are cameras covering that area now. And I don't see some bum deciding to carry three full bags of trash and broken plastic kits down the street just to sort through it all on the beach.

Now here is the kicker, just by chance I had randomly chosen to reopen one of the bags in the kitchen (we well call it the fourth one) and was using it for final clean up. It set in the kitchen for a few days more than the others. LOL, get it, a few. Anywho, it happen to contain all my Marine Corp models i.e. armor and LCAC etc.

If you harry local monitors you may beat the bum to it. And take good care of the ADM-20 (quail), its special. Not to mention LOL the Sabre's, trumpets and Crusader. And the "hell cat" you stole off the side walk.
